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Huttball exploit or no?


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First off, before I get into what I'm posting about...I dont know if I'm crazy but I think i see a different thread title for every class in the game saying they are OP. Sorry had to point that out as I find that hilarious.


Anyway...Was playing huttball today and the other team decided to pull our ball carrier into their spawn right before he scored. Now...This means they literally pulled him across the goal line and up into their spawn area getting him killed in 1 shot. Considering it does not count as scoring I find it to be a major exploit in huttball seeing as how there's no way of preventing it.


When I asked the other team about it they proceeded to insist that it's allowed simply because the announcer says at the start of the match "Cheating is encouraged". So they obviously consider it a cheat/exploit as well.


Well the rest of the match was filled with "U mad bro's?" and "L2P's" like any respectable guild does. We ended up losing by 1 point when they exploited our ball carrier twice. So them exploiting totally got them the win.


Thoughts? Exploit or not? Should bioware remove the "cheating is encouraged" message at the start of huttball matches? I think they should as the really immature players will take it literally and think it means they can exploit anything and everything to get the win.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Someone else posted a reply from BW saying this was allowed.


Then how does it not count as scoring? They literally drag the carrier across the goal line. Correct me if im wrong but...In football if a player is pulled across the goal line with the ball does it not count as a touchdown?

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Seeing as players can't hang out in the spawn area and guard I'm ok with this.


Its just one of those happy accidents of the battle field. If your about to score just as an assassin or trooper with pull gets respawned... and they get let out of the cage... and they have yet to run into the match... its not like its a chain of events people are lining up is my point. I don't know I play too have fun myself... and getting killed this way would likely have me laughing for 20 min... all good. :)

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Yes and No is the answer I would give.


If the other team had found a way to stay in the starting area without being booted from the game then that would be an exploit.


If the other team had died and pulled your ball carrier across the line with a grapple during the time frame of death and leaving the starting area then I would say no.


Of course BIOWARE may completely disagree with me, but I'm sure they are aware of the issue because its been happening since the launch of game.




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Well...I think if it is allowed then it should count as a score seeing as how the ball carrier is dragged across the goal line. Like how is it NOT a goal?


Oh and he did it twice in 1 match so yeah...If someone REALLY wants to do it they find a way. It was not a "freak accident"

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Grappling an enemy player onto your spawn-ledge will kill them, but it doesn't work 100% of the time, which is totally a bummer when they're still alive and you've just gave them a score.


It's not that bad to deal with if you're playing as a team, if for someone your ball carrier is solo about to score ... well, you've already failed. If you're working as a team and paying attention, it's almost never an issue unless you have an odd ratio of PT/Assassins.

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It doesn't count much like catching a ball in the air and landing out of bounds without your feet hitting the ground IN BOUNDS does not count as a catch or touchdown.


And yes this does work. It is just bad luck timing on the ball carrier. No different than getting caught over the fire or getting pulled back into the pit before you score.

Edited by Sacull
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Looking at it from a game development perspective... Put into basic terms.


The player when he crosses the goal line enters an invisible collider which is considered by the game to be a trigger. upon hitting the trigger the action defined by the script associated with the trigger is executed. My best guess is that bioware did not plan on this being an issue and the collider does not go up high enough for a player being dragged into the spawn area to hit it and trigger the score script. If this is the case it is something that would take about 30 seconds for a dev to fix.


the fact that it doesn't work is an indicator that either Bioware is complete all for this being a way to negate a score or they are super lazy.

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Haven't seen this yet.....but it's flat out stupid if it's not a score. To score, you need to cross the goal line. That's it. There is no rule stating your feet must be on the ground or you must be riding a unicycle, or anythign else. Cross the goal line. If you cross the line you score, that's how the game is explained. To not count that as a score is a direct conflict in the explanation of how the game is played.

Bioware.....?.......C'mooooon? Stop being like every other MMy out there and caying crap like this "working as intended". You insult your player base as well as alienate them when you "pretend" it was meant to be this way. Clearly it's not something you considered. Please fix it for goodness sakes.

While I understand this is a very small detail in your now MOUNTAINOUS size of problems folks are griping about....but seriously, these "tiny" details are what turned your mole hill into a mountain to begin with.....eh?

Good luck with the fix.

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I looked at it like this... they didn't want to be like football so you have to cross the line on the ground. If you get FLUNG forward by a force wave you don't score until you hit the ground. Not when you cross the goal line. And if you get pulled into the opposing starting area you never cross the line on the ground. But that is just how I saw it.


Besides... who would "plan" to do this. Sit at the starting area the whole match to stop the opposing team from scoring? I don't think so.


But then again I like to mass murder along with winning... I don't always see things the way others do.

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I was in a match where a powertech just sat up top and pulled everyone that attempted to score up to him. He never left the area since the sides are not gated off. He can leave the "starting zone" to get rid of the kick from warzone debuff and come right back and grapple some more.


And that is an exploit in my book. If you can go out and back in to get rid of the deserter debuff its not fair game anymore. I doubt it is intended to get back into the spawn area once you left. But i could be wrong on this.


I love the ability to grapple someone into the spawn area and insta kill him. But i would never stay longer than the deserter timer. Its a risk you take if you stay up there for a long time. Think it should stay that way.

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Huttball allows cheating.


I have a grapple and use this cheesy tactic. Unfortunately the rest of my team spams their useless CC's causing the opponents resolve bar to be full. If you position yourself correctly, you can grab the player and arc him above the score line so it doesn't count. I haven't had anyone complain about it but people do seem to want to kill me. Not a good tactics since I'll be back at the spawn. :p


If someone can stay at the spawn over two minutes without getting booted, then it's an exploit.

Edited by PoiSonPeZ
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Well...I think if it is allowed then it should count as a score seeing as how the ball carrier is dragged across the goal line. Like how is it NOT a goal?


Oh and he did it twice in 1 match so yeah...If someone REALLY wants to do it they find a way. It was not a "freak accident"


It's the football rule you need to drag both feet in the endzone, otherwise it's out of bounds... geez. :p

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It's the football rule you need to drag both feet in the endzone, otherwise it's out of bounds... geez. :p


*Sigh* You do realize that is false. This is the same as a defensive lineman picking up a tiny running back and tossing him through the air out the back of the end one. His feet never hitting the ground is meaningless - the ball crossed the plane of the goal while in possession.


People exploiting a loophole in the code.


and to those who say, "weapons, name calling, and cheating are all encouraged. "


That's called Tone people.. environment.. taking it literally means hacking BW's servers just for and in hutball is ok as cheating is ok.. mmmkay?

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