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Everything posted by Baastila

  1. I'll ditto that, I don't even know where you came from. Guess you just commented on a post I replied to some other person?
  2. Name a single raid you've done that requires 200+ people where dps matters. 200+ people world pvp doesn't need high dps, in fact, dps in pvp can't be measured by a damage meter.
  3. They aren't gonna bring 6 ppl of the same class, players don't want to roll against 5 other people. And some specs just aren't designed to do ops with, end of story. I'll be you that you don't see too many dps operatives/scoundrel in ops, because while they are insanely great in pvp, aren't so good in pve.
  4. If you are getting kicked left and right, then you aren't just pulling "insignificantly less dps"
  5. No, I'm saying that people are getting ridiculous about the reply "this isn't WoW".
  6. Then don't group with them. It's like if your significant other continuously physically beat you over trivial stuff like leaving change in your pants, you still stay with them.
  7. I understand your frustration to the max. I'm just frustrated by people saying "don't turn this into WoW" comments. You can say whatever you want, a big part of WoW was/is good, and they need to be brought into this game. For example, I can't believe people would say "adapt or QQ quit, this isn't WoW" about ability delay. It is obviously a design flaw/bug, and it needed to be fixed. XD
  8. If you can't stand somebody bragging about their high dps, /ignore them. It's like your neighbor bragging about his $200k car, if you can't stand it, don't talk to him, simple.
  9. Actually, yeah there's a lot of enrage timers in HM FL. For example, last boss in BT has a 2 min enrage timer (bad example, I guess, since it's a really easy boss to start with, but still). In ops, you really don't think one person with let's say, 20% less dps than what others are pulling won't make a difference? As to your 3rd point, I may have replied to somebody else, but I said, if somebody kicked you for an insignificant less amt of dps done, you probably don't want to play with them anyway in the long run. Also, maybe the total dps is just border line to what it takes to make the enrage timer, and with that 5% less dps, it just won't make it, so they replace you with somebody who does 10% more dps than you to down a boss, would you have a problem with that?
  10. I still don't see your point. How is it "making assumptions about them" if they consistently pulling low dps (assuming they have decent gear)? Do they lag really hard? Are they distracted while playing? If it's one of the above, then they shouldn't be playing and wasting others' time. If they are just new and don't know a good rotation, I will gladly help them out. I constantly help newer played in WoW with their rotations and gearing to improve them. But, like I said, without a DM, you can't even identify those in need of help, because nobody knows if they are doing anything wrong.
  11. If you get kicked for doing a significantly small amount of damage, you probably don't want to play with those people anyway. Nobody is going to kick you for doing "100 less dps" (speaking from amt of dps in cataclysm)
  12. So you are saying people who are more dedicated to raiding should carry less skilled players through contents since "leet" players shouldn't exist?
  13. So you are saying who cares how much dps a person does, right? Since dps really isn't a concern.
  14. There is something called enrage timer. Tanks and healers don't cause that. You can't tell a tank or a healer "do more damage".
  15. You do more dmg/healing under 2 conditions: 1)More skill 2)More gear You can be as skill as you want to be, but you ain't gonna beat somebody in Rakata gear with 50's leveling gear. That being said, if 2 players with same gears, the one doing more damage obviously is more skilled (under MOST conditions). I'm not saying people who don't want a DM are all bad at the game, what I'm saying is that they shouldn't be afraid to have a DM. Without a DM, nobody knows if they are doing good damage or bad. It is also used to evaluate which spec works better. No matter how much they balance the game, a specific spec is going to be better than another one, it is as simple as that.
  16. Can you be more selfish? So what you are saying is that you are fine with your group wiping for 2 hours on a boss because you can't pull your own weight? Way to waste other people's time.
  17. I don't get how people think damage meter is a bad thing. For those of you think "this isn't WoW, damage meter is retarded", please understand that w/out a damage meter, we don't know which rotation works out the best for us. It will also tell us who isn't pulling the weight in HM FL and ops. Since normal groups are in 4's, not 5's, it is imperative for every member to pull their own weight, even if a single dps doesn't pull his own weight, it will be almost impossible to do a HM FL. I understand that most "casual" players don't want a damage meter just simply because they will be more likely the ones pulling lower dps, and will likely be kicked from a group, that is not a reason why you should torment other group members for hours with wipes. If you are casual, and can't pull your own weight in a more "pro" group, just simply leave the group and find like-minded people and wipe for 5 hours, I promise you nobody will then b*t#h at you.
  18. dont forget that there's less people as the date goes on
  19. dont forget that there's less people as the date goes on
  20. At this rate, they should be able to get sept/half october done in wave 3, then october/november/early dec in wave 4? ADD A BONUS WAVE PLEASE
  21. SWTOR's lack of addon and macro support has me question its end game contents, hoping to have a good launch to sustain the sub.
  22. Good one, WoW was what, 8 years ago? Hoping gaming industry had made improvements on servers in 8 years.
  23. I'm not worried about the queue here, having played for 2 years on Illidan, queue time isn't a concern. Lack of communication still is
  24. If they can't handle the 1 million players now, they can't handle the other half that's coming on the 20th. P.S. - I'm doing this out of my love for BW (not EA, sry) and the TOR+KOTOR franchise, I'm not angry because i'm not playing right now, I'm worried about TOR's future.
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