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The real reason Empire is more popular than Republic


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So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


British accents are sexier than American accents.


End of story.



Not even close eh. Canadian accents trump all o' yas, no doot aboot it.




Actually the reason it's more popular is the torturer in the SI's starting zone. "I know! It's so hard to stop at just one once you've started!"

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I just like empire because its populated..... I tried rerolling republic but after seeing how dead it really was I decided im not going to waste my time leveling and all that again.


Not fun rerolling to play a dead faction where you know no one and none of the guilds are taking new members because they are all close knit so to speak lol.


Empire = the mmo part of this game.


Republic = solo play action and getting ganked by groups of imps in pvp.

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So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


British accents are sexier than American accents.


End of story.


This is irrefutable, and I am American. Female IA and female SI :swoon:


Every time they speak I feel like Kramer when he talks to Erica on the phone. ggggiddyup

Edited by VicSkimmr
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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that the Empire got the Chiss. I mean, Thrawn is one of the greatest non-Jedi characters in the Star Wars lore, at least in my opinion.


As for me personally, well I still plan on playing EVERY class from start to end, but have had reasons for doing each. Trooper because my first character is ALWAYS a Neutral-good-fighter-type. Jedi Knight because of the female Jedi-ish character I usually use. Sniper because after the Agent progression video, I found myself very interested in the playstyle (Always liked snipers and the like), and the second act has held me hooked. And Inquisitor, while I haven't started it yet, I'd like to have some of the electric shocky fun.


So on my end, I'm about equally divided on which side I want to play on. But this is me.

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Having the following toons... Jedi Sentinel, Trooper, and a Jedi Guardian (that I'm doing dark side), as well as a Sith Marauder, and a Bounty Hunter Merc, I can say that the Sith and Bounty hunter storylines have been the most interesting by far. The Trooper storyline is god as well. I'm having more fun with my second Jedi who is mostly dark than with the original.


I'm not sure why others rolled a Sith/Imp, but for me having seen all movies countless times and owning them, I wanted to experience the other side of the storyline. It's been fascinting honestly to be immersed in the Sith and the Empire's world and making deliciously evil choices, since that's not who I am in real life.


And just for the record.... I'm OK with SWTOR being a RP/MMO hybrid as a game. I think it blends the two genres very well.:)

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I wounder how many Imp players know that the Empire was based of Nazi Germany. So they are in a small way, playing out the life of a Nazi in space.


I am not making this up, Lucas himself has said as much. Even if he didn't though, is it really that hard to see the two the same?


Hell look up old Nazi footage and then look up any scene in any of the movies with the Empire. There is more but I am sure everyone with any sort of education has already made the connection on there own.


Wait, am I missing something? Are you implying that British Space Nazis aren't mind-numblingly interesting and awesome?


Or at the very least that this wasn't common knowledge already?

Edited by genghiscon
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So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


British accents are sexier than American accents.


End of story.


False. People play Empire because of the looks. I felt so violated when I equipped my Jedi hat. o.O

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Boba can disagree all he wants, but all he ever did was stand at the side of greater men and get pwned by Han Solo by accident. I really never understood why he was popular. He never actually did anything cool whatsoever in the movies. I guess standing around holding a rifle was the cool thing back in the 80s.


C'mon, he does seem pretty cool in the movies. You never see him do much, but he ends up being the guy to capture the target nonetheless. And he's a regular guy who talks all snarky to Darth Vader.

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The most mysterious character from the movies fro me and many of my friends was Bobba Fett.


I had the original action figures and I remember sending away UPC seals for Bobba Fett. Literally every kid I knew stood in awe when I was the first kid in my neighborhood to actually posses a Bobba Fett action figure. Other kids eventually got them and we always fought over who got to be Bobba Fett. Darth Vader was certainly more popular and certainly more evil, but Fett had a very very big "Cool Factor".


For me....Fett was the most bad*ss character in the movies, at least looks wise. The fact that he didn't talk in the originals left you carte-blanche to wonder about who he really was and what drove him. Just my 2 cents...;)

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I have yet to play a Republic character, so I had no idea that they did not have any Brit accents. I would have expected one of the Jedi classes to sound a bit like Sir Alec or Ewan, in order to achieve that Obi-Wan feeling.


My SW lore is a little rusty, but as I understand it, the Brit accent is the accent of the Core worlds. So basically Coruscant and the planets around there. As to why the Sith speak it, well, I guess it has to do with the Dark Jedi that landed on Korriban all that time ago.

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False. People play Empire because of the looks. I felt so violated when I equipped my Jedi hat. o.O


Aside from a few trooper helm, every hat in this game is horrible. And I would rather be a brown robed jedi than batman, this isn't DCUO.


Maybe it is the accents, but the pompous and arrogant way every empire npc speaks made me role republic. The jedi may be a bit goody goody but not nearly as full of themselves.

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So many theories, when the truth is out there for all to see...


British accents are sexier than American accents.


End of story.


I agree that while they may be sexier, they become so annoying after 10 mins.


Case in point..... Adele

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It goes to the heart of society in general.


We as as society (especially Americans) are forced to be "good" and "peaceful" with our lives.


When in actuality, humans are mean, selfish, dangerous animals. Sure we are "sentient" but given the opportunity to be the "bad guy" is VERY appealing.

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People play to there personalities. Sith are disgruntaled emotional a-holes that do nothing but complain. Check the forum posts out and you will see that vast majority of posts are by disgruntled emotional a-holes.


It is logical there for that most players would be Sith.

Edited by Dolarrah
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It's because the assumption in MMOs is that the 'bad guys' are played by adults and the 'good guys' are played by children (younger players)....... which is nonsense.


……. not that any of this matters as we’ll all eventually have the same number of Empire and Republic players on the same server.


That….. and Bounty Hunters are cooler than Troopers. Nothing about Troopers in E4, E5, and E6 would make anyone want to be one.


I’m suddenly reminded of Han Solo running into a group of Storm Troopers during their escape on the first Death Star…. One shot from him and they all go running…….. how heroic of them….. :rolleyes:

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It goes to the heart of society in general.


We as as society (especially Americans) are forced to be "good" and "peaceful" with our lives.


When in actuality, humans are mean, selfish, dangerous animals. Sure we are "sentient" but given the opportunity to be the "bad guy" is VERY appealing.



that isn't true. you can choose to play either faction as dark or light.


the empire can be darker overall but being republic doesn't force the opposite

the morality system for trooper, for instance, always makes sense. ends vs. means. no stupid chaotic stupid ******** (which is how many games, and other classes, treat evil.)

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He looked cool and originally didn't talk, so you're all like, whats this guy all about? Then he fell into a giant lady part with teeth and died. What more could you want from a character?


Fett didn't die. He got out and eventually became mandalore.

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