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Huttball doesnt suck IF YOU PASS THE BALL


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Huttball rule 1# Pass the ball


Huttball rule 2# Give you team-mates someone to pass too



Advanced - have a stealthy player sit on the enemy line to pass it to.



Its not hard, but its annoying seeing people totally miss the premise of huttball. If Bioware could do 1 thing to make the game better it would be that you can ONLY attack the ball carrier.

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Huttball rule 1# Pass the ball


Huttball rule 2# Give you team-mates someone to pass too



Advanced - have a stealthy player sit on the enemy line to pass it to.



Its not hard, but its annoying seeing people totally miss the premise of huttball. If Bioware could do 1 thing to make the game better it would be that you can ONLY attack the ball carrier.


.. I thought I was supposed to kick the ball.

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Huttball rule 1# Pass the ball

If Bioware could do 1 thing to make the game better it would be that you can ONLY attack the ball carrier.


And that would be terribly terribly wrong!


Not all the time you have to attack ball carrier, often enough it would be players who want to CC you carrier, cc them first! Or kill the players who are way inside your zone waiting for the pass.

Edited by ilhias
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Huttball rule 1# Pass the ball


Huttball rule 2# Give you team-mates someone to pass too



Advanced - have a stealthy player sit on the enemy line to pass it to.



Its not hard, but its annoying seeing people totally miss the premise of huttball. If Bioware could do 1 thing to make the game better it would be that you can ONLY attack the ball carrier.


I hate to say it, but a majority of players can't even pass buckets of water to each other --while standing still-- during WoW's Halloween event. It's usually why 2 or 3 players carry the game unless it's a premade. I try to be one of the 2 or 3, but sometimes I'm stuck being the only one and it's a losing scenario.

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I love it when some random curses me out for not passing the ball, even though he was behind me. "Yeah newb, I'm going to pass the ball towards our own team's goal so the enemy is that much closer to it when they crush you and take it from you." /facepalm




The title of this thread should be "huttball doesn't suck if you pass the ball forward". Position yourself ahead of the ball carrier for a pass. jeezelouise

Edited by MorgonKara
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I don't know how many times I have got pushed off the catwalk and started to look for someone still on the catwalk or close to the goal to pass the ball to only to find myself alone or my teammates jumping off the catwalk to come hangout with me.



However there was this one time this teammate had the ball and I was running ahead of him but we could tell he was not going to make it over the fire-vent and he passed the ball to me standing on the other side of the vent....I was then CCed and killed (pushed back into the fire I think) but the point is, I suspect there might be more to this huttball then just team deathmatch.

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Huttball still sucks if you play at a competitive level. It basically devolves into which side has the most Inquisitors, and can Force Speed through the fire at full speed while taking no damage and knocking off anyone who tries to stop them.


No passing required, really.

Edited by raelimar
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I don't know how many times I have got pushed off the catwalk and started to look for someone still on the catwalk or close to the goal to pass the ball to only to find myself alone or my teammates jumping off the catwalk to come hangout with me.



However there was this one time this teammate had the ball and I was running ahead of him but we could tell he was not going to make it over the fire-vent and he passed the ball to me standing on the other side of the vent....I was then CCed and killed (pushed back into the fire I think) but the point is, I suspect there might be more to this huttball then just team deathmatch.


Pretty sure if you keep throwing out this bizarre information people's heads will start to explode.

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Huttball still sucks if you play at a competitive level. It basically devolves into which side has the most Inquisitors, and can Force Speed through the fire at full speed while taking no damage and knocking off anyone who tries to stop them.


No passing required, really.


Yeah, seen this happen too many times. Though as a Republic player with not enough Sages.

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Huttball still sucks because it's more about how many sorcs and how little melee you have on your team than anything. Not to mention that half your team at best is still completely up to chance. Z-axis maps will never be good for pvp. I thought people would have learned this from the Blade's Edge and Sewers arenas.
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Yeah, seen this happen too many times. Though as a Republic player with not enough Sages.


Doesn't happen if anyone knows to play defense.


So, basically, Huttball doesn't suck if you play Huttball instead of team deathmatch.

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What's it matter, there's no incentive to win once you've finished your daily. If you're after valor, farm medals. The objective is moot.


And that is why objectives need to reward the people involved properly.


For example, if you're part of a pass chain that's successful in creating a goal, you should be rewarded a bit above a medal. The fact that excessive passing for no tactical purpose will get the ball stolen or lost, overfarming shouldn't be an issue.


Also, it's not quite true that there's no point - rewards for winning are better, and if you play properly it's liable to encourage others to do so. You may not think so, but it's an absolutely proven effect.

Edited by Inarai
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Doesn't happen if anyone knows to play defense.


So, basically, Huttball doesn't suck if you play Huttball instead of team deathmatch.


I'd be interested in how you stop any 1 of 4-6 sorcs from getting to the end zone. God help you if they have a Jugg carrier cause then you need to keep 15 seperate people out of the end zone.

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Also, it's not quite true that there's no point - rewards for winning are better, and if you play properly it's liable to encourage others to do so. You may not think so, but it's an absolutely proven effect.
I seems to always get about the same amount of valor/commendations regardless if I win or lose. If winning does actually give you a bonus, it's too small for me to care.
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