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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 50 Bracket was a stupid fix


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The community complained that there weren't brackets, the community got brackets. The community complains saying the brackets were stupid. However i do agree that the low lv 50's will be at a disadvantage and something should be changed.
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Brackets aren't the problem, population imbalance is. In fact, the 50 bracket solved EVERYTHING for the 10-49, which is actually quite fun to play since it is competitive. Having all those sith sorc battlemasters stuck playing huttball against all their sith sorc battlemaster friends has done loads of good for anyone looking for competitive pvp.
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The community complained that there weren't brackets, the community got brackets. The community complains saying the brackets were stupid. However i do agree that the low lv 50's will be at a disadvantage and something should be changed.


Brackets based on valour for lvl 50s would have made more sense. A fresh 50 gets hit just as hard as a lvl 49, so it was a rather silly move. It would have made more sense for


Level 50 - Rank 1-20

Level 50 - Rank 20-40

Level 50 - Rank 41+


Of course, then wed have seen ************ over waiting times. Funny enough, i kinda liked being in with 50s on lower level because they actually know how to play. Yeah you might get rolled, but you learn alot.

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**** off, it's hard enough for level 50's with non-expertise gear to kill level 50's in full champ/bm gear, level 40-49's would have no chance


imo it should have nothing to do with level, just a 1-50 bracket and a bracket for anyone with more than 100 expertise. But make WZ's cross server if a server's pop is too low to spawn a WZ in either bracket after 10 minutes.


either that or remove expertise.



atm all i'm doing is rolling 1-49 alts and re-rolling every time i hit 50, because the 50 bracket is just full of ****'s in champ/bm gear, and ilum......lol

Edited by Evuke
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Yeah, actually I just arrived at the bracket and I went from being a worthwhile tank who contributed to the team to a completely useless deadweight, the max I can do is guard people, taunt here and there and hope they don't kill me first, EVERYONE has a pink saber and the ugly pvp gear, is this related to the way gear worked before the bags were implemented? I thought it would be pretty easy to get it but champion bags look costly, except if you complete the quests but it's hard to gather wins at this rate.
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Brackets based on valour for lvl 50s would have made more sense. A fresh 50 gets hit just as hard as a lvl 49, so it was a rather silly move. It would have made more sense for


Level 50 - Rank 1-20

Level 50 - Rank 20-40

Level 50 - Rank 41+


Of course, then wed have seen ************ over waiting times. Funny enough, i kinda liked being in with 50s on lower level because they actually know how to play. Yeah you might get rolled, but you learn alot.


Just like to point out that much of the complaint have been about queue times because of lack of 50's. Now divide what 50's that do queue up into 3 brackets. Not an ideal solution. I would just advise people to PvP before 50 and max out their comms and hopefully when they hit 50 they are lucky enough to get something to start out their PvP set. Or put the level 50 blue PvP sets back in purchasable by WZ or Merc comms.

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Muhahaha. I remember myself saying, that you'll just be cannon fodder when you finally hit 50 and have to face a bunch of guys with 400+ expertise. You got what you asked for. Live with it. And btw thank you for my 5k+ dmg medals. I get them from people like you all the time.


At least before the patch you had a chance, because the 50s were just spread around different warzones and now I'm just going to quote Disturbed - Down with the sickness: "Ladies nad gentlemen, boys and girls, dying time is here".




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Brackets aren't the problem, population imbalance is. In fact, the 50 bracket solved EVERYTHING for the 10-49, which is actually quite fun to play since it is competitive. Having all those sith sorc battlemasters stuck playing huttball against all their sith sorc battlemaster friends has done loads of good for anyone looking for competitive pvp.




For the most part 10-49 is far and away a better PvP experience atm due to the fact there are not rampant premades ruining it.

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The only complaint i have about the bracket system is there are not enough lvl 50's on each server to actually pvp. Before the 1.1 update, pvp (on the server i am on) was decent, and did not take to long, nor did i mind the fact that i was playing with and against lower lvl players. But as of now, there have been 0... thats right 0 matches and i cannot get any pvp in. So that means no dailies and no weeklies.
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For the most part 10-49 is far and away a better PvP experience atm due to the fact there are not rampant premades ruining it.


Same thing in Warhammer Online. Every bracket that you moved up, the PvP got worse and worse. That game was so much worse than even SWTOR that I couldn't even get to maximum level on it, but I did get to see the low end of the top tier bracket and it was certainly nothing something I wanted to experience more of.


I think that you should be allowed to stockpile champion bags that you buy during the 10-49 warzone experience. There's just nothing you can do to even prepare for life at 50 except stockpile 1000 of each type of point and a bag and hope your six lucky picks aren't busts.


It just doesn't seem like the majority of people on either side really like the PvP in this game. It's not hard to imagine why. You end up going against the same team time and again, and let's face it... gear > class > skill. You don't win the first fight, it's going to take a lot of luck to get over on the second.


The expertise stat is just too powerful. The random bags have been very good to me, but for most people, it's just frustrating, especially since winning Ilum isn't much of an option for a Republic player. Because the lack of balancing in Ilum, the same faction warzones, and the slight, but present PvP class advantage, the side of the zerg actually gets a head start for gearing up. And all trying to catch up does is frustrate the player... both the serious players who have to have a 12k HP scrub on their team and the guy trying to buy a few pieces of gear.


There's no Alterac Valley for the scrubs to gear up in with this game either, which makes the transition really even more painful than people are used to. You show up with 12k or less life, you get three shot by just about any class.


