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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

OP nerfed- Are we Next?


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Not to rain on your parade but the Sith Sorcerer in my guild is DPS spec and he does 300k damage and 200k healing every single warzone match.


Also, juggs doing "5-7k" force smashes are only available once every 21 seconds and it only hits for 4-5k after that their damage is terrible. The 7k smashes you see in youtube videos are when biochem consumables were over the top.


Sorcerers do so much more damage than juggs/guardians while offering all the cc and utility they have.


I'm not saying they need to be nerfed but to use Jugg smashes as your argument and not even knowing how the class functions is silly.

The ones with biochem consumables took the damage over 10k. In an AoE.

Bubbles are considered healing.

Post his spec tree.

Does he have Battlemaster gear?

All of these are relevant. I never see champ geared sorcs post numbers like that. I've posted like 300k damage and 150k healing in matches before, but mainly due to dropping bubbles on everyone, and the enemy team throwing out enough aoe healing to match my aoe damage, and nobody targeted me. That's only possible in a bad team with good healers.

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Dude it wasn't a nerf that IO got. It was a fix. THey were being able to 2 shot people. Stop whinning about being nerfed if it happens. It is an MMO, nerfs AND buffs will happen all the time. It is very hard to make a class = in PvP and PvE. To the guy about taking out CC really?? That is the problem with WOW is not enough classes have CC which makes it one sided and if they do arena you need a certain comp. Making all classes have CC and good CC makes it equal and fair. Do you really think they are going to care? THey are going to balance the game because they see what you wont see. Of course to you, you are perfectly balanced. Guess what the IO were balanced and they are whining it was fair they got to 2 shot people. Edited by Paralassa
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IIRC BW has said that they prefer to elevate weak classes than nerf the FotM classes into the ground.


Honestly, I went through this with WoW and I quit in BC and then later in Cata over it (came back, still sucked). I'm not doing it again. I don't PvP much (perhaps 5 or 6 warzones per week). Mostly I PvE and if I start to see the cycle of my PvE getting screwed because of PvP balance, I'm out. The whole "nerf bat" thing seems over 90% driven by PvP since PvE is much easier to balance.

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IIRC BW has said that they prefer to elevate weak classes than nerf the FotM classes into the ground.


Honestly, I went through this with WoW and I quit in BC and then later in Cata over it (came back, still sucked). I'm not doing it again. I don't PvP much (perhaps 5 or 6 warzones per week). Mostly I PvE and if I start to see the cycle of my PvE getting screwed because of PvP balance, I'm out. The whole "nerf bat" thing seems over 90% driven by PvP since PvE is much easier to balance.


That isn't actually true it does seem it but isn't. Most people complain when they are doing 12% less damage then certain classes so it has to be fixed so they can see numbers be more equal on raid bosses. Most nerfs where to make all damage be similar

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Dude it wasn't a nerf that IO got. It was a fix. THey were being able to 2 shot people. Stop whinning about being nerfed if it happens. It is an MMO, nerfs AND buffs will happen all the time. It is very hard to make a class = in PvP and PvE. To the guy about taking out CC really?? That is the problem with WOW is not enough classes have CC which makes it one sided and if they do arena you need a certain comp. Making all classes have CC and good CC makes it equal and fair. Do you really think they are going to care? THey are going to balance the game because they see what you wont see. Of course to you, you are perfectly balanced. Guess what the IO were balanced and they are whining it was fair they got to 2 shot people.

They couldn't two shot people. They were doing upwards of 80-100% of a persons health bar in one knockdown though...which was a bit much.

Edited by Paralassa
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I'm assuming you mean Sorc? Assassins are if anything underpowered.


Sorc on the other hand as well as Jedi Sage DO need an nerf. You may be squishy when shields are down, but sadly I rarely come across one with shields down, they seem to be up all the time.


Reduce shield duration and increase CD and the problem is solved. Currently they have far too much defence and DPS.


IMO a class needs either one or the other.

Edited by Maalus
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First of all I got a Jedi Guardian as my main, that said...


They don't understand that even though we can dps we have NO defence! Once our shield is down, we, ourselves, are downed within a few seconds. We are balanced. The main issue is their is just so many of us.


Are you ******* kidding me??? That's exactly the same reasons not to nerf operatives/scoundrels but in different words: arfter their opener they got nothing, you still got the DPS after your shield goes down (+ puchbacks and CC's) and you are saying you are balance? Hello hypocrisy!


To Bioware: You made SI's the way they are for a reason. Don't listen to the whiners and haters. You made us a balanced class by giving us strong dps skills, at a cost of a very low defence. Please don't make an unnecessary nerf. I am grateful for the game you've made but nerfing the OP's was a mistake in my eyes. Please do not make another mistake.


Again, same thing for OP/Scoundrels: Big opener at a cost of low surviability and DPS...


Hope you get your nerf next, and that it will be as abused as the OP/Scoundrel one... Maybe the SI's "Pro" community will start to bleed and give a chance to play multi-class matches.


PS: Sorry for taking your post as an example, I read you are somewhat against the OP/Scundrel abused nerf, but some of your statements are used as excuses not to nerf your class.

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0 defence?



30 sec cd stun with movement speed icnrease,


vanish with mvoement speed and dispell,


medium armor


Bubble- lasts 15 secs and absorbs 1.5k damage. Only takes 1.5 secs on GCD to do that damage plus. Think about it.


