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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why make excuses For MMO's at launch?


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Windows is notorious for crashing.


Bad example, m8.


BSOD anyone?


I said CONSTANTLY. Most time Windows XP, or 7 would not crash unless you have a hardware issue, or another application causing interference.


Most people dont know how to configure their computer and just assume it is an OS issue.


So actually it is a good example..If windows 7, or xp, or even vista crashed constantly it would be hard for you to make this post.

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I said CONSTANTLY. Most time Windows XP, or 7 would not crash unless you have a hardware issue, or another application causing interference.


Most people dont know how to configure their computer and just assume it is an OS issue.


So actually it is a good example..If windows 7, or xp, or even vista crashed constantly it would be hard for you to make this post.


Windows 7 and Windows XP were notorious for crashing upon release.


Multiple patches and months later stabilized them.


Not trying to hate, m8, but the truth is that they both came out very unstable and it took time to fix a lot of issues.


Sound familiar?

Edited by Azzras
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Lol. In November I was telling my friends that I was going to wait a month or two after launch to avoid all the attendant madness and whatnot.


Then I heard they were giving early access to everyone and I preordered the DDE and started playing 2 hours later.


I pre-ordered with the knowledge that there would be problems, I've been through countless launches over the last 15 years and I know what to expect, and frankly this is one of the better launches I've seen, RIFT's was another, most are far, far worse than this. I also know that if I couldn't handle it, then I wouldn't buy it and would wait a while. :)

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Windows 7 and Windows XP were notorious for crashing upon release.


Multiple patches and months later stabilized them.


Not trying to hate, m8, but the truth is that they both came out very unstable and it took time to fix a lot of issues.


Actually they were not. Windows XP and Windows 7 are known as two of the best Windows OSes. I would love to see evidence of this so called constant crashing. I used both from beta to release and beyond. Most patches are for security issues, which is another issue entirely.

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In my mind (especially with new content released in the first month!) that my 15$ is well spent, i thoroughly enjoy playing and I do believe with my 15$ that they'll continue to improve and evolve the game. Those that have played an MMO from it's release know that there's always bugs, and they're always "game breaking" yet I am playing the game. Sure bioware doesnt patch the servers everytime someone in the forums complains. Then again that'd make it WoW's release.
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Actually they were not. Windows XP and Windows 7 are known as two of the best Windows OSes. I would love to see evidence of this so called constant crashing. I used both from beta to release and beyond. Most patches are for security issues, which is another issue entirely.


XP had its issues at release but not many but Win7 was nearly flawless!

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If windows, a much more complex piece of software crashed constantly, would you not complain?


Software complexity, or x person did it are poor excuses to not hold a company to standards.


Of course there should be standards. So far I think BW is doing a good job of meeting them, the reasonable ones that is. They're fixing bugs adding content and have announced that they're adding a number of features that people want. And windows does have bugs to btw.


Does your game crash all the time? My sympathies then. However that doesn't seem to be a wide spread problem.


As for the linked article I provided it's not filled with excuses, simply information that a lot of people should take in before coming to these forums to complain and say things along the lines of "this is the worst game ever", which, to me, makes them not worth listening to since their MMO experience must be none existent for them to claim something like that.

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Windows 7 and Windows XP were notorious for crashing upon release.


Multiple patches and months later stabilized them.


Not trying to hate, m8, but the truth is that they both came out very unstable and it took time to fix a lot of issues.


Sound familiar?


Which issues exactly? I've run the same version of Win7 since before release and I have yet to have a problem..


All that being said, attempting to equate Windows OS to a game is a fantastic reach.

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Actually they were not. Windows XP and Windows 7 are known as two of the best Windows OSes. I would love to see evidence of this so called constant crashing. I used both from beta to release and beyond. Most patches are for security issues, which is another issue entirely.


You obviously weren't there for Windows XP and Windows 7 launches.


And let us not leave out Vista. what a joke there.

