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Everything posted by Moriath

  1. Greetings Jung Ma. I have managed to be one of the lucky few who have received the Woodland Varactyl Mount from the new boxes. I am unsure as to whether or not I actually want to use this mount. So I figure I will offer it up to the community first. I don't feel like playing the GTN price/reprice/price/reprice game would rather do a straight hand to hand trade. I am interested in both credits and Items. Trade of the appropriate value could be negotiated or credits + items if they appeal to me. Please post any offers you may have for this rare specimen here. I will reply to all offers (except obvious trolls) and leave no one hanging. Please do not make offers in PM's this isn't a silent auction. I will not consider any offers made in PM's. The Mount becomes tradeable Sunday morning at 6:30 AM EST. Thanks for your interest.
  2. I am not BM yet so can't attest to that but I know my guild mats were telling me I am lucky as hell because when I hit 50 (on a sunday) I did my daily and weekly, then did weekly again on tuesday after reset, and within those 2.5 days have gotten champion gear for everything except 5 slots with 3 doubles. Some of them have been 50 for a month and haven't got as much as me. while I can say "woot I got lots of shinies" I agree thats a bs system.
  3. I have a similar thread started you may be interested in following to cross compare responses. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=265689
  4. Not trying to be mean but this is probably the worst response you could have given. Firstly I am not looking to "tank or dps" as I stated I am looking at the class for pvp. I do not plan on standing toe to toe "tanking" someone in pvp. Tanking is a pve aspect. You can not compare the classes pve design to their pvp design. you look for different qualities in a class when looking at them for pvp. Survivability, crowd control, interupts, mobility, etc. I also mentioned that I am trying to figure out which class takes more skill to excell at. While some classes are absolute faceroll classes some seem to only truely excell int he hands of a skilled player. For example if you bounce over to the consular forums the consensus is that the sage is much easier to play then the shadow. Only a skilled player will excell with a shadow where a mediocre player can still have a great sage. This game is very easy by design. I am trying to find a challenging class to play that will keep me engaged having to constantly micromanage abilities/cooldowns etc. Thanks for the answer but can you try and give more detailed information as to help me form an opinion of the classes.
  5. I never said it was hard to get those medals. But the poitn is that we shouldn't have to. In some matches stopping healing for even 1 cooldown can mean that a team mate dies, in which case I wasn't doing my job. I admit that currently whenever possible I try and toss out a grenade for splash damage but, as I said I shouldn't have to do that just to get "tap damage" for kill medals.
  6. I will start by saying I have a L50 scoundrel and am looking to make a Jedi Knight alt. I have been bouncing back and forth between the guardian and sentinel forums and can not decide which to play, both playstyles look appealing. I typically prefer to play the underdog class (which is why I went smuggler first) and am trying to decide which of these two classes has the most skill requirement? I will note that I am an experienced mmo'er of 14 years, primarily playing pvp games or on pvp servers. I am looking at the class for the sake of pvp both in warzones and on ilum. I would say I am a fairly high skill player, I utilize hotkeys (not a clicker) as well as make use of the macro software of my gaming mouse/keyboard. Please give me your opinion on which class you feel will more suit what I am looking for and why. Thank you.
  7. biochem heals don't count. I have guild mates who when we premade can break the 75k heal medal with me (sawbones healer) keeping them up during massive cluster **** fights when the match is very intense.
  8. and the 2 defender medals are practically unattainable in voidstar, and both can be difficult in huttball sometimes. Alderaan is the only one I can consistantly get these in.
  9. really? Healing 6/18 Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal Healer - Healing 75K Savior - Healing 300K Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points DPS - 10(13)/18 medals (some classes, like the sentinel, can also attain the 75k healing medal) Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack Combatant – Dealing 75k damage Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player Commando – Killing 10 enemy players Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points Tanking - 14(17)/18 medals Shield – 5k Protection Protector - 50K Protection Guardian – 2k Protection since last death Paladin – 10k Protection since last death Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack Combatant – Dealing 75k damage Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player Commando – Killing 10 enemy players Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points Utilizing possible exploits such as the one found here : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=265183 add another 2-3 medals to dps and tanks. So tunnel vision isn't rewarded? looks like anyone who focuses on dps (tunnel vision!) gets the most reward. All medals listed below Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player Combatant – Dealing 75k damage Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage Healer - Healing 75K Savior - Healing 300K Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight Shield – 5k Protection Protector - 50K Protection Guardian – 2k Protection since last death Paladin – 10k Protection since last death Commando – Killing 10 enemy players Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players
  10. I play a sawbones healer and have made a similar post. I agree that the medals are stacked against healers and completely disagree with the idiots who tell healers to dps if they want medals. We are HEALERS not DPS'ers, our job is to HEAL not DPS and we SHOULD be rewarded for doing our job. I have proposed in a diff thread to add in a couple medals for us to mimic the easy to get dps medals but make it so that they are mirrors so to speak. If you get the heal version you can not get the dps version and vice versa.. Medals proposed (of course open to sugestion to change) Kill blow medal mirrors to healing medal below. Savior Medal : Heal a player who is under 10% hp with a heal bomb (with cast time) 10k protection medal mirrors to medal below. Big Heals Medal! : Heal for ##k in a single life (heals on yourself do not count toward this total) 1v1 medal mirrors to the medal below. Heal a player for ##k health in 1 life (in targets 1 life) I think something like this would help healers out a lot. as it is I feel like hybriding my build is more beneficial as winning with 3 medals < losing with 9 medals.
  11. I appreciate all the feedback to my Post. I want to go ahead and point out a few things here in response to that which I have read in the last 3 pages of this thread. I have seen several "L2Play" style posts saying that as a healer I should be shooting things to get the kill blow and 10/25 kill medals. I disagree with this. While yes I "CAN" opt to tab target and shoot things and toss out a random grenade I should not have to, that is not what my job as a healer is. If I spend 10 seconds tab targeting to tap people with my spamable and 2 people die then I wasn't doing my job as a healer. Currently I have been kinda hybrid specced and focusing less on healing in order to get the extra medals and it is sad. I don't care about topping the charts and being the zomg best in the warzone. But getting 4 medals as a pure healer is junk, we should not be forced to play the role of dps also for the extra medals. I am not proposing that they increase how uber a healer is or anything like that but with how many people don't vote mvp there is little incentive for a hardcore pvp'er to play as a pure healer due to getting half the number of medals as anyone else. I play with a RL friend who is a vanguard. On an average Voidstar he will get 10-11 medals and I will walk away with 5. When I spec dps I have never once since level 30 left with less then 7 medals, in most cases 9 medals. As a healer 3 medals are average (some games can't get the 300k cause they end to quick) with "maybe" a kill blow medal for killing someone who was attacking me. Also I noticed there are several people who didn't actually read my post before they started posting. trolls will be trolls I understand but damn go away.
  12. Honestly I don't like the idea of incentives to play republic. The game is already easy enough as it is without needing to make it easier. What they need to do is offer FREE Faction swap for like 1 or two weeks for Imp players to switch to republic and monitor the swaps and only allow xxxx amount per server based on the imbalance as a first come first serve. I am willing to wager a lot more people would be willing to play republic if they didn't have to reroll and lose all their current character progress.
  13. Yeah and you need to start drilling people in ops chat about it, ask for heals and state where you are "Hey can someone throw me some heals at center I'm stuck in combat" or start queueing with friends, guildmats premades so you have someone to throw you heals. Don't ask bioware to break the game because you can't heal. this is a player problem not a game problem.. However I do know there is a "minor" issue with getting stuck in combat and this should be addressed I agree.
  14. Moriath

