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KOTOR 1&2 Replay


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Just curious if anyone has replayed these games. I've been playing a little bit of KOTOR 1 on the side. I've played both probably more then 2 times each but with SWTOR , i feel like going back sometimes. It's been a while since I've seriously played these games probably since like middle school in 2003/2004. Anyone else playing these and feeling a bit nostalgic?
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I didn't feel REALLY nostalgic until I hit Taris. When that slow, sad background track started playing, I couldn't help but look up what had happened to everyone I knew as Revan.


And then I found the Endar Spire. And I had rakghouls explained to me again, which prompted me to paraphrase a line from The Fellowship of the Ring...


"I was there, Elara. I was there 300 years ago..."


Even the Outcasts get a mention: look it up on Wookiepedia.

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Swtor has had the effect on me of making me want to play KOTOR again. So on Friday I sat for 5 hours trying to get KOTOR to work on Windows 7. Ive manager to get past the splash screens and have started playing. I had lots of crashes on the Endar Spire and a few in the Taris Sewers. Im hoping its not gonna wreck my playthough and keep crashing.


I really love these games. Think ive played through KOTOR 1 and 2 about 10 times each and never get bored.

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Im going to buy KOTOR 1 again off of steam its on there for about £6 or £7, played both KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2 back in the day and loved them for many reasons including the cutscenes, ebon hawk, characters, music, it was all amazing and i will definately revist both of them maybe once i hit 50 in SWTOR. I understand if people have not played these games before they may not enjoy them as much because obviosuly the graphics have aged a little bit but they still look more real than SWTOR's cartoony graphics, but they are probably my favourite ever star wars games apart from shadows of the empire on N64.
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Actually yeah, im not a big fan of MMOs so ive been playing them mostly going, man i want to play KOTOR1/2 again


I don't like the SWTOR MMO very much, and I'm just not a MMO kind of person. All it made me want to do was play KOTOR 1/2, and I am starting with the 2nd one. I've just turned Atton into a Jedi and I'm enjoying a LAG free world of fluid movements and no glitching, with better graphics too...when was this game made again? 2004?


The replay value of KOTOR games is really high. I've beaten them like 10 times haha

Edited by Gantoris_Aym
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Played them about 5 times each at least, the first time fast, but after that I started playing slower and slower.


I really miss that in here, there was such a replay value in KOTOR, you could always find new things. I enjoyed the hours of conversations you can have on the Ebon Hawk, with your companions. Getting to know their past and how they feel about things. You really felt the characters were alive, you had a bond with them. If all felt so real!


Now I play as a Jedi Knight, and I love this game, but my conversations with Kira are SOOOOOO boring. It takes you also like 2 flirts and then you get the option to kiss here... Remember Bastila? It took you really long before she give in to her feelings, and was way more funnier than now.


I like the conversations with T7 much more, he is funny and he reminds me of T3.

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Played them about 5 times each at least, the first time fast, but after that I started playing slower and slower.


I really miss that in here, there was such a replay value in KOTOR, you could always find new things. I enjoyed the hours of conversations you can have on the Ebon Hawk, with your companions. Getting to know their past and how they feel about things. You really felt the characters were alive, you had a bond with them. If all felt so real!


Now I play as a Jedi Knight, and I love this game, but my conversations with Kira are SOOOOOO boring. It takes you also like 2 flirts and then you get the option to kiss here... Remember Bastila? It took you really long before she give in to her feelings, and was way more funnier than now.


I like the conversations with T7 much more, he is funny and he reminds me of T3.


I have to agree. I would much rather of had Kotor 3. Having said that, I still think TOR can be a great game given some time.

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Just by gameplay, TOR feels a lot like the KOTOR-games to me. I would just like to have a little less grinding in the single player parts. Was very surprised and rushed when one Tython there was actually a riddle (!) woven in a quest. It was the only time so far... Edited by Intarabus
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Isnt that what they are calling this game??? :eek: Even though its not! Id really love a KOTOR 3. This game is really fun the only down fall is that same problem with all MMORPG's they will sooner or later shut it down because of lack of subscribers or being outdated Because of lack of content updates the nice thing about KOTOR games is that YOU CAN STILL PLAY THEM!

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