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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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Whether I hold a minority view or not is open for discussion. These forums represent a statistical minority of the total player base. Even on these forums my view is, at best, a 50/50 split with the opposition, as the several threads on this concept that have come before amply demonstrate.


In short, your post here is invalid due to containing information that can't be reliably verified as you attempt to shore up your perspective with inaccurate "facts".


Having a discussion about loot before starting a run is fine, but don't fool yourself into thinking it's a requirement. It's a courtesy.


You are in the vast minority in this thread. Stop making statistics up. There are 3 or 4 of you and most likely you are logging in as an alt.


People like you get placed on the ignore list for good reason. Enjoy your MMO experience, I can guarantee you it will be fraught with much heartache and pain.

Edited by Xabana
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Whether I hold a minority view or not is open for discussion. These forums represent a statistical minority of the total player base. Even on these forums my view is, at best, a 50/50 split with the opposition, as the several threads on this concept that have come before amply demonstrate.


In short, your post here is invalid due to containing information that can't be reliably verified as you attempt to shore up your perspective with inaccurate "facts".


Having a discussion about loot before starting a run is fine, but don't fool yourself into thinking it's a requirement. It's a courtesy.


Actually, it's mostly the same 3 or 4 people on all of those threads.

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...if anyone in that class is with your group.


I can't believe I'm posting about item rolls, or about this issue. People worry too much about loot, and I'm a big believer in just enjoying the game.

But poor claims hurt group dynamics, and there's no need for this kind of thing.


Today, a Sith Marauder rolled Need to get this

Cademimu Sharpshooter's Jacket

+34 Endurance

+38 Cunning

+18 Critical Rating


when I pointed out it was made for an Agent, like me, he said he intended to strip out the mods and trade them.


When I noted that the mods are Bound, he insisted that since he could wear it, he could roll. More surprising was that when he brought the issue to /General, a few voices agreed.


Most did not, but the others need to know that sort of claim i's a party-breaker. This is clearly an Agent item - a huge upgrade in my case - and my next group will get a little less healing as a result.


One of the pleasures of running Flashpoints is the chance to get gear suited to you. If it's better suited to someone else, leave it for them.


Actually, I can roll on what ever I want.. And, it is none of your business what I do if I win. You roll how you want, and I'll roll how I want. But don't dare come here and demand I do anything.

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If they participated in the FP BG ect they have a right to roll on anything, lets hope this proposed fix will never be on the list, if you didn't get the item you wanted wait till the next run maybe you'll get lucky on the roll. (time for the obligitory senario)


Bobs tee-total doesn't drink, never has, Jim does enjoy a drink now and then, both buy a raffle ticket. Bob wins a 12 year old bottle of singlemalt whiskey. So under your reasoning Jim should get the prize instead of the legitimate winner Bob? Even though they made the same investment in a raffle ticket and Jim lost, Bob should be denied his rightful property?


Well, think of it this way. You have 2 ducks, one has a shotgun. They both love bubblegum. Now by your logic, the chicken shouldn't even try to cross the road.


That just sounds ludicrous to me, sir.

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It's not abuse. It's simple: you roll Need on an item because you perceive you "need" it.


It doesn't matter if your need is sourced in the urge for the credits a vendor will give you for it.


It doesn't matter if your need is sourced in the urge for the credits a player on the GTN will give you for it.


It doesn't matter if your need is sourced in the desire to upgrade a companion.


It doesn't matter if your need is sourced in the desire to strip out even just one mod for an orange piece on you or a companion.


It doesn't matter if your need is sourced in the desire to upgrade a piece on your character.


If you were in the instance, if you helped down the boss, you have a right equal to any other player to stake a claim to an item.


That's all there is to it.


And players can black list you because they perceive a need to do so. It doesn't matter how much of a need you have to get a group. They have a need to avoid you in order to enjoy the game their way.


You play your way. Others will play their way. They will play their way without you if needed.


