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HUTTBALL ... Exploit / cheating / Fairplay ??? which is it ??


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Huttball is a game specifically MADE for Dbag tactics! It's got hazards, pits, and all kinds of ways to screw people over. Why not one more?


I tell you man, I was never one for that kind of stuff, but I got so sick of getting environment killed by sorcs/sages that I rolled a vanguard specifically to harpoon a mofo and cryo nade them and stand there in their face as they die.


I get an evil chuckle every time. never gets old.

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I think it is an issue of it not registering as a score. I've been CCed on the goal line. Then after CC completely run over the goal line and been killed seconds later OVER THE LINE and have had it not count as a goal. Other tmes I've seen players killed on the goal line but not actually been over the goal and it counted as a score.


That is a bug, this is a tactic. There is a difference. The end results may be the same, but your example is specifically counter to the rules of Huttball, where as the OP is complaining about the rules.

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I tell you man, I was never one for that kind of stuff, but I got so sick of getting environment killed by sorcs/sages that I rolled a vanguard specifically to harpoon a mofo and cryo nade them and stand there in their face as they die.


I get an evil chuckle every time. never gets old.


I feel you on that. The terrain hazards and such are a real pain in the ***, but I mean... that's Huttball.

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That is a bug, this is a tactic. There is a difference. The end results may be the same, but your example is specifically counter to the rules of Huttball, where as the OP is complaining about the rules.


Yes the tactic is fair and the player should die once being pulled into the enemy area. However if the player has the ball and is pulled across he should get the score mid air once the ball has crossed the line then subsequently die when reaching enemy spawn.


Before the 50 bracket I've actually harpooned the opposing teams ball handler across the goal line just to end the game when we were losing 5-0 because they were medal farming us at our spawn. The goal counted for them. How is this any different?

Edited by WHeisenbergW
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My question is this, didn't you technically cross their scoring line....shouldn't that count as a score?


Depends, I personally think no it shouldn't, and no I don't do it. I don't have a grapple ability as a Mercenary, however opinions differ and that's not important, what's important is what Bioware think.


An exploit is taking advantage of something that isn't working as intended.


If this wasn't working as intended, then pulling them over the line to die when it didn't register a score would be by definition exploiting... since a GM has said this is not an exploit then that makes me think that nothing is working outside of how it was intended.


Until we hear from Bioware, noone can say with certainty.

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So If I were to jump over the Huttball line I would not get credit for the score? Hmmmm.


Huttball is awful but I guess when it is the only pvp you have what can you do but play it.


Hi let me boot you in the acid. Hi let me pull you into the fire. Hi let me pull you into my spawn point that was put there to stop the other team from spawn camping.


This is an exploit. Too bad BW doesn't have the integrity to admit it and fix it. I really like this game but many of the decisions made lately have me thinking this game will be done and gone very soon.


Just another reason to remove most of the stupid crowd control skills. A basic knock back is fine.

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So If I were to jump over the Huttball line I would not get credit for the score? Hmmmm.


Huttball is awful but I guess when it is the only pvp you have what can you do but play it.


Hi let me boot you in the acid. Hi let me pull you into the fire. Hi let me pull you into my spawn point that was put there to stop the other team from spawn camping.


This is an exploit. Too bad BW doesn't have the integrity to admit it and fix it. I really like this game but many of the decisions made lately have me thinking this game will be done and gone very soon.


Just another reason to remove most of the stupid crowd control skills. A basic knock back is fine.


Clutching at straws tbh... Bioware have admitted several exploits and fixed them. They wouldn't say this wasn't an exploit out of being spineless if it was. You can't just declare it an exploit yourself when the makers of the game say it's fine to do.

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I've had CS/GMs tell me that it's not an exploit or against the rules of Huttball after I asked for clarification because I was reported for doing it. It seems I've been reported a few times, so it would be great if BW would come out with an official statement on the login screen for everyone to see. For or against it, I don't care I just want there to be something concrete, if they rule it an exploit I've got no problem never using it again.


While it might keep someone from scoring it's not 100%, you can only stand in that area for a minute before being remove from the game, you can be pulled out of the zone before the person gets in range if his team sees you waiting there.


As for crossing the goal line, it appears your feet need to be on the ground for the score to count, you can be blasted pass the zone line or pulled over it and if you don't land in the lighted area it doesn't count.


You can be force pushed in to the locker area also so it's not just Troopers/BHs doing it.

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Obviously you don't know squat about Rugby. The ball person has to kneel in the zone in order to score. They don't just run into it or even reach the ball in the tri to score. I watched a game where a girl ran through the tri and the score didn't count.

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Not exploit at all,its just another stupid flaw of the game(not huttball the game)!If you cross a bit the line(sometimes even step on it)is a goal but if you go to far in it isnt!you mate definatelly crossed the line deserved to die
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You need to go and read the rule book, word for word. Take note of the word 'in bounds' Show me a Youtube vid where an NFL player has ran diaganolly towards the End Zone, dived before crossign the plane only to miss and land out of bounds to the side of the pitch, for his team to register a touchdown.




