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Let's compare early WoW with early TOR


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Some more comparisons.


According to http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/recount

Recount was released Created 17 Aug 2007

998 days Or 2 years, 8 months, 26 days after WoW release


Threat meter Omen was Created 9 Sep 2007

It is 1021 days Or 2 years, 9 months, 18 days after WoW release


Deadly Boss Mods was Created 29 Apr 2008

It is 1254 days Or 3 years, 5 months, 7 days after WoW release


I count 39 patches of Vanilla

Starting from 7 November 2004 to 13 October 2006

a span of 690 days Or 1 year, 10 months, 21 days


I count 25 patches of Burning Crusade released 5 December 2006 to 15 July 2008

(Note: I started playing some time in January 2007)

a span of It is 589 days Or 1 year, 7 months, 11 days


I count 21 patches of Wrath of the Lich King from October 14, 2008 to 29 June 2010

A span of 624 days Or 1 year, 8 months, 16 days


I count 13 patches so far of Cataclysm from 12 October 2010 to today

A span of 468 days Or 1 year, 3 months, 11 days


Its like you didn't even read the thread.

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Some more comparisons.


According to http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/recount

Recount was released Created 17 Aug 2007

998 days Or 2 years, 8 months, 26 days after WoW release


Threat meter Omen was Created 9 Sep 2007

It is 1021 days Or 2 years, 9 months, 18 days after WoW release


Deadly Boss Mods was Created 29 Apr 2008

It is 1254 days Or 3 years, 5 months, 7 days after WoW release


I count 39 patches of Vanilla

Starting from 7 November 2004 to 13 October 2006

a span of 690 days Or 1 year, 10 months, 21 days


I count 25 patches of Burning Crusade released 5 December 2006 to 15 July 2008

(Note: I started playing some time in January 2007)

a span of It is 589 days Or 1 year, 7 months, 11 days


I count 21 patches of Wrath of the Lich King from October 14, 2008 to 29 June 2010

A span of 624 days Or 1 year, 8 months, 16 days


I count 13 patches so far of Cataclysm from 12 October 2010 to today

A span of 468 days Or 1 year, 3 months, 11 days


Dude there were DPS and threat meters in 05/06. Just not the ones you use today obviously. There were Boss mods, that wasn't called deadly boss mods in 05/06 as well I remember using all those things for BWL when it came out and in Molten Core/AQ40. When all that stuff was relatively new.

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This situation is somewhat unfair being that technologies are different as is general knowledge of what people like in MMO's and operating systems etc...


Comparing the release's specific issues cannot ever be completely accurate or fair.


Lets look at this in a general way. Blizzard, before WoW was one of the worlds most successful game companies known for consistently high quality relaeses as is Bioware.


At release based on what was current technology and evidence of games that were very stable on release etc. WoW needed months of patches to get up to a level where the forums did not explode with bile at Blizzard and stopped saying that they were going back to EQ/similar.


So give it some time, the game has been live for 30 days and mostly functions and is more fun than it is broken.


I think that this platform has heaps and heaps of potential and after a few months of tweaking and balancing they will get to a place where most of us will say that the games is just very good.

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WoW completely revolutionized the genre at release.


They didn't have to patch a lot of big things.


I had been in WoW beta and been playing MMO's since EQ closed beta. And played most of the crap released in between the two.


Flight paths, quest based leveling, instances, in game mail. WoW didn't quite invent them all, but none of the other major released had any of them before.


WoW was a loot party far beyond what other games offered at the time. The sheer number of quests dwarfed the competition. WoW at release had 50x the number of quests EQ had and EQ had a 5 year head start.


Instances were properly used. Not this "spawn new zone_01" crap we have now because of too many people. Instances solved the Vox/Naggy issue of world spawn camping.


The added rest exp. The skill trees were far more involved then any other mainstream MMO at the time. The release was the best release I had seen of any major MMO in terms of stability at the time (something that was usually hit and miss for major releases).


I don't care for WoW anymore. But it was completely groundbreaking what they did back then. They basically broke the genre because nothing else is as good or polished as it.

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No but it has had a lot time to see what worked in MMOs and what didn't. Old Republic is WAY more linear than WoW you must be a real biodrone to believe this.

and you must not have levelled in wow post cata if you believe its untrue.


currently questing 1-60 in wow locks you in to a path through a zone from entry to exit point. there's no deviation from that path at all and quests further along in other hubs are not available until to complete the prerequisite steps on the path. you cannot deviate. you cannot group with someone in the next village over grab a quest and join them like you could before nor can they join you on your quest if they are not on the same stage of the chain and in most cases you must finish the zone wide chain to lead into next zone (also there are no group or elite quests in the entire game outside dungeons)


but hey don't take my word for it here's the "blue" Daxxarri in the forums from a mere 10 days ago where he states :


"That was an error we made with the design of Cataclysm, but getting players invested in the world again is something we're interested in addressing with Mists"


and the subsequent reporting:








sorry but regardless of how comforting you might find name calling i'm no "biodrone". i've never played a Bioware game before, the last Lucas Arts games i played were point and click adventures and i have 3 other subs to other MMOs which somewhat splits my inferred and supposed "loyalties"...a concept, i must say, i find completely inane.


i am however pretty well informed on the whole MMO news "thang" and what developers are saying about their own games as that's what i look for and that's what i pay the most attention to...unlike some.

