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Increase character slots per server


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I don't think the problem is in the coding, I think it has to do with how much memory characters take in the database. However, as I said, I don't know jack about coding, so this is only a guess.




About 2/3 of the way down the page.


I don't know if there is anything more recent, but that page is from September of last year, during one of the Friday updates.


Actually it has nothing to do with memory because you can have "8" characters on multiple servers so in the end there is no reason for a character limit on a particular server. There should be an account limit on a server and a total number of characters per account across all servers.


MMOs have to break out of the server model that was used 12+ years ago. While it works, with the size of the current market there should be a unification of servers such that there are only PVE, PVP, RP-PVE, RP-PVP servers and then just massive sharding/instancing within each setting but not be separate servers.


As for "duplicate names" just make is such that names must be unique within an AE account and have an AE account name visible in the name plate as an option.

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16 would be amazing, though probably a bit TOO much to expect haha :) I'd just be happy with at least 10. 12 would be a great sweet spot IMO.


How about just 32 characters total across what ever servers you want. If you want them all on 1 then so be it. WHO CARES.

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How about just 32 characters total across what ever servers you want. If you want them all on 1 then so be it. WHO CARES.


+1 and /signed


Bioware invented the Legacy system.

The Legacy system encourages players to and also rewards players for rolling alts.

Then why does Bioware utilize a character slot policy that does not follow their own design?

Seems to me they just copied the generic MMO setup without thinking this through.


32 characters divided over any combination of servers is a great solution.

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Just give him his 100 characters, with 4 ships per character, two ac per character,

And all his characters start at level 50, so he can run his credit farming website.


Go troll elsewhere.


As one of the posters above mentioned i would also have no problem if additional character slots were available for purchase, would buy a few myself.

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I figure that while the game is still very fresh and it's not likely we've maxed out 8 characters at 50, I do believe Bioware should give consideration to upping the amount of character slots per server.


8 may seem like a good amount but when you consider that if you do 1 of each storyline, this WILL max your character slots out for a server, and that doesn't even take into account that many of us will play 1 of each AC for a given class. I love my Commando, but I've been wanting to fuss around with a Vanguard. Which I can't do because I have names saved for each of the storylines, meaning I cannot work on a Vanguard unless I go to another server, which defeats the point of hanging out with friends/questing with new faces on my current one.


Again, I don't think it's a doomsday issue at all, but I don't think giving say, 10 slots per server would be that difficult either and would give a bit more room for people to play around with character types :)


Thanks for reading!


PS: I did a quick search and didn't see a similar thread, but if I missed one my apologies!


4 50s and a 41.


Guardian, Gunslinger and Vanguard remain. If I want to play empire characters I'll be forced to not roll one of those or play on a different server. I'll probably have 8 50s before the second billing cycle hits.

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I'd love at least 16 slots so I could have at least one character per class. I'd gladly buy the extra slots, too (once they finally implement chat bubbles, before that Bioware/EA won't see another penny from me), if they came at a fair price. Edited by Glzmo
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I don't really see it being needed however when they impliment the legacy system I can see it being implimented with people wanting to make generations. for instance you could get a smuggler up to level 50 and have his kids be like Han and Leia's kids, both Jedi though each different so the smuggler could have two kids, one who becomes a JK and another who becomes a JC or for added fun, one that became a JK and another that became a SW.
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Whoops. Didn't see this thread and created a redundant thread of my own. I'll just repost what I said here:


I'm a huge altoholic myself, and I ultimately plan to create a character of every AC. That's 16 total. The current server cap is 8. The most efficient way to split that up is an all Imperial and an all Republic server of 8 each, but I have concerns the Legacy system may reward playing both factions in a single Legacy, forcing me to go half-and-half, which is terribly inefficient. I'd rather invest in a single server community and have all my alts contribute to a single Legacy, but that's not possible with the current cap in place.


I can only see a few potential downsides to implementing this idea. Namely, the capacity for players to increase the number of crew tasks they can perform and auctions they can post, which could have negative impacts on the game economy. This could easily be corrected by restricting the number of crew tasks and auctions on a per server basis to the level they are at now, regardless of character cap.


I'd definitely like to see the cap at 16+.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I figure that while the game is still very fresh and it's not likely we've maxed out 8 characters at 50, I do believe Bioware should give consideration to upping the amount of character slots per server.


