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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Spit from emotes.


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Honestly i think they are all kinda pointless and funny, it isnt like we cant talk to each other...

A lot of people in this thread are all "i do it like seeing people mad" etc... but the reality is that they were the ones pissed off to even feel it necessary to spit so that kinda pot to kettle.

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Never understood this complaint. In real life murder is probably the WORST thing you could ever...EVER do. Yet on a video game people get worked up over skimpy outfits, spit emotes and other useless things that make no sense while you abuse a female twi'lek with a shock collar while massacring entire planets. But hey, being spit on is different than genocide, this is true.
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Generally I've found most of /spit /lol spamming players in PVP immature persons overall. Not everyone of course of them are and regardless the side.


I personally love good PVP and if someone gives me a good challenge, loses or wins, I salute or bow to them, trying to express that I honor the fight we had.


I also have some really boring attitudes about open world PVP, I attack only same lvl or above if not attacked first, I don't start gankfest and I usually initiate fight with same player only once. If I lose I might try again, if it was a close call.


I despite the most the ones who wait you to pull some mobs before they attack. I don't really care the sides, sith or republic, same stuff under a different banner, this is probably why I'm actually able to see the real person there and not just "omg enemy".


Personally as a Llama I find this degrading and offensive. You dare bow to me instead of spit? Who do you think you are?!

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what bothers me about spitting is even in real life spitting on another person is considered the highest level of disrespect. If someone was to spit on me i would be filled with rage, immedialty shoot for a double leg lift him as high as i could and dive to hell with my shoulder in his gut. after knocking the air out of him i would immediatly pass to side control and top wrist lock him and pop his shoulder out of place and make sure the tendons rip for a long reovery time.


BUT this is the enternet, its safe to do these things behind the safety of a computer.


I always thought people trying to kill me was the highest level of disrespect, not allowing me to live my own life that they have to find me and kill me....even Jesus got a 2nd chance....Jeez, I respawn and bam I am being ganked again. But hey...spit...yah that's killer.

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They should add /teabag with nice animation.


Cant see how few people gets annoyed of spit emote, if i kill my opponent that wants to kill me im sure he doesnt mind me spitting on him afterwards when his dead.


It's water for the flowers you are going to put on their grave....

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does it make you feel better knowing that I kill players, spit on their bodies, laugh at them, throw a life day snowball at their corpse, then proceed to put up a Republic or Imperial banner over them as me and my companion dance all over their dead and worthless bodies? :rak_03:


yes I do that sometimes. Then they curse me out on say chat. That is pretty much my plan for spending April Fools day lol

Edited by Sangrar
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I was involved in a open world pvp fight with a republic soldier , which i lost badly which is fine. But what i didnt like was his need to /spit on me , does anyone else think this is just rude and inappropriate.

If i kill someone in pvp i would either walk away or salute them , no need to spit .

If i saw this happen in RL well lets say blood would spill.


BW needs to make a /swallow emote

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So I was playing today, and was murdered in cold blood by another player, and to make it worse, it was all fiction! Now between you and me I am already speaking with my lawyers about this, but then *gasp* they had the audacity to spit on me. Whatever will I do? *faints*
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