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"Why hold an MMO at launch to standards even MMOs that have existed for years can't meet? "


Where does any of that say that standards should be reasonable?? at best you are trying to *imply it, not state it. And you did a very poor job of it.


Maybe you should ask for your parents money back as well.


Anyways, MMO companies dont even meet the basics of the IEEEs professional standards, which are very reasonable.


If you couldn't glean "standards should be reasonable" from that, I don't know how to help you.

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Which issues exactly? I've run the same version of Win7 since before release and I have yet to have a problem..


All that being said, attempting to equate Windows OS to a game is a fantastic reach.


I'm not the one who made the comparison.

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You obviously weren't there for Windows XP and Windows 7 launches.


And let us not leave out Vista. what a joke there.


You keep posting stuff about windows. What has windows got to do with a game?


Now if you want to debate OSs I'll happily debate with you. We can start win Gem, or Windows 3.1, heck we can back to CPM if you like.

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You obviously weren't there for Windows XP and Windows 7 launches.


And let us not leave out Vista. what a joke there.


I left vista out for a reason, however the fact that you even make your first sentence shows your reading comprehension issue. If you re-read that last sentence you quoted of mine you will use I used both XP and 7 from beta past release.

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If you couldn't glean "standards should be reasonable" from that, I don't know how to help you.


Actually it is possible with a leap of logic, it is much easier to glean other companies could not uphold standards so why should this one, since it requires no logical leap. Any English teacher will tell you to leave logical leaps out of your writings.

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Actually it is possible with a leap of logic, it is much easier to glean other companies could not uphold standards so why should this one, since it requires no logical leap. Any English teacher will tell you to leave logical leaps out of your writings.


You cannot, in any way, compare an OS to a game.

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Actually they were not. Windows XP and Windows 7 are known as two of the best Windows OSes. I would love to see evidence of this so called constant crashing. I used both from beta to release and beyond. Most patches are for security issues, which is another issue entirely.


You mean the reboot loop that XP gave me after the first install ever haha that was awesome, it would get to win desktop and it would reboot the OS, not to mention the Blue screens, a lot less than Win98SE or Win Milenium but most of the usual stuff was still there.

Then later came patches and specially service packs that made it very stable. Before that it was a mess like any other ever evolving piece of software.

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Why say "it's a new game"? Because it's true and that fact is a valid reason.


So far SWTOR's launch has been the smoothes one I've ever experienced or even heard of. Sure, there are bugs, but every MMO has bugs an other issues at launch. In fact every MMO has bugs in them in every stage of their lives, it's part of the nature of MMOs. This is the best explanation I've seen to date.


Like look here everyone made my point ''its a new game'' every single time, it is people like you that make the companies think it is ok to launch in these states. And without people like you they would take notice and actually get the game to the gameplay (6 months after launch ususally bring) at launch.

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Actually it is possible with a leap of logic, it is much easier to glean other companies could not uphold standards so why should this one, since it requires no logical leap. Any English teacher will tell you to leave logical leaps out of your writings.


You have a strange definition of logical leap. The point is that if you want to be reasonable, then it's helpful to compare this MMO to others, which it surpasses.

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You have a strange definition of logical leap. The point is that if you want to be reasonable, then it's helpful to compare this MMO to others, which it surpasses.


That is an opinion, not a fact, so dont use it as one. I have seen releases that were much smoother, in my opinion.

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I have read muliple threads about BW not fixing bugs that were reported in BETA and the bugs are still in game, I blame mostly the '' ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH EXCUSES'' without these the companies and developers would work harder to get the MMO up to scratch before launch.)


Which bugs did you report during Beta?

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people keep making excuses for MMOs because they're in denial between the stark limitations of the genre and the alterior motivations of the developers.


trying to express a love for gaming through the medium of an MMO is like trying to paint a passionate portrait using p00p. it could have the outline of epic but it still smells like sh*t.

Edited by justamemory
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