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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Release the Kraken! (aka valor farming is perfectly legit)


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Yeah the Devs sat around and said for pvp we want one side to just stand there and get owned, respawn and then they can do it to the other side.


Apparently this is ok because we live in a world where everyone wins, nobody loses and everything will be provided for you. No worries mates.


We can't have lousy buttom mashers not getting their gear because the stink can we?

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First off what are they supposed to do? You are asking the company to moderate morality, which is rediculous. All they can do is present you with the mechanics, there is a limit to what can be controlled.


They have a TOS you signed that allows them to basically do whatever they want. Yes, they can moderate morality. They can ban all these people then make a post on their forums that says they did it and why, and warn others that the same thing will happen to them if they try it. Blizzard did this to people exploiting raid bosses ALL THE TIME.


Or they could do absolutely nothing. Bioware seems to be good at that.

Edited by EternalFinality
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It would make sense from a RP perspective (not an RPer) that if members of the Empire and Republic wanted to work together for mutual benefit that they would be able to do so.


I can say firsthand that this valor farming is a delicate operation, it doesnt take much to turn organized farming into real all out pvp.

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Jason (AKA Protocol Droid E8-K8)...I hope you enjoyed (past tense) your job at Bioware. I can guarantee you that an in-game "protocol droid" does not have any real authority to denote what is or is not an in-game exploitation of a core game mechanic.


That in-game protocol droid is some guy locked in a cubicle forced to answer tickets for 8 hours a day. He is given guidelines and he is paid to provide answers to those in a timely fashion. He is nothing more then that guy at Dell who you call for tech support, for lack of a better analogy.


"Jason" did not create the ToS/EULA. He does not have a clear understanding of the situation, he merely is responding to someone's description of what is going on. "Jason" does not have access to in-game metrics like the developers do. He cannot see that this is going on in multiple servers, nor can he determine just how "bad" these gains are. "Jason" cannot see that the diminishing returns for kills aren't working as intended.


All "Jason" can do is give canned stupid responses that emulate a Protocol Droid (Of all the things to use...why would BioWare use the one thing that most people hate? C3PO has to be the LEAST likeable out of all the characters in the SW Universe. The only thing worse then C3PO is Jar Jar Binks. And I think if I ever got an in-game email/ticket starting out with "Meesa called Jason Binks, Meesa your humble servant!" I would probably unsub on the spot.)


I will not participate in this kill trading, and while it would be nice if they rolled back the exploiters valor, I really don't care if they don't. As someone else said, a bad carebear player with BM gear is still a bad player. You won't make a name for yourself kill trading, and people will know something's odd when that Battlemaster can't kill anyone, isn't on the top of the charts with medals/objectives, and/or they've never seen that person in Warzones before that date.

Edited by Sykomyke
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Jason (AKA Protocol Droid E8-K8)...I hope you enjoyed (past tense) your job at Bioware. I can guarantee you that an in-game "protocol droid" does not have any real authority to denote what is or is not an in-game exploitation of a core game mechanic.


That in-game protocol droid is some guy locked in a cubicle forced to answer tickets for 8 hours a day. He is given guidelines and he is paid to provide answers to those in a timely fashion. He is nothing more then that guy at Dell who you call for tech support, for lack of a better analogy.


"Jason" did not create the ToS/EULA. He does not have a clear understanding of the situation, he merely is responding to someone's description of what is going on. "Jason" does not have access to in-game metrics like the developers do. He cannot see that this is going on in multiple servers, nor can he determine just how "bad" these gains are. "Jason" cannot see that the diminishing returns for kills aren't working as intended.


All "Jason" can do is give canned stupid responses that emulate a Protocol Droid (Of all the things to use...why would BioWare use the one thing that most people hate? C3PO has to be the LEAST likeable out of all the characters in the SW Universe. The only thing worse then C3PO is Jar Jar Binks. And I think if I ever got an in-game email/ticket starting out with "Meesa called Jason Binks, Meesa your humble servant!" I would probably unsub on the spoint.)


I will not participate in this kill trading, and while it would be nice if they rolled back the exploiters valor, I really don't care if they don't. As someone else said, a bad carebear player with BM gear is still a bad player. You won't make a name for yourself kill trading, and people will know something's odd when that Battlemaster can't kill anyone, isn't on the top of the charts with medals/objectives, and/or they've never seen that person in Warzones before that date.


at this point everything I earn pvpwise can be earned by a bot. Win trading makes no ultimate difference either way, it just gives pubs a better chance to gear up.

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in my opinion, the problem with open world pvp in this game is the reward tied to it; any open world pvp system with a reward is bound to be exploited somehow; why? because it's open world, and open world is a tautology for "exploitable" when talking of MMO's.


the real fix is to limit the reward from open world pvp to pure enjoyment. no gear, no fancy ranks, maybe a title or two, but that's it. Now how would this draw players to participate you say? well, to even ask this question is to think of open world pvp wrongly; why? because open world pvp is CONTROLLED BY THE PLAYER. the devs don't need to give us incentives for it, they merely need to allow for the possibility.


So in hindsight, keep valor rewards tied to warzones. plain and simple. it might not please everybody, but it will fix open world pvp. it would be a shame to let such a neat zone go to waste simply because the rewards tied to the activity of being there are completely ****ed up, and not the mechanics of the zone itself.

Edited by theforceiswithu
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In my Opinion this is a self made Problem.

Farming Valor for what?

Look how great i am, i was sitting 100 hours on my PC to get that shiny Lightsaber and i am now the 46783 Guy, who get this, because everyone is doing it that way.....


Many People forget what playing MMOs is about. Its to have fun, enjoy the way and the playtime, not the reward of an item taht everyone will get if he wants to. There is an easy way to stop that farming. Implement EXP loss for Dying and full loss of all items the loser wears. Than also PvP become more interesting than now. And also the Dead in PvE Content should be more painfull.

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Juggernauts should love huttball with their three leaps. That map is pretty much made for their class since all they have to do is chain leap frog for a win, and if they can't do it they might as well reroll.


I didn't know Juggs had 3 leaps. Thought we had 2.


What's the name of this third leap?

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There actually was a "request" from a player on our server forums (The Fatman) ASKING players to trade kills with one another. I've come to the conclusion that many who rolled onto PvP servers are more RP-PvP types, rather than actually PvP oriented. It happens, and not much can be done about it. It's the same types of peeps who AFK in WZ's.


The RP-PvP guys are more concerned with killing their enemies than shiny loot.


I'm on an RP server and people doing this have been kicked from some guilds and blacklisted.


You're right about it being the same type of person that AFK's in a Warzone.


This is how expertise improves PvP, I've yet to see a game introduce PvP grind gear without people imetiately exploiting to get it.

Edited by Gwal
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I'm simply astonished you got CS to respond to a trouble ticket. I have 15 that are still open with no reply at all, many have been there for weeks. Some of the stuff has been fixed, like the bugged out chests in EV, but they could have at least replied to my tickets and said "the issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch." The fact that they responded to your issue at all is so bizarre. lol


Anyway...BW sanctioned fight-clubbing in Ilum. I will not be participating. Shame on those that do, but oh well. This is what happens when you let carebears into a PvP zone. You can't fix stupid.

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