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Whats the funniest moment in SWTOR for you?


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When you first meet Vette and she spouts off about Sith Lords not being smart enough to figure out the Tombs.


Choose the option to shock her. I ESC out two or three times just to enjoy the Sith Warrior's response.

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I would say that there are lots of surprises when it comes to the script, i have laughed alot because of some dialogue.


And one of my favourites is in Hoth where a muscled guy asks this:




I gave the number 3! Lool



Now tell you funny moments!


Reading rebels calling for imps to be punished or banned.

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I have played all the classes up until 20 so sadly no high level examples, however speaking with the Gree Diplomats, have to be one of the funniest moments in a game i can remember for a while. Especially near the end when your responses share their way of communication.
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So many to pick from!


My most recent one was on Belsavis, where I (once again) singlehandedly went through an entire enemy base (with both Kaliyo and Raina's help, alternating)... beat all the bosses, and at the end of it, the Empire troops finally show up. By this time I am pretty pissed... They gave me an option for "You're late" and in perfect character my character screams "It's about BLASTED TIME!" I fell out laughing, pointed to the monitor and was like YES! That is EXACTLY what I would say!


Choosing the flirt option can also bring some interesting results... For example, I had no idea Kaliyo could get jealous! I flirted with Raina, and Kaliyo was like...


"If you catch those two making out on this mission, just shoot them both, they're dead weight."


WHAT THE.... Baby I did not know you cared!

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I hear ya. Some of the idle banter of non-interacting NPC are great! My favorite is the exchange between that guy and the astro droid on Nar Shadda that goes something like "I know all about you Free Droid Enclave wackos..." or something like that.


Oh yeah, on Belsavis is a group of imp troopers preparing for a search and rescue mission... the one trooper is like... "two squads are already lost, who's going to search for US?"

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Some of the comments in general chat have caused me to stop in my tracks more than once. Wondering if Bio would be sued for using Star Wars, commenting that the evil sith characters were amazing in actions (thought player was npc), person looking for yoda, another telling a person to turn a 360 and walk away.


The game itself I've yet to see it personally but saw a clip for an easter egg. A cantina scene with a short moment from movie "Night at the Roxberry" so funny think I watched it 5 or 6 times.

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Probably when I was in a warzone that was so incredibly laggy that the servers couldn't keep up with players and the engine couldn't keep up with itself - thus noone really where eachother was - because what we saw was not in sync with what the server was reading from input from the clients.


I laughed because it was then that I realized the game is so incredibly bad.

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Probably when I was in a warzone that was so incredibly laggy that the servers couldn't keep up with players and the engine couldn't keep up with itself - thus noone really where eachother was - because what we saw was not in sync with what the server was reading from input from the clients.


I laughed because it was then that I realized the game is so incredibly bad.


ok now this is my funniest moment a guy who expects a perfect game on launch lool

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Probably when I was in a warzone that was so incredibly laggy that the servers couldn't keep up with players and the engine couldn't keep up with itself - thus noone really where eachother was - because what we saw was not in sync with what the server was reading from input from the clients.


I laughed because it was then that I realized the game is so incredibly bad.



You had to go and ruin a light-hearted thread with mindless QQ.

Good going, Buzz Killington.


On topic, upon entering a Czerka dig site, My Knight's companion says.


"Dear Czerka, please stop finding dangerous anceint stuff. Love, Kira"

Edited by KleinerVanc
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