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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware Insulting Bias


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Hey Bioware,


I just wanted you to know that you didnt fix illum.


You basically changed it from Imperials farming the med center, to imperials farming armaments.


I guess you think its slick and sneaky of you to create a never ending supply of free daily items in the center of the map for your baby empire faction.


I have waited 3 days now on my empire alt for my 50 to have something to do outside of PVE (my guildies arent 50 yet) and I have yet to find anything. No warzones, no ilum.


I said this before i'll say it again, if you are going to be blatantly obvious about your infatuation with the empire faction you created, at least have the decency to admit it and delete the republic.


They dont need us to pvp, they dont need us to do ilum dailys, they dont need us for anything.


I feel like i'm living in a sick social experiment to find out how far someone has to be pushed before they believe they are being discriminated against.

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Hey Bioware,


I just wanted you to know that you didnt fix illum.


You basically changed it from Imperials farming the med center, to imperials farming armaments.


I guess you think its slick and sneaky of you to create a never ending supply of free daily items in the center of the map for your baby empire faction.


I have waited 3 days now on my empire alt for my 50 to have something to do outside of PVE (my guildies arent 50 yet) and I have yet to find anything. No warzones, no ilum.


I said this before i'll say it again, if you are going to be blatantly obvious about your infatuation with the empire faction you created, at least have the decency to admit it and delete the republic.


They dont need us to pvp, they dont need us to do ilum dailys, they dont need us for anything.


I feel like i'm living in a sick social experiment to find out how far someone has to be pushed before they believe they are being discriminated against.

I approve of this message. IM FOAMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!
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I play Empire and Republic. I went to Ilum last night on my Empire toon. There were zero Republic players in the zone and about 30 Empire players riding around in circles picking up the armaments. I got two or three in about an hour. The Empire zerg is so bad that the Republic won't even bother with Ilum, why would they?


Offering pvp rewards for driving your speeder around for hours is bad game design.


What is the real point of Ilum? The objectives really mean nothing. There is no winner or loser. It is just a place where the side with the most players will zerg the other side into the ground.


I remember playing Arathi Basin and that was a blast. It was balanced player wise and there were objectives to hold similar to Voidstar but it required some tactics and the objectives were further apart to eliminate the zerg.


The night after the patch We had 30 to 50 and they had 10. I doubt they got more than 3 kills.


The Republic players are all dead before most of us could even get to them and get a shot off.


Fun? I guess so if you are into ganking, which a great majority are although they won't admit it.


The PVP in SWTOR is very disappointing. Huttball is not fun with all the stupid pulls and pushes. Pulls are great when you get to to do them. They really stink when you have absolutely no counter for them. Warhammer was coined stunhammer for a time as it was a joke. The first to get the stun off won and some classes could stack them up.


Much like the discussion of the OP. To be stunned and killed in 3 seconds is no fun for the one being killed and takes little skill from the one doing the killing.

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This game is going to die for the exact same reason as Warhammer Online died.


Devs who are too stupid to realize that making a 2 faction system where one faction is obviously always portrayed as the better, more powerful one is just massively stupid.

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Yes blame Bioware for making the faction appealing to players, They didn't give us advantages, they gave us what we wanted, a chance to play the Sith. Do you know how many games you could be an actual Sith? Zero. None. Nada. The story alone is what brought most people here. You know why? No games about the Sith. They didn't play the Sith up in any way, they showed Sith being Sith, and bland Jedi being Jedi. Stop blaming Bioware because you made the "bland and boring" faction choice. It'll all even out once the FOTM players leave for something newer and shinier. Then only the Star Wars fans will remain and then you'll see a difference in numbers, SWG republic outnumbered Empire 5:1. Granted there were only 10000 people playing that game, but still you get my point. Edited by LordXile
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We're blaming Bioware for making one faction choice bland and boring.


But they didn't, I've played Republic alts, know what I see from my Star Wars geek eyes? Jedi and the Republic, exactly as they are portrayed in every medium, same goes for the Sith. Bioware did a great job capturing what both sides are, It's not their fault that the old fashioned good guys are bland, people want to try something new, that's what the Sith faction offers.

