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We want Arenas in SWTOR!


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So you bring WoW to the table, you do know that even the developers , not talking about part of the population , the developers themselves admit that implementing the arena was a mistake.


1 dev stated this and was his own opinion

And if you read his comments he's pve biased

And apologizes to pve players for implementing it after all pvp was originally an after thought on that game. Where as this game has pvp designed into it from the get go



Arenas will come

Don't like it don't participate it's that simple

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Yes to arenas.


Sure it's been said before in this thread (don't feel like reading 26 pages of posts to find the person to quote).


Arenas are were a superb way of rewarding skill instead of time. The guy who plays 10 games with excellence a week gets a better reward than the guy that plays 1000 games a week half-AFK.


Furthermore, it was a great balancing system - getting harder as you win more / easier as you loose more.


I guess a key issue is the quality of the arena gear versus the war zone - I don't know how that should work - I don't really care.


Another thing about arenas that unique and good - it's founded on teams working together on both sides. War zones are lop sided when on side happens to be a premade, yet the other is all pug.


I see nothing but good by adding an arena system - main thing I think is to not make a big gear difference between arena and war zone.:o

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1 dev stated this and was his own opinion

And if you read his comments he's pve biased

And apologizes to pve players for implementing it after all pvp was originally an after thought on that game. Where as this game has pvp designed into it from the get go



Arenas will come

Don't like it don't participate it's that simple


Ok , find me a dev that said that arenas were a huge hit and that they think they should have implemented it earlier, to counter mine , or one dev is better than none.


And i fail to see how this game is more PvP focused than your own example WoW.


2 factions that should kill one another, they give you wg that is basically an ilum, and battle grounds that goes for warzones.

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Why in earth people say no? it's something you only do if you want to... Let us PvPers have what we need.


because we dont want swtor to turn into wow where arenas ruined the game. if it was simply a flavor thing (like you can do arenas or wz with no significant difference in rewards or in time imput vs reward), go for it.


there are people who like arenas instead of wzs. i want those people to enjoy themselves as well, but i dont want their venue to ruin an entire game like it did in wow.

Edited by Ryotknife
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/signed unsubscribed due to no arenas already and after this month i'm gone unless somethings done


What an impatient, whiny little.....


No thanks on arena. Unless there is no specific gear rewards granted from it, titles, pets, mounts, etc. should be the incentive behind competitive PvP.


If you like it so much, there shouldn't be an issue with that. Besides, don't all "hardcore" PvPers tend to claim to want an even playing field? Gear granted from Arena rating hardly provides that and that is the main issue with it.


The fact is, PvP is broken as it is, adding arena would only break it more.

Edited by Celebrus
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So you bring WoW to the table, you do know that even the developers , not talking about part of the population , the developers themselves admit that implementing the arena was a mistake.
to not implement it earlier so they can develop with it in mind...


There finished the sentence, tired of people quoting the line that suits their arguement.

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Arena doesn't need to have BETTER rewards... it just needs to be a little unique.



Like a unique skin for the battlemaster set. Just so you know they have done arena.


They should get titles too.


Possibly a mount.


But nothing to make them have the upper hand by any means. Just something different. A cool incentive.


I just want the gameplay to be honest. It would be even more interesting without all of the add ons to help make your gameplay easy.


Can anyone say its a bad idea if you get nothing BETTER. Just something Different?

Edited by Areoss
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I agree, Arena was for me the most fun in WoW when raiding stated to be same old same old.


No need for better gear but Arena actually "forced" you to become a better player and teamplayer, wich in my opinion is the most fun in MMO's. To have a proper challenge and a reason to improve as a player. No rewards at all for a loss.


As it is now you can just lol around in your WZ and still get about the same rewards as you get from "playing" the WZ.

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to not implement it earlier so they can develop with it in mind...


There finished the sentence, tired of people quoting the line that suits their arguement.


Actually "We didn't engineer the game and classes and balance around it, we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance." is the exact quote. So stop pretending like you're perfectly portraying what they said when in fact you're telling a half truth. He also went on to say "There's constant pressure on the class balance team, there's pressure on the game itself, and a lot of times players who don't PvP don't understand why their classes are changing. I don't think we ever foresaw how much tuning and tweaking we'd have to do to balance it in that direction."


For the reading comprehension impaired out there, that means that arena needed to be installed from the GROUND UP, and that the game needs to be HEAVILY BALANCED AROUND ARENA.


Stop presenting the argument that the game wouldn't be strictly balanced around arena, when that very fact comes from the mouth of one of arena's inventors. It's actually stupid, and I would expect that a better, not so blatantly wrong and ignorant argument would be used to support this sytem. However, there isn't one.

Edited by Celebrus
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Arenas are the worst thing EVER in MMO.


We need more WZ and premades WZ. A Guild vs Guild system.


Guild Stations, so we can get guild assalts. Spaceship PvP... and so on... things that requires lot of peoples, no 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5... if you wanna arena play some arena based games... there are lots of them...

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