That's all there is to it.

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You are in the vast minority in this thread. Stop making statistics up. There are 3 or 4 of you and most likely you are logging in as an alt.


People like you get placed on the ignore list for good reason. Enjoy your MMO experience, I can guarantee you it will be fraught with much heartache and pain.


Show me your statistics that show I'm in a "vast minority" ("minority" being defined as "less than half", i.e., 51% or greater, and "vast" pointing towards something in the 80%-99% range), otherwise you're doing what you're accusing me of, in which case: pot, meet kettle. He's black too.


My "MMO experience" has been happening since the days of Meridian 59 and Ultima Online. I've yet to have one fraught with "heartache and pain" as you predict.


Care to try again, and to argue from a point of verifiable logic and fact instead of emotionalisms and vague, unverifiable statements?

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You have 2 ducks, one has a shotgun. They both love bubblegum. Now by your logic, the chicken shouldn't even try to cross the road.

*squints eyes*


I have no idea what that means, but I like the sound of it...I'll be using it in the future somewhere.

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Do you like to argue with yourself for the shear pleasure of doing it? I would write more but I am sick of feeding the trolls.


Depends on if you can tell me whether you can contribute to a thread with actual facts and reason and not just vague emotionalisms. ;)

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Bob and Jim's receiving of the prize doesn't affect the entire contest next time it is run. Therefore this example is moot.


How is it moot? your reasoning is flawed your argument is a strawman, if a player participates they have equal rights to the reward, and they have the right to roll on any item they wish. If they are "lucky" and win the roll they can do what they like with it.

Your argumnet is esentially "I want and i'm usually unlucky, i want to be the only person allowed to roll on items 'I' want because if someone else rolls i might not get it"

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Show me your statistics that show I'm in a "vast minority" ("minority" being defined as "less than half", i.e., 51% or greater, and "vast" pointing towards something in the 80%-99% range), otherwise you're doing what you're accusing me of, in which case: pot, meet kettle. He's black too.


My "MMO experience" has been happening since the days of Meridian 59 and Ultima Online. I've yet to have one fraught with "heartache and pain" as you predict.


Care to try again, and to argue from a point of verifiable logic and fact instead of emotionalisms and vague, unverifiable statements?


Look at the replies in this thread.

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You cannot fight a battle of wits with the unarmed.


As for Mr Emotion guy, sounds to me like your argument falls under the same pretenses.


Here's logic for you,

If you want to run anything harder than Black Talon, you'll let people have their gear otherwise you're just going to end up with a completely fleshed out orange geared companion, no friends, and no progression.

Edited by Nightfox_
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Look at the replies in this thread.


The preponderance of evidence falls on you, since you're the one attempting to invalidate my statements. Or don't you want to do the work?


In short, show me the evidence that my perspective is in a "vast minority". I don't claim a majority by any means.


But I guarantee that I'm not the "vast minority" you appeal to in an effort to make your point have a seeming ascendancy it factually doesn't. :cool:

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If you roll with PuGs, everything is up for grabs.


If you want the gear set for your class, find a guild.


Be clear with your intentions before running content with people and you won't be disapointed when you lose gear to them.

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You cannot fight a battle of wits with the unarmed.


As for Mr Emotion guy, sounds to me like your argument falls under the same pretenses.


Here's logic for you,

If you want to run anything harder than Black Talon, you'll let people have their gear otherwise you're just going to end up with a completely fleshed out orange geared companion, no friends, and no progression.


Ah, so now we're down to insults and threats... Which still have no foundation in facts. I have yet to have a problem getting a group in any game I have played.

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Ah, so now we're down to insults and threats... Which still have no foundation in facts. I have yet to have a problem getting a group in any game I have played.


They're going to insist one way or the other, Setanian, that you will or are, despite any claims to the contrary. It's the only way they feel they can hold on to their perspective, instead of supporting it with actual objective facts.

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