Edited by LordXile
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But they didn't, I've played Republic alts, know what I see from my Star Wars geek eyes? Jedi and the Republic, exactly as they are portrayed in every medium, same goes for the Sith. Bioware did a great job capturing what both sides are, It's not their fault that the old fashioned good guys are bland, people want to try something new, that's what the Sith faction offers.




I just really hope you are trolling.


You can't possible be this disconnected from how a two faction system requires at least a close balance of numbers for it to work regardless of the percieved reason for the numbers being close or not.

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Yes blame Bioware for making the faction appealing to players, They didn't give us advantages, they gave us what we wanted, a chance to play the Sith. Do you know how many games you could be an actual Sith? Zero. None. Nada. The story alone is what brought most people here. You know why? No games about the Sith. They didn't play the Sith up in any way, they showed Sith being Sith, and bland Jedi being Jedi. Stop blaming Bioware because you made the "bland and boring" faction choice. It'll all even out once the FOTM players leave for something newer and shinier. Then only the Star Wars fans will remain and then you'll see a difference in numbers, SWG republic outnumbered Empire 5:1. Granted there were only 10000 people playing that game, but still you get my point.


Blatant lie. A number of the 'mirror' abilities on the Empire side are superior to the Republic versions, with shorter cooldowns on some, and better mechanics on others. An example is the Awe ability for the Sentinel. It puts several nearby targets into a daze type of effect for 6 seconds or until damaged, while the Marauder version THROWS YOU ON THE GROUND, and even after receiving damage, you still have to go through the standing up animation before you can move again.

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I play Republic on my server, Warriors of the Shadow, and last night we had a pretty large group formed in Ilum. It could have made for some epic clashes...if it wasnt for the fact that just about all of us were playing with 1 fps. First REAL battle we got into my game crashed :rolleyes:
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I just really hope you are trolling.


You can't possible be this disconnected from how a two faction system requires at least a close balance of numbers for it to work regardless of the percieved reason for the numbers being close or not.


No I'm perfectly aware, but blaming Bioware for portraying the Empire as it actually is, therefore worth playing, makes no sense what so ever. Everyone is blaming Bioware for the imbalance, when really they should stop to think "hmm, it's a rare thing to find anything about the Sith other than a handful of novels. I can understand the imbalance, people are interested in seeing the other side." I'm Empire, and not very happy with the imbalance either. Kills in Illum go fast unless your right there with the zerg group, and while I don't mind Huttball, it gets annoying after the fifth straight match.


Basically, I'm saying it'll even out...in time, maybe a month, maybe two.

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This game is going to die for the exact same reason as Warhammer Online died.


Devs who are too stupid to realize that making a 2 faction system where one faction is obviously always portrayed as the better, more powerful one is just massively stupid.


I don't think Swtor is even in the same ball park as borehammer.


Count yourselves lucky to be participating in the most expensive debacle in MMO history.





I hear Walmart is selling bundle packages of the movie Heaven's gate and Swtor for $ 19.99 right now

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No I'm perfectly aware, but blaming Bioware for portraying the Empire as it actually is, therefore worth playing, makes no sense what so ever. Everyone is blaming Bioware for the imbalance, when really they should stop to think "hmm, it's a rare thing to find anything about the Sith other than a handful of novels. I can understand the imbalance, people are interested in seeing the other side." I'm Empire, and not very happy with the imbalance either. Kills in Illum go fast unless your right there with the zerg group, and while I don't mind Huttball, it gets annoying after the fifth straight match.


Basically, I'm saying it'll even out...in time, maybe a month, maybe two.


I guess I am asking you to look at it from BW's point of view: you are basically saying "when people start leaving the game, it will even out".


If it were your hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, I am sure you would not take such a cavalier attitude about it.

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I do find it interesting though. Is it BW's fault that Sith is more sought after or is it the player base fault?


After reading previous comments I do agree on the fact that BW did create the factions the way they are portraid in the movies. The colours, the clothing, the behavior even the looks of the characters and very alike.