But if you started dividing the 50's even further based off of valor rank... well, there are a lot of high level valor people who don't have good gear either, compliments of RNG, to say nothing about how it's going to outright turn Q times into extremely long or outright impossible.


There's just no easy way to salvage the PvP in this game. Even under the best of circumstances, it's only moderately enjoyable. I think letting the level 10-49 people open up Champion gear bags and start gearing up in preparation for level 50 is the best way to do it. Even if doing so removes the chance to get Champion pieces, a full set of Centurion gear (which comparatively sucks) would at least be a viable starting spot. Start implementing features that encourage balanced factions, instead of actively discouraging them. Implement cross server ques would mean that there would at least be a point to Qing again instead of running into and feeding the same PvP premade match after match. Come up with a 20 v 20 map where premades wouldn't be as much of a factor for lower geared people to participate in, and make it a high commendation/low valor event to discourage the already geared out players from participating.

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warhammer was ruined by the DEVs the brackets were fine it was the low server pops & no server merges for PvP SCs, all we got was find a group & we are looking into it! _it) never happened & the game died due to low subs & broken PvP Edited by Airoper
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The community complained that there weren't brackets, the community got brackets. The community complains saying the brackets were stupid. However i do agree that the low lv 50's will be at a disadvantage and something should be changed.


The reason they are at a disadvantage is to a certain point entirely to blame on themselves. I do PvP as a thing next to normal leveling for fun, but also to get commendations to be able to buy gear bags and pvp gear when I get to 50. However a casual player that hit's 50 without done much PvP will be easy prey for anyone that has gear and are experienced in PvP. But this can be avoided, by doing PvP from early levels the players will have the experience needed in PvP and with some luck in gear bags they will also have some champion bits that helps them along.


The pvp in brackets 10-49 is a huge bunch of fun now since we lost all the 50's that were geared in champion gear, so for my part I know I'm not gonna stress with hitting 50 as I do enjoy the pvp too much and I would like to stock up on what gear bags I can and also max both mercenary and valor commendations. This simply to be prepared for what awaits me at 50 where you have x amount of people in full gear ready to lay waste to me. But more important all the PvP I do now just adds to my knowledge of my class and will help me against fully geared 50's as I'm better prepared and know more about what to do if X happens.




I don't mind fighting people that are better geared or better then me in general, it only makes me want to improve even more. The harder I have to try to take them down, thus the more I will learn from it. Yes it can and will be frustrating at points, but at the same time it can also be quite rewarding.

Edited by Crashloop
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I have gotten into one warzone since the 1.1 patch... I've waited online for 2 hours before I logged off (and the queue still didn't pop).


Max wait time for me on Kai-kan as republic have been maybe 10-15 minutes. So that is very different from server to server.

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You know, the bad part really is that now you leave being farmed by 50s in champion for level 50 instead of all the way during your levelling process. We delayed a problem and didn't solve it with 1.1. As far as I've noticed, it's quite a gap to fill when a champion bag gives me 3 centurion commendations most of the time and there's no rep wins and I need to be carried everytime because I can't hit a fly. Edited by Lightmaguz
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Cross server is bad move, Blizzard did that and look what happend, the whole community died.

I know my oponents from the other faction as wel as playing hutball versus my own faction.


Level 50's hunting low levels.....oh the horror of a 50versus50 bracket, no more 1 shotting going on <3


Mercs / Sorcs the most played class should have their own bracket, so many of those 2 lcasses that its either tracer missile spam and dropping died before you reach your target or a Sorcs dotting / slowing / burning you down before you can see him dotting you up.


It will balance out sooner or later its just that at this moment Range <3 melee big time.



For a new mmo SWTOR is not bad at all and people need to give it time, untill then hope for the best.


On a sidenote: Ive seen massive amounts of mercs leveling up each warzone contains between 3 to 6 mercs so it aint getting better sooner :(


But pls stop asking fro cross server pvp it destroys pvp, now you can spot leechers and tell that on your server so he gets no groups or fun.

With cross server you prolly see that guy once a week while he leech his way in each game.

Not only that i like to play against people from my server and pick those brutal skilled guys and try to molest them :)

Alot of stuff dies when cross server pvp willbe implemented.

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Honesty remove expertise... and 1-50 with bolster works properly. Just saying.


If Bio wasn't just repeating bad decisions made by their competition... and found a way, with out creating a BS expertise stat; to make PvE (Raid) gear better for PvE... and equal at best for PvP. Then their very well thought out bolster system wouldn't have been broken by it... and we could continue having no brackets at all.


Or perhaps they could have adjusted bolster too include the Expertise stat... I know I know, this would mean people wouldn't need the expertise themselves... they could tweak it so that people would get a percentage increase based on an average of the expertise gear of the players in the match... meaning the Battle masters would still have quite a bit more then the lowbies.


Honesty its a shame that they built an elegant bolster system... and then shot it with the expertise blaster. The expertise gear slope is only going to get steeper too. :)

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As oposed to all being owned by geared lvl 50s now fresh 50s are tyhe only ones owned, you just entered a bracket , the fact that you are the same level means nothing when you have lvl 45 gear on...so quit complaining here and use that time to get some gear mate...

You remove expertise and those fresh lvl 50s would still get trashed byt the people that has spent some time getting new gear...

Edited by aleiro
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The community complained that there weren't brackets, the community got brackets. The community complains saying the brackets were stupid. However i do agree that the low lv 50's will be at a disadvantage and something should be changed.



They need to put in a blue PvP set with a small amount of expertise that is credit purchasable to bridge the gap.

Edited by Ewgal
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