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10 Good
  1. My slinger is valor 84 now and my opinion is the class should be called gunturret, not gunslinger...... I sure didnt expect the class to be immobile. If you want mobile ranged dps there is always the trooper.....
  2. Getting into cover for me today was worse than it was Monday.
  3. Just after 7 CST and there were 15 reps on Fleet and 23 Imps on fleet. These numbers are approx 1/4 of what they were just 3 months ago. If Bioware honestly thinks they have only lost 25% of thier subs.... they are being screwed by the folks who collect such data:(
  4. So you are thankful they fixed someting that should never have been broken? Thankful for vanishing cubes? Just boogle...... I unsubbed today, not paying for this goat rodeo of a mmo any more. It will be free to play within a year.
  5. The 8 BMW comms I have are the most useless which is odd given they were the hardest to get. I want the BM gear for BM comms back.
  6. Sadly yes I know, thats why I said chat log... tho not really a log either I suppose.
  7. The lag spikes and disconnects are coming from those messages. Messages I really dont need to see. They freeze my screen for 1-3 sec on a regular basis. Since the last patch its been worse. Today for 2.5 hours, no less than 3 and sometimes as many as 5 out of our full Ops was disconnected. Everyone agrees since last patch CTD on Ilum is far worse than ever. It occures exlusively when the game tries to post screen messages of valor gain. Get this crap off the UI and put it in the chat log only. I cant believe you have not had a large number of people and your own testing showing multi sec lag spikes as kills are recored. Ilum is the only place I experience lag spikes and regular disconnects. I disconnected 6 times in 2.5 hours this am.
  8. I regularly found the planet comm rewards were too low lvl for me by the time I had enough comms to buy them....
  9. Ranged elites were troublesome, grenade launching ones required I get Guss to stay away from me so he didnt get hit with the aoe. Also not everyone notices Guss has a heal stance.... One thing I noticed in the mid 40 to 49 range, the difficulty lvl of same or simular mobs seemed to be highly variable.
  10. Uhh "only DPS doesn't mean you deserve to be able to out DPS others"... so we shouldnt be able to out DPS classes that do more than just DPS? Really? Then why play the class? There are no droids in PVP... this ability is pointless as is your post.
  11. Uh rakata gear has no expertise, I call BS on you out DPSing PVP gear ppl in PVP.
  12. The your healers arent doing a wel rounded job. On my server, healing classes are tops on the rep medals everytime. Everyone of them can do decent dps to earn medals as well as the heals. Self heals shouldnt count. I just saw a claim my shield is supposed to earn protection medals.... in 57 lvls of GS Ive never seen this work like that.
  13. "I honestly feel pretty balanced against everyone except Operatives, Sorcerers, and Assassins. I don't even last long enough to burn down one. I think it would help if Dodge avoided Tech and Force attacks as well as melee and ranged, because the Operative shouldn't be able to Vibroknife me while Dodge is up." Id add an class with stealth, sprint while in combat, and self heals, just out performes GS. Wish they would give us sprint back. Dodge should DODGE..... just silly vibros dont count. I think they expected everyone to be a scoundrel. Sure wish I had picked one. I love it when ppl tell be to play at 30-35 and stay alive.... yeah cuz at those ranges there will never be LOS issues......in any warzones...
  14. With Guss PVE should be easy mode. If not, then I suggest you have gear issues. GS are terrible in PVP but they should present no major issues in PVE. If oyu ever plan to PVP, stop your GS now and do yourself a favor and switch classes.
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