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10 Good
  1. First of all I got a Jedi Guardian as my main, that said... Are you ******* kidding me??? That's exactly the same reasons not to nerf operatives/scoundrels but in different words: arfter their opener they got nothing, you still got the DPS after your shield goes down (+ puchbacks and CC's) and you are saying you are balance? Hello hypocrisy! Again, same thing for OP/Scoundrels: Big opener at a cost of low surviability and DPS... Hope you get your nerf next, and that it will be as abused as the OP/Scoundrel one... Maybe the SI's "Pro" community will start to bleed and give a chance to play multi-class matches. PS: Sorry for taking your post as an example, I read you are somewhat against the OP/Scundrel abused nerf, but some of your statements are used as excuses not to nerf your class.
  2. Heavy server can mean dead servers where Imperials ar far more than Republicans, it can even go as far as 80% Imp - 20% Rep (maybe even more). But again, who am I to go against troll community...
  3. Bonjour, voila le problème: Je viens de finir une warzone et je reçois une autre invitation pour entrer, je clique et... écran de selection du personnage... ok... je relance... la même chôse... ça m'est déjà arrivé plusieurs fois aujourd'hui et ça commence à saouler... Ca fait 15 minutes que j'essai maintenant depuis mon dernière warzone et à chaque fois c'est l'écran de selection de l'avatar que j'ai à la place du warzone.
  4. J'ai comme l'impression que certains entre vous prennent l'OP comme un Développeur de SWTOR ou un Community manager... Si jamais c'est un joueur comme vous et moi...
  5. I'm having the same problem. If it's listed we should be able to learn it. Please look into this Bioware...
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