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Consular Clothing Options: Robes vs. Pants


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While I haven't started Early Access yet, I did play in the Thanksgiving Beta and tried every class. Personally, I think pants are more suited to Knights and Robes more suited to Consulars. I just hope Sages can have hoods and not just those god-awful helmets/headgear as seen in the Character Progression vid.
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Also there's a custom (fully moddable) hooded robe reward coming from The Face Merchants heroic quest on Coruscant, Black Sun area.

Plenty of people looking for groups to do it at any given time but you can also solo it with your companion if you want to.

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I have taken Synthweaving as a crafting skill, and there i can create alot of light armor pants so yes :) But until then there is hardly any pants for you to use.


Also the endgear which i looked at yesterday is really awful, but its the same for all classes.

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Now that the game has actually launched, what are everyone's impressions of the clothing/armor options for consulars?


Are you stuck wearing robes, or are there sufficient "pants" options?


There are very few pants options. I'm level 19 and have synthweaving, but I'm still wearing level 7 pants because there was not a single pant drop so far, and all my recipes (120 synthweaving) are for kilts/skirts. So, if you don't mind holding on upgrades for dozen levels until you manage to get some decent looking gear...


I know for a fact that there are some really nice looking pants/non dresses gear at higher levels. Also, the 300+/- synthweaving cloth look amazing and I'm looking forward to it.

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I'm quite a bit disheartened to learn that as a Twi'lek not only do you not get hooded robes, but it removes your headband if you wear one that's supposed to be hooded. :\


Tempted to actually reroll now. I just assume they would have had the Lekku wrap around front for that.

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There's also a very nice hooded, fully mod-able robe in the Esseles from one of the bosses. Though I know everyone was talking pants/skirts. Most of the options i've seen so far are skirts but there are some pants. Find a mod-able pair and your good to go.


kinda like these here.

just don't ask me where to get them. i have no idea.

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Thanks for all the replies thus far!


I finally got my early access granted and will be investigating my kilt options (do they have a wide variety of tartans?).


As the philosopher Timon the Meerkat famously said: "What, you want me to dress in drag and do the hula?!"

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and there "seems" to be a difference between the "open-legged, simpler hanging cloth" look of the jedi knight robe bottoms vs the "full formal gown" look of most of the consular robes,


the knight versions, to me, look very cool and still "masculine"


knights also seem to have more "short skirt" kinda look from their upper body pieces that is very jedi like


i wish they'd give consulars the "open-legged" hanging clothe look (and the formal gowns for those that like them)


and restricts knights to "short skirts" and pants for the visual distinctiveness they are striving for

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The only thing that is reallay pathetic is that not a single raid loot is shadow stylish ... its all for sages .. i havent seen a single item @ the merchants on the republic fleet so i hope the fully customable robes with hood are for endgame raiding when you do the crafting -.- otherwise there is no point in playing a shadow
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The only thing that is reallay pathetic is that not a single raid loot is shadow stylish ... its all for sages .. i havent seen a single item @ the merchants on the republic fleet so i hope the fully customable robes with hood are for endgame raiding when you do the crafting -.- otherwise there is no point in playing a shadow



If you really think the only point to playing a shadow is for the robe, you need to /reroll and get out of this forum.

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I have found my first pair of orange pants (ie. fully moddable) at Alderran. They are on sale for the Alderran tokens (about 12 or 14 can't remember) and, unless I find a better pair, I will stick with them until end game.


Finally! No more dress :)


12 tokens good sir... and for those interested there's two pairs, one is kind of blackish, and one is white. Same vendor has matching customizable boots for either set of pants for only 10 tokens.


I haven't really found a good looking top to go with it for tokens, I think the specialty goods vendor in Nar Shadaa has an orange top for 14k credits that could possible go well with it.


Jesus this game has turned me into a girl WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF... sec turning my show helm off..... :p



Edited by Slyfe
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I'm quite a bit disheartened to learn that as a Twi'lek not only do you not get hooded robes, but it removes your headband if you wear one that's supposed to be hooded. :\


Tempted to actually reroll now. I just assume they would have had the Lekku wrap around front for that.


The full head masks (they cover hair and most of the face) for the Miralukas clips with hoods, shame as I prefer the look of the hooded robes. Just looks like a dress otherwise.

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One of the great things about the shadow is they wear light armor. This gives them a unique advantage. They can take mods from other armors they like and slot them into social gear with mod slots and actually have moddable armor look and wear what they want. Personally, plan on making a slave girl outfit like that >_>
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