30 sec CD stun with movement speed increase- talented in the only tree not viable for PvP; hell anything. And that's for the 30secs usually 45 for the other 2 trees and the movement speed increase which is 30% for 4secs. Also this move roots the player while executing.


Root- Read Above except on the PvP tree scrapper so the Melee dps tree gets a root. And its lasts 2 secs. And has to me done in 10m range. If that counts toward serious survivability, I need to L2P. ;)


Vanish With movement speed and Dispel- Movement speed is 6 seconds talented and there is no dispel. I don't know where you got that from but there isn't.


Heals- All interrupt-able and on 2.5 (2secs in talented) sec casting time. Meaning even with GCD on 1.5 sec you can get a CC, Knock-back or even an attack in and interrupt it.


Medium armor- I'll just redirect you to the Jedi sentinel or Sith marauder forums so they can tell you about their survivability with it.


Truth be told all of the the survivable Scoundrel Scrappers (the actually nerfed tree) you saw on videos over the last month used biochem.

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Bubble- lasts 15 secs and absorbs 1.5k damage. Only takes 1.5 secs on GCD to do that damage plus. Think about it.


30 sec CD stun with movement speed increase- talented in the only tree not viable for PvP; hell anything. And that's for the 30secs usually 45 for the other 2 trees and the movement speed increase which is 30% for 4secs. Also this move roots the player while executing.


Root- Read Above except on the PvP tree scrapper so the Melee dps tree gets a root. And its lasts 2 secs. And has to me done in 10m range. If that counts toward serious survivability, I need to L2P. ;)


Vanish With movement speed and Dispel- Movement speed is 6 seconds talented and there is no dispel. I don't know where you got that from but there isn't.


Heals- All interrupt-able and on 2.5 (2secs in talented) sec casting time. Meaning even with GCD on 1.5 sec you can get a CC, Knock-back or even an attack in and interrupt it.


Medium armor- I'll just redirect you to the Jedi sentinel or Sith marauder forums so they can tell you about their survivability with it.


Truth be told all of the the survivable Scoundrel Scrappers (the actually nerfed tree) you saw on videos over the last month used biochem.


Bubble absorbs more

"Not viable PVP spec" +extra dmg to shiv, +reduced cd on stun and movement speed +critical chance. You are level 35 or what? Or where do you spend extra points?

Normal attack will not interupt casting.

OMG root has 10 meters only?!


Deception Assassins has 0 viable abilities for 30 meters range.

you stay at 11 meters, he cant do nothing


learn to play

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The only change Bioware needs is to universally nerf the CC of all classes in this game. Almost every AC has access to a stun and a long-term CC, which should not be the case.


Yes, and this would make PvE REALLY fun. Just tank and spank, no CC. :rolleyes:


CC is fine, and brings a little tactics to an otherwise very bland combat. What they do need to do is rethink how resolve works and what affects it and by how much. Knockbacks only costing about 200 resolve is stupid, for instance. One time I was punted from near enemy finish line to all the way to the acid pool in the middle without my resolve bar filling up. True story.

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Alright guys we all know the Op's got nerfed. I have a feeling that we might be next due to the ranter in the PVP forum section. We have to stand together! Everyone please sign to show that we don't need a nerf! They don't understand that even though we can dps we have NO defence! Once our shield is down, we, ourselves, are downed within a few seconds. We are balanced. The main issue is their is just so many of us.


To Bioware: You made SI's the way they are for a reason. Don't listen to the whiners and haters. You made us a balanced class by giving us strong dps skills, at a cost of a very low defence. Please don't make an unnecessary nerf. I am grateful for the game you've made but nerfing the OP's was a mistake in my eyes. Please do not make another mistake.



The rancor for nerfs in the PvP forums is for Sorcerers, I think its universally accepted that Assassins are either Balanced or are Underpowered.

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i can't wait to see what they do to you guys lol.


And then we will REALLY see some tears on the boards.


This^ and it will be an amazing day to play on the republic seeing six inqisitard sorc in a warzone no longer being able to insta win for their team and instead getting demolished.

Edited by AlterEgg
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Every WZ I play could double as Sorcs Anonymous. Not only are we getting nerfed, given what they did to Ops and Scoundrels, it's gonna be crippling.


and deserved. If they can nerf the least played class in the game then surely they can nerf the most played and overpowered class.


Say good by to ezmode topping damage and heals charts.

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I really think they just need to be re balance so the hybrid spec inst so op maybe add the 50% crit buff to lightning strike then do a small damage nerf to force lightning, and a buff to the the madness 31 point talent.


Hybrid specs should be good in pvp for utility, not damage, harder hitting specs with less utility should be full 31 point specs.


Other ideas are small nerfs to chain lightning and death field, while fixing some higher level pvp type talents like the horrid 30% extra healing from death field and parasitism.


it should be full specs doing the top damage with nukes for lightning and dots for madness, while a hybrid spec offering better utility and better aoe, but a decent amount less single target damage.


This could make 3 viable dps specs for pvp, instead of forcing us into one spec.


Also healing tree needs major work for pvp, very weak pvp talents, and very weak synergy with other trees. main thing is the very low 20% slow on affliction for 2 points, and having to get a worthless talent to get the 20% speed buff for your shield, the 31 point talent seems like really bad for pvp unless your group sits still the whole time, and you have to get a lot of dps talents to get anything good out of the other 2 trees for pvp.


All in all wouldn't mind a nerf on the fotm spec but some better viability on healing and 31 point dps specs.

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