    Nerf Healers.

    Don't worry bro that healer isn't going to kill you either. so either ignore him and play with someone else or find a friend and focus him down.
  15. But but this can't be true! they like 2 shot everyone man didn't you know how they are super OP and run around like Jesus smiting people!!!
  16. Neither it should be balanced around open world PvP. Incentives for open world PvP should be added. If you want to play warzones on a PvE server you obviously don't give a crap about real PvP and thus your opinion doesn't really matter on the subject.
  17. Commandos, sages, scoundrels and sorcs, ops, mercs can all heal even if not specced for it. If the fight is over and they are not topping people off then they suck and you should yell at your team mates. I play a scoundrel and when I am dps specced I am always throwing out heals after fights and sometimes even during fights if I am stuck out of stealth. It is part of the class and should not be ignored unless your just a baddie.
  18. Not doing what for me? I never asked you to do anything. Unless you mistook my request to see some post 1.1 videos as being directed to you. I was saying that as a blanket thing. Every video I have seen of scoundrels/ops pulling insane burst has been a pre-patch video. I have yet to see a "Post 1.1 still bursting noobs lawl" video show up on youtube. Cause it can't be done anywhere to the same effect anymore.
  19. Yes and every one of those video's were pre 1.1 with ops/scoundrels buff stacking and shooting level 11's. I NEVER hear people ***** about ops/scoundrels being OP anymore since that patch they are much more on par with other players. I would love to see some POST 1.1 videos of this happening. Cause I'll tel you what on my scoundrel I can't pull anything close to what I could pre-patch.
  20. The easiest and in my opinion the best solution to this problem is to simply stop rewarding those who do nothing. Right now the only reason people will go into warzones and afk if because there is incentive to do so. the incentive being the valor, coms, exp and credits given to them at the end for participating. My proposed solution : No longer is there any "participation bonus" given to players. All medals are worth x amount of exp, coms, valor and credits. A loss results in the total exp, coms, valor and credits earned through medals. A win results in the total of exp, coms, valor and credits earned through medals multiplied by 1.5 (or 2) Even a bad player walks away with some medals. This system would reward performanace with each medals having it's value be based on it's difficulty to attain (a 300k damage/healing medal would be worth more then the 75k medal) and people who come in and afk would leave with absolutely nothing since they earned no medals. /discuss.
  21. Nope I mean exactly what I said. I chose when buying this game to not play a force class do to the abundance of them. On Sith I played a Powertech and when I rerolled I wanted to try the only other non force class out. I wanted to roll as a sawbones for pvp healing but after never getting medals I opted to go dps. Shouldn't always try and put words in people mouths.
  22. I don't think this fully qualifies for a proper answer but.. I "regret" rolling a scoundrel.. I re-rolled to republic a few weeks ago to help the pvp imbalance. chose to play the most underplayed class so i could be the underdog. Then found out that one of our 3 lines is complete garbage (dirty fighting) our only viable dps line is getting shot to **** (scrapper) and healing in pvp gives crap for medals so I won't do it. I should have rolled a sage like everyone else and been another fotm player.
  23. Looking at it from a game development perspective... Put into basic terms. The player when he crosses the goal line enters an invisible collider which is considered by the game to be a trigger. upon hitting the trigger the action defined by the script associated with the trigger is executed. My best guess is that bioware did not plan on this being an issue and the collider does not go up high enough for a player being dragged into the spawn area to hit it and trigger the score script. If this is the case it is something that would take about 30 seconds for a dev to fix. the fact that it doesn't work is an indicator that either Bioware is complete all for this being a way to negate a score or they are super lazy.
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