Edited by Sleekit
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Let's not but if you want to compare, compare SWTOR, WoW, EQII, EQ, Ultima Online, DDO, AOC, STO, Warhammer, SWG, Lineage II, City of Heroes, Rift, Earth & Beyond....otherwise don't compare at all. Edited by Asuka
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Dude there were DPS and threat meters in 05/06. Just not the ones you use today obviously. There were Boss mods, that wasn't called deadly boss mods in 05/06 as well I remember using all those things for BWL when it came out and in Molten Core/AQ40. When all that stuff was relatively new.



Not according to Curse.com


Created 29 Apr 2008


I've listed my citations. Where are yours?

Edited by Leohat
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You want compare, I'll give you comparison.


I started playing WoW something couple weeks after release. That time I had Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo with: Athlon 3200+, freaking 1Gb RAM, dedicated ATI video card with freaking 32Mb deticated RAM on it. That time it was $2000 laptop and WoW was running fine on it.

Can you play TOR on that laptop, no, because all hardware became obsolete during time. But you still need a $2K laptop to run TOR.

Same as Vanilla WoW became obsolete with in 7 years.

So you trying compare game from 2011 with obsolete game from 2004. What is the point?

You know, even if you gold plate pile of crap, it does not turn it in to chocolate.

In current state, that's what TOR is, a pile of crap.

Edited by Chaffery
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You want compare, I'll give you comparison.


I started playing WoW something couple weeks after release. That time I had Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo with: Athlon 3200+, freaking 1Gb RAM, dedicated ATI video card with freaking 32Mb deticated RAM on it. That time it was $2000 laptop and WoW was running fine on it.

Can you play TOR on that laptop, no, because all hardware became obsolete during time.

Same as Vanilla WoW became obsolete with in 7 years.

So you trying compare game from 2011 with obsolete game from 2004. What is the point?

You know, even if you gold plate pile of crap, it does not turn it in to chocolate.

In current state, that's what TOR is, a pile of crap.



you can still play wow on that laptop too.

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The problem with comparing early WoW to early TOR is that early WoW does not exist anymore. You can only fairly compare TOR to what's currently on the market, because that's what you are competing with.


Many denizens on this forum would argue that they've had 7 years to watch WoW and get it right, and they're half correct. Watching WoW doesn't give you blemish-free code, and given that most people just use Betas to play the game and not actually test it, BW didn't have much ability to prepare a bug-free world.


The part where the denizens are right though is that there are features that games like WoW have implemented that have proven widely successful (if not for some criticism), and not adding those elements diminishes the game as it relates to other games like it.

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Not according to Curse.com they list it as 4/2008.

If you have a link or citation I'd love to see it


The other poster was right actually. As example, before Omen became a popular standard there was KTM.


However, that said, months before SWToR actually went live the devs had already spoken of things that were currently missing from the game, but already spoken of or adressed to be implemented or on the table. Things like mods, guildbanks, UI customization etc. It is pretty sad that people just keep hammering about these things, when they had already stated long ago that they were looking into it already.


I personally feel BioWare has done a good job in the way they released the game, and what their currrent focus is: fixing things first so people can actually play the game, before focussing on adding new content and stuff.


While I get that people will always be comparing existing products versus new ones, people really need to realize that creating an mmo really isn't as easy at seems. The complexity is so much more in creating an mmo versus a singleplayer game or your standard fps multiplayer game.


While I agree that one shouldn't really be comparing SWToR to WoW at release, you still need to look at the bigger picture. There are so many things WoW didn't have, but has had plenty of time to copy from other games making it into the game it is today. You simply can't expect a newly released game to have the same amount of content that a game who's been around for like 8+ years already (including development time).


Also, there simply will always be bugs in a game, regardless of it's state. Especially in dynamic games like mmo's, where new content is added frequently and many changes are made to balance certain things or fixing other bugs.


That said, SWToR still isn't the perfect game, but neither is WoW (and I've played WoW for over 6 years so I feel I can say that from a fair amount of experience). But again, that said, SWToR, like WoW, is a game that has so much potential in my opinion to become a great game, and I am definately sticking around to see where BioWare will take it.

Edited by Arell
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Yeah ... but SWTOR major patch only came to made me pissed since they implemented a Ilum farm for valor , even if they now are trying to ... fix that ... they still made a BIG mistake.


If Blizzard takes more time but avoid this kind of test using the players method it already proves to me at least it is a better company.

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You want compare, I'll give you comparison.


I started playing WoW something couple weeks after release. That time I had Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo with: Athlon 3200+, freaking 1Gb RAM, dedicated ATI video card with freaking 32Mb deticated RAM on it. That time it was $2000 laptop and WoW was running fine on it.

Can you play TOR on that laptop, no, because all hardware became obsolete during time. But you still need a $2K laptop to run TOR.

Same as Vanilla WoW became obsolete with in 7 years.

So you trying compare game from 2011 with obsolete game from 2004. What is the point?

You know, even if you gold plate pile of crap, it does not turn it in to chocolate.

In current state, that's what TOR is, a pile of crap.


Don't play new games on crappy laptops?

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