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[POLL] Damage Meters


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It's not about being kicked, it's about people showing off with their dps stats. A dps tool can be a nice thing, but you're letting something loose in the community, that will have a big impact on how people experience dungeons.



But if the argument is "I can't see my own dps, so I don't know if my rotation is right.", then people should be given the chance to monitor their own stats. There is no need for them to see the dps of the other group members, if all they want do to is see if they're doing everything right.


If you can't stand somebody bragging about their high dps, /ignore them. It's like your neighbor bragging about his $200k car, if you can't stand it, don't talk to him, simple.

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Rotations are great but i have seen in many raids people who can pull of there rotation perfectly well but go splat due to situational awareness different situations should require you to use different abilities not just sit and spam the same crap add inifinitum else it becomes another wow cookie cutter.


Its about team work and getting the job done not who wants to toot there trumpet the loudest i agree with personal damage meters that way individuals can check there gear and output and have the integrity to not be carried baddies will eventually be found out.

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I don't want to see the same repeat with ToR as what happened with WoW.


They have said they were looking into getting a personal combat log available to players, which is fine with me. As long as they keep add-ons out and disallow people to make a "damage meter" add-on type of program, I'll be happy.


I'm very happy with the game as it is. I played WoW in a hardcore fashion, and I saw what simple things like Gearscore and Recount did to WoW. I saw what the introduction of the achievement system did as well. Making it as hard as possible for people to roam around pretending they're "elite" is the best thing to do.

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If you can't stand somebody bragging about their high dps, /ignore them. It's like your neighbor bragging about his $200k car, if you can't stand it, don't talk to him, simple.


It's really not a good idea to /ignore someone you are in a group with.

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In ops, you really don't think one person with let's say, 20% less dps than what others are pulling won't make a difference?


No, someone doing 20% less damage than "average" will never cause a wipe in Operations. Remember, your original statement was 1 person causing a group to wipe for 2 hours. I am merely saying that that is never the case in Operations, and not the case for DPS in Flashpoints (unless they're AFK, in which case you don't need a meter to tell you that).



Keep in mind, in case you've missed it, I have no problem with Parsers. They provide all the information you need. I am specifically against in-game "whack o' mole" real-time meters and anything that trivializes game content.

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What I meant was, you seemed to be really aggressive to the people who voiced their opinion in NOT wishing to see DM's in the game. Your post read like an attack, assuming all people who DON'T want DM's are casual 'bads'.


I will READILY give you the benefit of the doubt based on your above reply to me, you seem really passionate about playing a good game and there is certainly NOTHING wrong with that. I have run across tons of nice folks who are hardcore raiders and competitive to the max who STILL want to help new players or those who are struggling.


I did not mean to come off as cynical, I just really have been jaded by the community lately xD


I understand your frustration to the max. I'm just frustrated by people saying "don't turn this into WoW" comments. You can say whatever you want, a big part of WoW was/is good, and they need to be brought into this game. For example, I can't believe people would say "adapt or QQ quit, this isn't WoW" about ability delay. It is obviously a design flaw/bug, and it needed to be fixed. XD

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I want to know if am doing the right rotation or using the wrong skills !!


How the hell I know if i don’t know how much the total damage I do per encounter :S !


Only slackers and sucks will say we don’t need it, since the damage meter the only way to show how suck they are


SWTOR is a great game so give us the freedom to enjoy it more.


Team who spent 500 M to create this game don’t need all thios time to implement some UI customize and Add-ons, show us some reaction to make all haters and wow kids to shut up forever.


Like it´s so hard to figure out a rotation that kills 30k elite fastest and using that to kill bosses... you want training wheels too ?

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Community > Elitists


That's my short answer on the usual result of tools like damage meters and how it effects the community.


For an individual damage meter I'd say 5 stars so that you can monitor your specific damage and use it as a tool for tweaking if so desired. As far as monitoring other players' dps.... No.

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It's really not a good idea to /ignore someone you are in a group with.


Then don't group with them. It's like if your significant other continuously physically beat you over trivial stuff like leaving change in your pants, you still stay with them.