8 may seem like a good amount but when you consider that if you do 1 of each storyline, this WILL max your character slots out for a server, and that doesn't even take into account that many of us will play 1 of each AC for a given class. I love my Commando, but I've been wanting to fuss around with a Vanguard. Which I can't do because I have names saved for each of the storylines, meaning I cannot work on a Vanguard unless I go to another server, which defeats the point of hanging out with friends/questing with new faces on my current one.


Again, I don't think it's a doomsday issue at all, but I don't think giving say, 10 slots per server would be that difficult either and would give a bit more room for people to play around with character types :)


Thanks for reading!


PS: I did a quick search and didn't see a similar thread, but if I missed one my apologies!


Yes i want more character slots as-well, i wanted to make a thread for this but search came up with this thread so i'll post here and take this thread back up the ranks that way.

First of all: to all the 8 Slots is fine guys ... Shut-IT you don't want to play more then 8 fine , we do.

Second the OP is asking for 10slots ... i go even higher 12 is more what i want! why simple i have 8 chars as of now, i want two more BUT i'm 100% sure Bioware is gonna add other "playable" races in the future to the game and then i gonna want them as-well so i'll be stuck at 10 slots wen that happens so 12 slots is my magic number.

and yes i have the ALT-TITIES like some of you say, in every MMO i'v played i had at least (MAXd characters that the server would allowed me to make) Pffu in Lineage2 i had even two account (14 chars)... normally i would not ask for this and would simple run two clients so in this case i could have 16 chars BUT this time my computer can't run two clients so there must be a way to get me extra character slots on one acc, i don't care if i have to pay a one time extra fee to get them.


You hear Bioware i'm willing to buy the extra char slots !! or you can just give us them for free, from the kindness of your hearts :D


PS: in world of warcraft i have/had the maxed allowed characters on all SERVERS, i mean wen i want to join on a new server the game says i have to delete a char on other one before i'm allowed to make a new one :p so yes i have the ALT-TITIES in the highest grade :D (BTW if you wonder how many chars that is, at the time i'v played wow it was set to 50 chars; 5 servers with 10 chars)

Edited by Noxsabe
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I tend to think they will eventually. In the last game I played, they wound up giving an extra slot to long-time subscribers, and then I think another slot when you bought the expansion, and then eventually, they started just selling extra slots, up to some maximum.


I do know players who play more than one character of a single class in order to be able to experience both advanced classes. A lot of those people also like to have at least one of each class in the game.


BioWare have been really generous about letting us roll a whole bunch of characters on different servers, so apparently, they're okay with people having more than 8 characters.

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(if someone wrote it too-sorry if i didnt notice)


how about if there would be a switch on server allowing you to have 8 imperial and 8 republic chars- just switch "sides" and you see the republic character list, switch again- your imperial characters list-> not a long list on same screen and having a jedi near a sith does seem odd

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(if someone wrote it too-sorry if i didnt notice)


how about if there would be a switch on server allowing you to have 8 imperial and 8 republic chars- just switch "sides" and you see the republic character list, switch again- your imperial characters list-> not a long list on same screen and having a jedi near a sith does seem odd



I can see Bioware wanting to be very careful not to make credit farming easy and I think the above is pretty sensible. It allows you to try each class out but without taking the mickey.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll be at 8 slots after server transfer

3 50's a 43, 4 crafting alts & then I'll want to run throuh the 4 imperial class storylines & have that add to my legacy.


WTB 12 character slots per server, I'd be happy to pay say a $20 expansion fee to have it enabled, would generate $$$ for Bioware & keep the majority of players at 8 slots as per current

Edited by Bluemars
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I think what Crackseed was trying to say is that many people, myself included, want to experience all 16 advanced classes and what they have to offer. The current 8 slots are perfect for the 8 that you've wanted to play since the advanced classes were introduced, but an extra character slot or two would give just enough room for players to test the other 8 advanced classes they rolled. For example, I currently have only 4 characters on the server that I play on, each are one of the Jedi and Sith classes. However, I have gone back and created entirely new characters to see what the other advanced classes have had to offer. Because I have only 4 solid characters at the moment this isn't a problem or hassle for me to do, but for people that already have 8 characters, maxed out or not, they would have to delete one of them in order to try the other advanced classes.


And that is my best description of what I interpreted from Crackseed's post. Take it as you see it.

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