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Everything posted by pvp_fo_life

  1. and it didnt make one bit of difference. im playing a vanguard shield spec. i have the 40 tank set "assult" and i die just as easily as when i had my green crap gear. 7k armor rating and 14k hp and everything with a light saber seems to hit me just as hard as before. when i was on my assassin, that gear mad a massive difference in my damage and mitigation. this gear seems to have kept me where i was even though my stats increased quite a bit. im still getting 150k damage ,10 medals, and a good ammount of kills, but i go down just as fast as when i was decked out in green not to mention no noticible increase in damage.
  2. thank you for the posts so far, im learning quite a bit.
  3. so im enjoying the hell out of my shield spec vanguard at 36, i just need to know what to look forward to when i hit 50. will i need to respec, will i be ok, or does the class/spec blow chunks completely? im specced .... 28/11/2 (eventually) shock trooper build. now at 50 is vibro blade worth it? at 36 it seems very underwhelming, and takes the place of ion pulse in my attack rotation. so basically charge>stock strike>sticky gernade>cryo gernade>vibro blade>vibro blade>stock strike. if i didnt have vibro blade i would be using ion pulse instead of vibroblade. is it worth the point?
  4. with wonderful players like that guy being helpful and informative i dont see how this game can flounder... anyway thanks for the help buddy wait... *edit* thank you Dawginole
  5. and no one is playing on my server... 1 person on the republic side. did black vulkar get a massive transit off to a different server?
  6. actually they did advertise this as " one of the greatest pvp games of all time" and "they are going to focus on making pvp better then any other game." so far they have made nothing, i say again, nothing but bad choices. they honestly feel like blizzard 2.0. i stuck through bad patch after bad patch, nerf after nerf, bad descision after bad decision, for 6 years... im not doing this again with bioware. once they condoned cheating for valor (valor farming, and spawn camping), i was done with this game. i unsubscribed and am waiting out my time. if in 6 months they wise up and make better decisions i will be back, but im not holding my breath or giving them 100$as i wait. im not mad, just dissapointed that bioware isnt as wise of company as i hoped. i might see you guys in 6 months to a year, good luck.
  7. pre 50 any class should be able to kill a healer, its once expertise is introduced that they get a little funky... in full BM gear they get +15% healing and +15% damage reduction. now keep in mind IM NOT QQing, but thats what people are having issues with. i think healing is fine in this game. if you want to see stupid healinggo play World of Warcaft. in WoW you cant kill a resto druid 1v1 you can be the best dps in the game, but they will kit you allllllll day, heals will out do your dps every time. only a few classes can kill one and thats after a long match. but now in this game a healer cant kite, cant dot very well, cant stealth heal, cant "bear form" heal, this game is much better about healing. if you havent play wow then i can see why you would feel the healing in this game is op. but if you have played wow, then you know for a fact that SWTOR did a much better job with healing specs this time around.
  8. i have an assassin 27/0/14. i have to admit it is hard for me to kill healers, i dont die to them either but killing one is a chore. in a WZ i pick out the healer and herass the hell out of them. i interrupt, stun, pull, dps and do everything in my power to stop them from healing. it works every time. i dont need to kill a healer in a WZ because i know that when my healer keep my dps up through a blitz we have the advantage. after about 30 seconds 3 people are free to help me kill the healer. basically this game should not be 1,2,3, i just ownd that healer. that would make this game stupid, its about using your skills to PREVENT healing and make the healer stress out about weather to toss heals on teammates or keep themselves up through the pressure. any class that can blitz a healer should not exsist in a pvp oriented game. if you do kill a healer it should be a long drawn out game where the healer has to mitigate your damage and conserve resources to stay in the fight. that is the skill of a healer... not dying.
  9. i cancelled my subscription for a number of reasons, the biggest is that its is 18 days and counting and i STILL havent had my main hand weapon refunded so i can use it. 18 *********** days looking at my champion main hand weapon in my bag unable to be used because its glitched. that alone lost my subscription. but now lets add the fact that they condone cheating. people who valor farm by getting groups of the opposing factions and aoe eachother down taking turns. no actual pvp is happeneing, but its still ok. /stuck glitching, wall glitching, afking, nerfing stealth, just to name a few reasons are making me sure its the right choice. quitting this game is necessary, it will force the idiots who control the game to stop waisting time giving out idiotic titles in the mail for being a founder and devote that energy to fixing the major issues that is ruining thier game and making people leave. long sentences bad grammer ect , right now i dont care... im so over this game right now, ill be back in 6 months to a year, maybe then they wont let cheating happen.
  10. until you find out that your class cant 1v1 that other class that kickes your *** every time you start to get some rating. so you say **** it and roll the fotm until that gets nerfed and them move on to the next. ITS A BAD IDEA TO HAVE ARENAS
  11. omg, i cant believe how different this is from deception. its taking 3 people to kill me, i have insane self healing and crazy mitigation. once im done with my tanking pvp set im pretty sure this is going to be my perminant spec. if you have any annoyances with the madness and deception specs, then you need to roll a darkness spec. 27/0/14 is what i went with, the difference is huge. its a major change in play style so i need to get better adjusted to it, but this is a major increase in damage over all due to the lack of needing stealth and long cool downs to fight people. try it for your slef and you may feel the same way.