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Easiest way to Rate, Select " Post Reply "

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Pick 5 Stars if you WOULD like to see Damage Meters

Pick 1 Star if you WOULDN'T like to see damage meters


Also add your opinion on why a Damage Meter would be good or bad.


Haven't needed them in any game, experienced all content from every game played- Do I need them? Not at all. Do others? Probably.


Do I see negative behavior towards players when they are used? Yep. Do I see positive behavior? Sometimes but it's been quite rare. I'm a community player, and vet of 4,8,10,40,100,200+ player raids throughout a long list of games, without the use of DM's- everyone had fun.


1 star, 1/2 or negative if it were possible.

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Then don't group with them. It's like if your significant other continuously physically beat you over trivial stuff like leaving change in your pants, you still stay with them.


That's an even better idea. Leaving everytime the instant someone mentions their dps.

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Community > Elitists


That's my short answer on the usual result of tools like damage meters and how it effects the community.


For an individual damage meter I'd say 5 stars so that you can monitor your specific damage and use it as a tool for tweaking if so desired. As far as monitoring other players' dps.... No.


I'm not an elitist. I don't raid. I don't particularly care about hitting max level any time soon.


I support damage meters.


I'm not certain what you are getting at by your post.

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I don't see a poll so, I'll just share the opinion.


I never had a problem with damage meters, when I used to play those other games. I do believe in maximizing potential, on a rotation, or a priority system if that's what a class has. I do believe in making the most of a skill tree. I do believe it should be used to put classes on par with each other in terms of damage output. Because if one class is under performing through no fault of the user, than that class needs to be buffed. On the other hand, if a tanking class let's say, is putting out dps almost on par with the dps class, than the tank damage should be nerfed, or it becomes to powerful of a class. (Yes I play a tank, and I've played them for over 8 years through out various mmos)


Having said all of that, while I love my dps meters, A-holes make a lot of people hate them. I completely understand their argument as well. Just because class A might put out slightly more damage than class B, a mini maxing guild may take class A instead just for that matter alone. Or if a guild was just trying to recruit one dps class, because their short on people that day, the person playing class B, who might be a better player will get passed up simply on because of the class he plays instead of player A, who may have little to no raid experience, even though their both dps classes. (Seen it happen before, not often but it has) All of a sudden a player gets shafted for having picked a class they enjoy playing. Or in a different scenario the person playing class B is told to respec to tank or heal, because their class isn't the dps monster that class A is.


Over all damage meters are a really nice thing to have. It's the community (well some in it) who make them suck, and have people dreading a repeat of WoW.

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I don't see a poll so, I'll just share the opinion.


I never had a problem with damage meters, when I used to play those other games. I do believe in maximizing potential, on a rotation, or a priority system if that's what a class has. I do believe in making the most of a skill tree. I do believe it should be used to put classes on par with each other in terms of damage output. Because if one class is under performing through no fault of the user, than that class needs to be buffed. On the other hand, if a tanking class let's say, is putting out dps almost on par with the dps class, than the tank damage should be nerfed, or it becomes to powerful of a class. (Yes I play a tank, and I've played them for over 8 years through out various mmos)


Having said all of that, while I love my dps meters, A-holes make a lot of people hate them. I completely understand their argument as well. Just because class A might put out slightly more damage than class B, a mini maxing guild may take class A instead just for that matter alone. Or if a guild was just trying to recruit one dps class, because their short on people that day, the person playing class B, who might be a better player will get passed up simply on because of the class he plays instead of player A, who may have little to no raid experience, even though their both dps classes. (Seen it happen before, not often but it has) All of a sudden a player gets shafted for having picked a class they enjoy playing. Or in a different scenario the person playing class B is told to respec to tank or heal, because their class isn't the dps monster that class A is.


Over all damage meters are a really nice thing to have. It's the community (well some in it) who make them suck, and have people dreading a repeat of WoW.


They aren't gonna bring 6 ppl of the same class, players don't want to roll against 5 other people. And some specs just aren't designed to do ops with, end of story. I'll be you that you don't see too many dps operatives/scoundrel in ops, because while they are insanely great in pvp, aren't so good in pve.

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