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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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This is the truth, its really only people on the forums who are obsessed with the idea of a world pvp that can never exist or who would not even arena at all that are completely against arena in swtor. Also people do not want it to be the only way to get the best pvp gear. I find however from talking to people in game and not just forum trolls a lot of people actually would love arena.
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I love how people talk about "skill" in arenas. Yeah, it was just a coincidence that in most seasons a particular class set up mopped the floor with everyone else...

Just a big ol' coincidence that suddenly all top teams would be rogue mage priest... after all, it was all about skill, not class balance at all...

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I'll do that, then they'll say "What? They stopped doing that in Wrath of the Lich King, **** idiot."


... no they didn't


You can reach the Conquest cap in about 10 games. The higher your rating, the higher your conquest cap, but also the more points you gain per win.


It's about 10 games to hit the Conquest cap.


It's still 10 games a week.

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I played arena casually (15-20 games a week) all through Cataclysm and hovered in the 2450 (3s and 5s) range. No yelling at teammates occurred. I'm sorry that you have bad friends or bad experiences with arena, or are not good enough to compete. Luckily you can choose not to!


but that was just it. anyone without the gear could not "compete" in a bg against those with the gear.


PS what class did you play? who did you play with? how many times did you start a fresh team with no previous season glad gear half way through a season and hit 2450? how did you find your team mates? how many have you seen face to face in real life? i should not have to put a personal add on the forums to find people to carry me to a lvl of gear that keeps me from getting destroyed in a bg due to gear imballances. oh and i stopped playing in WOTLK so i have no idea how cataclysm was. everyone i know (actually know in real life) quit by then.

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I would like arena in swtor, its fun and it adds alot of gameplay hours. Though before putting it ingame so should bioware focus on making what we got as perfect as they can first. Who cares if arena comes from WoW? I know people dont want WoW things in Swtor, but you cant deny that WoW had alot of great stuff in it. Edited by RussSWE
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I'm down with it as long as there is no Arena-only Weapons and Armor, and if there IS Weapons and Armor that you can ONLY get from Arena...you should ONLY be able to use it in Arena.


why is it that every post that supports arena doesn't come with this? i get the feeling there are 2 types of people who dont want arena. those who are worried about spending the devs time on arena instead of something else. and those who want to make sure we never end up with a WoW pvp gear system. Im the latter.

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I'm down with it as long as there is no Arena-only Weapons and Armor, and if there IS Weapons and Armor that you can ONLY get from Arena...you should ONLY be able to use it in Arena.


I would prefer they do more creative and advanced stuff like huttball leagues. But if they ever added arenas I agree with what you said.


I don't think any competive pvp play should proffer open world or regular Warzone benefits. If they don't make the rewards or make them only usable in those environments, whatever.

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reason i quit swtor. turns out all the whiny pve'ers are the target audience of this game. I dont care about story I want competitive pvp that is fluid.


Then you made the right choice. The story is the main part of this game, and it is very obvious that the devs made the class stories and progression the priority during development.


As for the balancing questions I don't know why more games don't go the Guild Wars route and completely segregate the two. For those of you unfamiliar, there was a pvp version of a skill and a pve version. I would assume that the same could be implemented here for arena/non-arena skills. Though I do not see the appeal of arena/tdm at all in this game, others sure, but SWTOR doesn't give me that vibe.


Moreover, there are so many bugs the devs need to fix first, and a whole lot of pvp balancing. Even when this is completed though you'd probably just go up against sorc/sorc as that seems to be the most commonly played class.


tl;dr PvP, PvE, and Arena need to be completely separated in terms of balance. If this is done most fears over Arena would evaporate.

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Hahaha. It's terrible if they have a minimum weekly requirement, it's terrible if they don't have a minimum weekly requirement.


You're easy to please. Enjoy the next MMO you adore and then quit within 3 months, I'm sure it will be a smash hit as well.


No, it's terrible that they most likely dropped the 10 games a week requirement because people hated it enough they wouldn't even participate that much. i'd heard the number of arena teams crashed back in wrath i think, but i had no idea it was so bad they removed the 10 game requirement completely.


tell me, will you still be crying 3 years from now when there's still no arena in swtor? does it make u mad or sad, or both? rofl

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No, it's terrible that they most likely dropped the 10 games a week requirement because people hated it enough they wouldn't even participate that much. i'd heard the number of arena teams crashed back in wrath i think, but i had no idea it was so bad they removed the 10 game requirement completely.


tell me, will you still be crying 3 years from now when there's still no arena in swtor? does it make u mad or sad, or both? rofl


They changed it from retard-proof 10 participation arenas to requiring wins to get your points, and they made it scale upward with rating. So you were required to win more games to reach your improved point cap.


The only problem with WoW Arena is the increased gear it gives you. It should be a fun or cosmetic change only.


