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The real reason Empire is more popular than Republic


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It's because the assumption in MMOs is that the 'bad guys' are played by adults and the 'good guys' are played by children (younger players)....... which is nonsense.


Actually, just speaking from the other side of the fence (I'm a Republic player), I rolled Republic for a couple reasons. Jjust like a few people here have mentioned, I have a hard time being evil, even when it's just "virtual." However, my main reason is because I assumed (probably incorrectly, I'm sure) that the majority of PvP players on the Empire side were going to be whiney emo kids and I also figured Republic was going to be outnumbered. I wanted a shorter queue into warzones and also figured that being outnumbered would help to hone my skills and make me and my guild mates better at PvP overall. Whether any of that is true or not, I couldn't really say, but that was my pre-conceived notion and largely why I rolled Republic.


However... I'll also say one of the big problems I've had with the Star Wars movies as a whole is that they're painfully black and white with very little grey and less emotional depth. There are no compelling characters. I don't get into the EU, but everyone I've seen in any of the movies or games (other than Jolee Bindo, perhaps) has been a cardboard cutout; completely one-dimensional. Totally good, totally bad, or very close to it.


Of course, having said that, I play a Jedi Sentinel; one of the most emotional crippled and boring characters out there, simply because I gotta use lightsabers and the more the better.

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My reason is that I feel its more gratifying to shock people with lightning than it is to pick up dirt and throw it in their face.


I never really understood this line of thinking.


When a Sith uses the Force to shoot lightning at you, you block it with your lightsaber and it all gets absorbed.


When a Jedi uses the Force to throw a rock at you, you block it with your lightsaber.... and get hit by two rocks. :p

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It's simply because they're perceived as "cooler". Not mentioning the fact that Darth Vader is the most popular character in the entire franchise.


Pretty much this but Boba Fett might argue.


However, what I think is more precedent is people want to be bad. They like to be ******s to others and acting it out in game is a way to fulfill that cause they can't really get away with it in real life.


So, The population on the DS is higher.

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I find it hard to believe that scanning through this thread that no one had mentioned this:


most popular faction = Imperial


most popular class = Sith Inquisitor




and that's all their is to it, FORCE LIGHTNING

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I find it hard to believe that scanning through this thread that no one had mentioned this:


most popular faction = Imperial


most popular class = Sith Inquisitor




and that's all their is to it, FORCE LIGHTNING




Lightning >>> Pebbles

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To highjack the thread a little, SITH INQ > All.


Reason? We're a complete group bundled up into 1 archetype:


Tank? Tank-assin spec (31 darkness, 10 madness)

Melee dps? Assassin (31 deception, 10 misc)

Main Heals? Sorc heal-spec (don't have the tree names on hand, sorry)

Caster DPS? Sorc DPS spec


CC? Assassins and Sorcs all have CC capability. Assassins 1 minute mez is out-of-combat and from stealth, but it works just fine.


Encounter splitting? Tank-assin Force Pull yanks the enemy to you so the group can bomb away with AE's etc, without waking the CC'd targets. Win

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Hmmm Reasons..


1-If they add the Gungans species (Jar Jar Binks), I want to be able to (beep) and (beep) and (beep) their brains out... then (beep) in his skull..


2-I love cooking... and I'm looking forward to grill some Ewok-Kebab...



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I went Imperial because the Republic stories have them as a bunch of wimps. Everytime my consular does somesthing even remotly pragmatic he gets told off.


Personaly I would have prefered to go Republic but lighting is cooler than stones and BH are cooler than troopers. The overall story has Sith as comanders and rules and Jedi as servants and guardians, Bounty hunters as one man armies and troopers as cannon fodder.

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So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


British accents are sexier than American accents.


End of story.


As a Brit, I must tell you that american actor's impressions of english accents are not really accruate. We don't really talk like that. :p

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Does anyone ever wonder why the imperials have an accent to begin with?


Because of this


(More specifically, probably because of the wealthy/snobbish part.)


Also, I'm sorry for leading you to TVTropes. See you next week when you can finally come up for air. =P



Re: Topic and OP, having played both sides, I find the Imperial side much more engaging, and their force using classes certainly have more variety when it comes to apparel. I really wish my guild had decided to go Empire, but I'm stuck maining Republic for now. =( I played Rebel Alliance in SWG and really hope Bioware does something to make the Republic side more appealing (and soon!)


Oh, PS, Re: Boba Fett. He was supposed to have been a one-off character (i.e. only appearing in ESB), but there was so much support among the fanbase that Lucas brought him back for RotJ.

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I joined the Empire, because of the opportunity for fast advancement. With Lord Vader choking the top brass on a daily basis, the positions open up quickly.


Sure the potential for retirement is slim to none... but you gotta look at the big picture.


Imperial Army- Shack up with some hot babe on a Super Star Destroyer, quick advancement, power, glory, and no visions of dead dudes popping up all the time.


Republic Army- Bottom of the barrel Hoth outpost guard porta-john cleaner.. no advancement, no hot babes, all the power of a scrub brush, removing someone else's daily "glory"



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So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


British accents are sexier than American accents.


End of story.


For me it was spaceships. We're stuck with the ships determined by our class. I started playing the smuggler to begin with but then I went and looked at all the spaceships and had to play imperial agent. 2nd choice was Bounty Hunter, 3rd choice was Sith warrior. The spaceships on the imperial side are much better in general. I have a tough time even wanting to roll a jedi character because their spaceship is so stupid looking. You know ho much you have to look at your spaceship? You want to see that over and over again?


When you break down the classes I think the imperials look cooler as well.


Bounty hunter looks a lot better than Trooper.

Imperial agent looks a lot better than space cowboy. (smuggler)

Sith Warrior looks cooler than jedi.

Sith Sorcerer shoots lighting, jedi sorcerers throws rocks.... (sith may do this too?)


The republic side just feels bland and uninspired.


LOL, look at this Nonsense!

Edited by TumblerSW
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I joined the Empire, because of the opportunity for fast advancement. With Lord Vader choking the top brass on a daily basis, the positions open up quickly.


Sure the potential for retirement is slim to none... but you gotta look at the big picture.


Imperial Army- Shack up with some hot babe on a Super Star Destroyer, quick advancement, power, glory, and no visions of dead dudes popping up all the time.


Republic Army- Bottom of the barrel Hoth outpost guard porta-john cleaner.. no advancement, no hot babes, all the power of a scrub brush, removing someone else's daily "glory"




Imperial Agent's get Kaliyo.


Troopers get Elara Dorne.


Bounty Hunters get Mako.


Smugglers get mother****ing Twilight Sparkle.



I believe I've made my point.

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The main problem I see is that the Republic side is modeled after that that idiotic United Nations in space we saw in the prequel movies. You know, the guys who put us to sleep? If it had been modeled to be more like the Rebels in the original trilogy (and video games like Dark Forces, Shadows of the Empire, etc) I think they would definitely have more people willing to sign on.


This is exactly what I was thinking.

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