So is it the player base fault, the bigger base of players who always gets drawn to the mor evil/darker side, regardless of game. Be it destruction, Elyos, Sith, Pirates etc.


Maybe it's not BW's fault that so many has a need to go evil in games, but maybe it's their responsibility to, when knowing this fact, make sure a server is balanced. Like adding faction limits on the server?


I don't know but it sure is an interesting topic.

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Hey Bioware,


I just wanted you to know that you didnt fix illum.


You basically changed it from Imperials farming the med center, to imperials farming armaments.


I guess you think its slick and sneaky of you to create a never ending supply of free daily items in the center of the map for your baby empire faction.


I have waited 3 days now on my empire alt for my 50 to have something to do outside of PVE (my guildies arent 50 yet) and I have yet to find anything. No warzones, no ilum.


I said this before i'll say it again, if you are going to be blatantly obvious about your infatuation with the empire faction you created, at least have the decency to admit it and delete the republic.


They dont need us to pvp, they dont need us to do ilum dailys, they dont need us for anything.


I feel like i'm living in a sick social experiment to find out how far someone has to be pushed before they believe they are being discriminated against.




L2PvP and stop trying to pvp on Ilum solo?

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Blatant lie. A number of the 'mirror' abilities on the Empire side are superior to the Republic versions, with shorter cooldowns on some, and better mechanics on others. An example is the Awe ability for the Sentinel. It puts several nearby targets into a daze type of effect for 6 seconds or until damaged, while the Marauder version THROWS YOU ON THE GROUND, and even after receiving damage, you still have to go through the standing up animation before you can move again.


That's funny, as I'm hit with that knockdown ability quite often, and as long as I'm not actually stunned, I can move, By passing or speeding up the "get up" animation. Same goes for when I'm knocked down by an OP.

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I guess I am asking you to look at it from BW's point of view: you are basically saying "when people start leaving the game, it will even out".


If it were your hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, I am sure you would not take such a cavalier attitude about it.


The people that will leave will leave anyway, they're the FOTM crowd, nothing can stop them from leaving, Hell just look at all the QQ from 1.1 Patch, all those quitters after 1 day. They were just looking for an excuse to leave and call the game fail. After the inevitable loss of the FOTM players, you'll see more balance.

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After reading previous comments I do agree on the fact that BW did create the factions the way they are portraid in the movies. The colours, the clothing, the behavior even the looks of the characters and very alike.


Republic got less attention, fleet station and coruscant make my freaking eyes bleed.

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The people that will leave will leave anyway, they're the FOTM crowd, nothing can stop them from leaving, Hell just look at all the QQ from 1.1 Patch, all those quitters after 1 day. They were just looking for an excuse to leave and call the game fail. After the inevitable loss of the FOTM players, you'll see more balance.


I sure am glad you are not a game developer.


Or managing my business.

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But they didn't, I've played Republic alts, know what I see from my Star Wars geek eyes? Jedi and the Republic, exactly as they are portrayed in every medium, same goes for the Sith.


What are you talking about? Seriously?


In the movies the Sith are a parable to the nazis and the evils of fascism. They commit genocide, and are characterized by corruption and stamping out any right people have for individual expression.


The whole point of the movie is that life under the heel of the empire is a bad thing. The movie also makes a point of saying that technology and progress were lost because of the Empires tyrannical reign, and nobody except their military machine really prospered.


In this game it's like the empire was re-written into this perfect warrior society where the strong get ahead and everything is great.


Where in ANY of the promotional material for SWTOR does it ever mention any serious faults or downsides or weaknesses of the empire?


Compare that to the number of times it mentions the faults, downsides and weaknesses of the Republic...

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I wonder if the anti Empire folks have any evidence whatsoever that BW is giving Empire an upper hand then the republic. As i can tell both factions are mirrored and have the same tools.


Or maybe it is just easier to blame BW since the players themselves have L2P issues.

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I wonder if the anti Empire folks have any evidence whatsoever that BW is giving Empire an upper hand then the republic. As i can tell both factions are mirrored and have the same tools.


Or maybe it is just easier to blame BW since the players themselves have L2P issues.



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