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And what happens when no classes in the group can use it? What about alts and companions? You really want the computer to make those choices IF you CAN loot something?


You seem to have forgotton that amazing greed button.


Restricting inquises from rolling on heavy gear is slightly amazing. I don't care if you're companion needs it, he runs perfectly well on crafted gear. Go check the GTN.


It's one of my biggest frustrations in ANY MMO when I see a heavy armored tank rolling on a light armor DPS item, or a medium armor DPS rolling on a light armor healing piece THAT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A STAT HE NEEDS!

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And what happens when no classes in the group can use it? What about alts and companions? You really want the computer to make those choices IF you CAN loot something?


You do realize that there is more than 1 button there, right?

Edited by Dregolas
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Which can easily be avoided by talking to your party members.


yes. and it can also be avoided by a simple built in roll restriction that doesn't hurt anyone, and makes it so that you know for a fact that nobody else will roll on it. Not everyone is honest.

Edited by Dregolas
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yes. and it can also be avoided by a simple built in roll restriction that doesn't hurt anyone, and makes it so that you know for a fact that nobody else will roll on it. Not everyone is honest.
It is fine that not everyone is honest. That is what the community is for, putting them on ignore, a community forum to identify those that do it. Back in EQ people couldn't play anymore because they were stupid and were held accountable for their actions. By making it an easy method for people to make choices, you don't hold anyone accountable for anything. You just make things easy. If I wanted plain easy and antisocial I'd go back to WoW.
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Which can easily be avoided by talking to your party members.


You seriously believe that?


How long have you been playing MMOs? If you've been playing for a good 3-10 years, and pugged constantly, you would know that your statement is completely false.


Also, see my previous post that you didn't want to comment on.

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WOW has this system so no excuse for SWTOR not to have it. Oh and don't give me that "It took wow 5 years to get it" That makes no difference, it had it when SWTOR was in production, they should have copied it.


Pretty sure they were making their own game, not a wow-clone. If you want a wow clone, go play Rift. Not saying they wont add it, just building off your logic. Yeah there are many things wow had they could have implemented. They added what they felt made their game work. The rest of the good features Im sure will be implemented with some time.

Edited by Zeed
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It is fine that not everyone is honest. That is what the community is for, putting them on ignore, a community forum to identify those that do it. Back in EQ people couldn't play anymore because they were stupid and were held accountable for their actions. By making it an easy method for people to make choices, you don't hold anyone accountable for anything. You just make things easy. If I wanted plain easy and antisocial I'd go back to WoW.


That's nice. It still doesn't change the fact that it doesn't hurt anything to have this feature, and there is no real reason not to have it.

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Pretty sure they were making their own game, not a wow-clone. If you want a wow clone, go play Rift. Not saying they wont add it, just building off your logic. Yeah there are many things wow had they could have implemented. They added what they felt made their game work. The rest of the good features Im sure will be implemented with some time.


Well, this pretty much is a WoW clone. It's just more polished and has a few improvements.

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1) Rolling need because you think it's an upgrade because you don't understand how the system works : bad. Lecture needed. I get any static , kick/ignore.


2) Rolling need for companions. Situational and not what we're talking about. In any event, this is certainly something that can be discussed before hand.


3) Rolling need because the player is a d-bag. Kick/ignore, notify guildies and general chat.


4) Rolling need due to misclick. Argh, I've done this, compensated the dude with 10k creds and an offer to run him through content if he needed it. And I still feel bad for it 3 weeks and 30 levels later. But it DOES happen.



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Inquisitors don't even get a pet that would find that remotely useful...


IF it says Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Trooper, or any of the class names on the item you cannot equip it on a companion.


For example when I first found this out, I bought an item for Corso, thinking hey he uses trooper looking gear. It had Heavy, and Trooper for restrictions. If it was only heavy I could have used it for him. But since it had trooper, he could not use it.


I'm wondering if the Inquisitor didn't realize this and was rolling on it for a companion?



If it was a Bind on Pickup item, that Inquisitor just rolled on that to end up vendoring it. :mad: There really is no defense if that is the case.



They should limit those class specific items so that only the class that can use them can roll on them in groups. There are plenty of generic limited items limited only by type (Light, Medium, Heavy) they can roll on.

Edited by Deyjarl
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You seriously believe that?


How long have you been playing MMOs? If you've been playing for a good 3-10 years, and pugged constantly, you would know that your statement is completely false.


Also, see my previous post that you didn't want to comment on.