  12. sorcerers are not op, they dont need a nerf. they die just like everyone else. assassins that are tank spec are very powerful, but if you are not tank spec you will die very easy by comparison. they need to fix madness and deception specs for assassins. i say again, sorcerers are not OP!
  13. make the platforms taller by 3x, and make the pit 3x deeper. by making platforms taller it would make jumping/charging effects negated due to los issues, and force players to use bouncing tactics as their primary defense aginst players who run up top. by making the pit deeper it would also prevent jumping and passing tactis from the bottom of the pit to the endzone. by doing this, something that could be done in literally 2 hours or less, you wouldnt need to nerf juggernots or vanguards ect... it would just make player have to use skill more then just spamming talented abilities to give them a overwhelming advantage. there would still be the issue of bouncing people off the platforms, but you would still use the jumping/charging abilities from most classes to negate those and get back on the platforms.
  14. well thanks for the advice, i really didnt want to go to the fotm side of things but you made a very strong case. should i ditch my dps pvp gear if i do decide to change over to a 31/0/10 or a 27/0/14 spec?
  15. i dont really know what that post was trying to say... but the class is fine, im asking for a small tweak to one talent tree that would give us longevity for pvp at places like ilum and other WPvP locations, where 1v1 can happen.
  16. ok i dont know what the middle tree is called in shadow but non tanking assassins have it rough in pvp right now. you either have to out gear the player, or you need to play someone who dosent know how to play their class to get a 1v1 kill. now obviously im being facetious, but i have noticed some issues with non tanking assassins. 1. we dont mitigate damage very well. going up aginst a jedi knight, tanking assassin, vanguard, or basically any class/spec that can mitigate damage is an up hill battle. my suggestion would be small mitigation skills mixed in with the current ones. like adding in 5% damage reduction to a 5 skill talent. 2. resource regen. in long fights, like versus a healer or a tanking spec, we gas out and cannot continue to pressure our targets. in order to have 18 seconds of needed regeneration to keep us in the fight we have to : start the fight from stealth, use a 45+ second cooldown (force shroud or cloak cant remember the name of that talent) then use our vanish as a regen talent. ok now lets assume i kill my target, then someone else jumps on me... i have no cds to escape or fight with... im as good as dead. my suggestion would be talents similar to the tanking tree that give us a passive 30%/50% boost that dosent stack with our cooldown abilities. my current spec is 0/33/8, with 13/14 champion gear, full 5/5 main set. my burst damage is fine but when you go up aginst a player who knows what they are doing, or has awesome mitigation abilities like the jedi knight bubbles, then you fail at the end of the fight, usually due to having no cooldowns or no resources to keep up your pressure. i guess what im trying to say is... deception assassins are 95% complete, we just need a small push to balance long fights against those high mitigation/healing classes.
  17. world of warcraft did this... and it turned out really really bad. pvp should be = pve. pvp gear should give a substantial advantage over pve gear in a pvp environment. as well a pve geared player should dominate a pvp geared player in a pve environment. this route you're taking bioware is familiar to me and is a step in the wrong direction. just make sure that if you do mess up you are not to emberrased to admit you made a bad choice and change things back tot he way they were. dont be like blizzard and compund bad choices on top of eachother.
  18. thanks alot for the reply. i appreciate the help, a lot.
  19. the charge ability was one of the main reasons for choosing shield spec. thanks for your input .
  20. just rolled on a new server and decided to try a new class. vanguards seem to hit hard and seem to mitigate damage fairly well. so with that being said, does anyone have an opinion on shield spec over tactics or assault? will they do well 1v1, do they hit hard, do they suck? im 12 right now so i dont have a good grasp on the mechanics of the class, other then i know they are the mirror to powertechs. *edit* i played a power tech to 25 in beta so i dont know if they have changed them since then.
  21. exactly what is says, im looking to roll a new character on a pvp server. was just wondering if anyone had a good one they liked, that has a high population. planning on rolling republic, just because they are lower in active players. so any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance.
  22. ok, i would like to interduce you to a player named caasp. he is on the wall of light server. every WZ i see him in he is getting both topdamage and kills, but also "invincible". he is a wreckingball. guess what class he is? thats right a juggernaut. you do need skill, you do need to know what you're killing, you do need gear. once you get these things you will figure out that every class is balanced, enough to be fair.
  23. ok im playing hutt ball. i score 3/3 points prevent 2 scores from opponents, get 20 kills, top in objective points for both sides, AND i even let people know when i scored, not in an annoying way but " woot thanks for the help running the ball" ... and the MOTHER ****ER who got top kills gets mvp !!!! ***???
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