Anyone who is against rated arenas that give no power advantage are bad, bitter, or don't PvP in the first place. I can comfortably state that as fact. The "it'll break world pvp!" argument was null the second they announced warzones.

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They changed it from retard-proof 10 participation arenas to requiring wins to get your points, and they made it scale upward with rating. So you were required to win more games to reach your improved point cap.


The only problem with WoW Arena is the increased gear it gives you. It should be a fun or cosmetic change only.


Anyone who is against rated arenas that give no power advantage are bad, bitter, or don't PvP in the first place. I can comfortably state that as fact. The "it'll break world pvp!" argument was null the second they announced warzones.


that is not the only problem with wow arena, that is one of MANY problems with wow arena.


to me, arenas are the pandora's box of mmo. its safer, not necessarily better, to not implement it. arenas COULD make pvp better and more enjoyable, im not denying that. but there is a better chance that it will make the situation worse without addressing at least 2 key problems.


gear, which many posters have already added wonderful suggestions, and focal point of pvp balance. this was the other thing that ruined wow pvp. sure, not every nerf or buff was pvp-centered in wow, but a good 90% of them probably were. and even worse they were centered mostly around 2v2, a bracket that blizz eventually gave up on balancing because it will always be massively imbalanced.


basically, bioware cant screw up something that doesnt exist.

Edited by Ryotknife
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If you want us to take PVP seriously we will need ARENAS.

I dont care about WoW having Arenas or any other game, we as PVPers need them.

One thing is true, they need to fix the current PVP adn the ability delay first.


This just makes you sound like your pvp experience is limited to WoW. Real PVP/RVR games like DAOC had no such thing and are know to be the best player vs player content. You want to test yourself? WZ do that and World PvP does that. The points/previous posts about how arenas distort a game are well made and thought out.

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Sorry I am confused, why would players who do not like the arena system claim they do not want it when it is a 100% voluntary action? There is a smaller minority of people who love arena who love the fact that your fighting on a ladder system, that there is zero chance of anyone interrupting your fight and it all comes down to you and your partners skill. Yes of course some balancing would take place on classes all arena would do is put a spot like on the too powerful classes so Bioware may allow balance. World of Warcraft had massive diversity in there classes that caused huge balance issues constantly, Swtor has very very similar mechanics entwined into each class that would save tones of nerf/buff patchs.


Things Swtor could do better to Arena type pvp


-> Same rewards for Arena pvp as all other type battlegrounds? (same gain rate, so people who only like arena dont have to play huttball against/with bots and afks.)


->I always felt the competitive edge of different gear was what made Arena fun the guy with the legendary hit hard that how it was supposed to work. Swtor could simply auto buff stats to the same level (just like low lvls in bgs) so that regardless of your gear it actually did come down to skill.


TLDR : Arenas were fun in wow, a lot of people used them. Why are there masses of people so against in a 100% voluntary action in a game?


I'm all for Arena for players who want to use them as long as it rewards rank, titles, vanity items, but no gear upgrades. That way players arent forced into doing it for the upgrades and only players who enjoy it play.

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UM...your numbers say nothing about arenas and PvP...it's just subscription numbers. I can use those same numbers and say


11 Million people playing a game with high-end PvE based on raids!


11 million people playing a game with high-end PvP based on FOTM builds/classes!


11 million people playing a game with high-end epeen facter based on no social life


11 million people playing a game with high-end RP based on...well...um....yeah


I think I made my point....


11million compared to 1.7mill.... Nuff said there.

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11million compared to 1.7mill.... Nuff said there.


ooohhhh so we are going with the "if everyone's doing it must be right" mentallity, ya that never ends badly hey while we are comparing games that have been out for 7 years to games that have been out for 2 months.... i think we should scrap the entire format of ToR and implement something closer to farmville. lots of people play that right? i mean lets take one example from that game then relate it to the number of subscribers and imply that they all play for that one reason....


ugh i just got trolled.

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I think arenas would be awesome. I like testing my skills against other payers, instead of just death matching 8v8 in huttball.


until you find out that your class cant 1v1 that other class that kickes your *** every time you start to get some rating. so you say **** it and roll the fotm until that gets nerfed and them move on to the next.




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until you find out that your class cant 1v1 that other class that kickes your *** every time you start to get some rating. so you say **** it and roll the fotm until that gets nerfed and them move on to the next.





Because that's not happening in Warzones already amiright?

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In case this hasn't been linked in this thread already, here is someone from Blizzard's take on arena.




IF a game were designed from the ground up, with arena style play being the MAIN focus and balancing metric, then arena could possibly turn out OK. SWTOR is not like that at all. Warzones have their balance problems already and adding something as specific as arena only magnifies class deficiencies a hundred times.


I sincerely hope that arena type pvp is not ever going to be added to this game. What Bioware should be focusing on is improving world pvp and making warzones better, not wasting time on a feature that will only come back to bite them in rear.

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