I've been playing since UO. I've played EQ, Lineage 2, RO, RFO, WoW, Forsaken World... and yes it does and can hold true. Providing they don't implement things like "Name Change", reputation can very important not only to Guilds but independent players. I have a guild but I also do PUG constantly. In fact I have yet to have someone ninja an item in the group. If they want to roll for a companion, providing no one needs the item, they usually ask because we set up the rules before hand. No one actually has an issue with it. And it isn't just limited to a "must be your server" thing since I play on Lord Praven and Corellian Run.


I don't like it when they have to dumb down a game, by making it make choices for me. It creates a system where no one is accountable for their choices. It just makes things convenient and lazy, by having to dumb down a computer to make choices because obviously the players aren't adult enough to make those choices themselves.


Sure there are jerks and those that ninja. But I guarantee you, by making those people known to a community starts to limit their options pretty fast. In EQ, L2, heck even WoW people wore forced to server transfer because guilds wouldn't take them in, people wouldn't group with them. It wasn't just for ninja'ing loot in raids, because they do that in a group then most likely they'd steal from a guild bank as well. By making things easy, you cover up and hide things for those people making it so they can blend in.

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I don't know about low standards. I think part of it might be that my two highest level characters are Republic. So I don't group with a lot of hate-filled Sith types?


I don't see what World of Warcraft has to do with my experiences in this game?


Just not really seeing what you're getting at.


Because if you've never played World of Warcraft, SW:TOR indeed may be a good game to you because you don't know what else is out there.


It's like a dog or a cat who loves their cat/dog food. They eat it up, they look forward to it, they love it. Granted, dogs know about human food.. but let's not get that deep into the analogy.


My point is.. If you were to play WoW, you'd have a full understanding as to why this is such a poor, poor release. It's virtually unplayable compared to WoW.

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Pretty sure they were making their own game, not a wow-clone. If you want a wow clone, go play Rift. Not saying they wont add it, just building off your logic. Yeah there are many things wow had they could have implemented. They added what they felt made their game work. The rest of the good features Im sure will be implemented with some time.


Awful, poor, illogical.


Not looking for a WoW clone. We're looking for standard 2012 features. The voice-acting is nice, but what about standard 2012 MMO features. Nothing to do with WoW. WoW just happened to innovated it, and it has become the standard. For SW:TOR to not use all the successful features from other successful MMO's and then throw in their own flavor and innovation is baffling to me.



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Don't get me wrong. You want to make the suggestion to implement those changes. Feel free to, having the discussion here though doesn't matter. Suggestion forum is up there. However I will still post and view that I don't agree with it, just like your welcome to post and disagree as well. However 98% of the time those issues really can be avoided just by talking with the group members and laying down the rules.
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Because if you've never played World of Warcraft, SW:TOR indeed may be a good game to you because you don't know what else is out there.


It's like a dog or a cat who loves their cat/dog food. They eat it up, they look forward to it, they love it. Granted, dogs know about human food.. but let's not get that deep into the analogy.


My point is.. If you were to play WoW, you'd have a full understanding as to why this is such a poor, poor release. It's virtually unplayable compared to WoW.


I haven't played World of Warcraft since the Burning Crusade was released. I have in that time, though, played ...


Everquest 2, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Pirates of the Burning Sea, Tabula Rasa, Lord of the Rings Online, Age of Conan, Rift, and a couple of others I'm probably forgetting. Those are only the ones I've played SINCE I quit World of Warcraft.


I still don't see your point about World of Warcraft.

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GUYS! LFD ruins communities! If this game gets one you will have people running around ninja looting.....oh wait...........

Same realm would be OK, you have ignore list for that but cross realm would cause a lot of ninja looting for sure.

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I have naiver in this game rolled need on something that is not for me! having said that I had some one once yell at me when I was playing my OP and a gun was the loot for rolling need, and that just made me go ok what wrong with you how can you use a gun meant for an OP any how?


I loved in WarHammer how you could do just what the OP here asks you can only roll on what YOU can use, I don't know why Warhammer is like the only MMO with that??!!


it all so took me about 2 week to figer out how to pass.. hit the X lol

Edited by westraz
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Well, if I ever make a pick up group I would tell them the rules, and if they disagree with any I would tell them sorry buddy, and kick them.


1. In the new areas most people are new and don't know what to do inform them, the differences, and if they ignore give them the size 14.

2. Make rules for groups before starting the flashpoint...

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