Yes, I played a lot of Rugby for my school growing up, but Huttball is less likely to be modelled on Rugby than it is on NFL where the rules are different. On facing a BH up there, I am completely with you, there are so many ways to counter his 30m range. Either run it into the corners, or have someoen go ahead and cc him/pull him off the ledge.


haha man either you're the worst troll ever or you need to get outside and actually have a life and play some sports. You want a link? here

Michael Vick sticks his arm past the endzone line and its ruled a touchdown even tho his feet are nowhere close to crossing and theyre in the air when the ball crosses the plane

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BH Here who does this when possible, Try to get stunned at least twice before attempting to cross the goal line, then we can't pull you when you go to cross the line.


Alternatively if you see someone purposely running to fire/acid to die so they can pull you, take a longer route... Last Huttball match I was in I tried to do the Pull strat... and the ball carrier switched his route after noticing me.


What this does is it forces me to either jump off the ledge or get booted from the match (You can only stay on the ledge for a certain amount of time before the server boots you from the match, something like 10-15 secs? ).


Hopefully this helps all y'all who are annoyed with us BH's!



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haha man either you're the worst troll ever or you need to get outside and actually have a life and play some sports. You want a link? here

Michael Vick sticks his arm past the endzone line and its ruled a touchdown even tho his feet are nowhere close to crossing and theyre in the air when the ball crosses the plane


Hehe I'd lay down pretty much any amount of RL cash that I play more sports than you.


This discussion is over anyway as I don't entertain people who can't discuss it without getting arrogant in your face and rude with complete made up BS lines like 'lol a guy who has never been to a game in his life' or the notion that if you don't live in the USA, you don't know what you're talking about... whether I'm right or wrong on the subject being discussed. It's a typical arrogant attitude. The line you came out with about going outside and get a life and play some sports further enforces the attitude already on display... troll somemore.


I can't view that link on the PC I'm on at work anyway, but what you've described sounds like something I already agreed with in the thread and not what I asked to see a clip of.

Edited by Zetara
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Hehe I'd lay down pretty much any amount of RL cash that I play more sports than you.


This discussion is over anyway as I don't entertain people who can't discuss it without getting arrogant in your face and rude with complete made up BS lines like 'lol a guy who has never been to a game in his life' or the notion that if you don't live in the USA, you don't know what you're talking about... whether I'm right or wrong on the subject being discussed. It's a typical arrogant attitude. The line you came out with about going outside and get a life and play some sports further enforces the attitude already on display... troll somemore.


in other words you were wrong and ill take my victory, cya im off to enjoy life, have fun trolling the forums

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I was in a match that a BH did this move and it is part of the game i can accept this but it needs to be fixed. When I was watching the BH he didn't get booted from the match cause once as he crossed the ledge that stops the timer there's no way to get to the ball carrier. If you go all the way to either side there is an area that they can stay with the ball till time expires. This area has the wall on one side the fence on the other and as you run towards the middle a large pipe is blocking the path. You are unable to get past the pipe. So all that needs to be done is pull the ball carrier up they die the puller gets the ball and runs to hide behind the fence and let time tick away. So easy to complete the pvp dailies.
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Let me clarify this for EVERYONE.


As a tank spec shadow, I have force pull.


If you're standing in the respawn area, you can pull other players up there.


It will:


1 - Instantly kill them

2 - If the person is holding the ball, it will instantly kill them and it will count as a score.

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Hehe I'd lay down pretty much any amount of RL cash that I play more sports than you.


This discussion is over anyway as I don't entertain people who can't discuss it without getting arrogant in your face and rude with complete made up BS lines like 'lol a guy who has never been to a game in his life' or the notion that if you don't live in the USA, you don't know what you're talking about... whether I'm right or wrong on the subject being discussed. It's a typical arrogant attitude. The line you came out with about going outside and get a life and play some sports further enforces the attitude already on display... troll somemore.


I can't view that link on the PC I'm on at work anyway, but what you've described sounds like something I already agreed with in the thread and not what I asked to see a clip of.



Article 1 Touchdown Plays. A touchdown is scored when:

(a) the ball is on, above, or behind the plane of the opponents’ goal line and is in possession of a runner

who has advanced from the field of play; or

(b) a ball in possession of an airborne runner is on, above, or behind the plane of the goal line, and some

part of the ball passed over or inside the pylon; o

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in other words you were wrong and ill take my victory, cya im off to enjoy life, have fun trolling the forums


:D I love responses like this. You take your 'victory' if it makes you feel better, but like I said the moment the petty insults and arrogance comes out the discussion stops. I like how you backtracked on your play some sports comment. The only trolling going on here is you.

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Let me clarify this for EVERYONE.


As a tank spec shadow, I have force pull.


If you're standing in the respawn area, you can pull other players up there.


It will:


1 - Instantly kill them

2 - If the person is holding the ball, it will instantly kill them and it will count as a score.


2- is incorrect it will NOT be counted as a score.


The debuff timer to boot is 45 sec and there is fencing to either side of your spawn area cross over to the fencing side and go back to do your magic.

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I think most people are forgetting in this great football rule debate is that you are technically inbounds as long as no part of your body touches the side line (or outside it). Therefore, its perfectly possible to jump diagonally with the ball, have the ball cross the plane of the goal line and then lets say stick your arm out and touch the ground out of bounds and have it count as a touchdown. Remember you are still inbounds until a part of your body touches the sideline or outside of it. Its of course going to be reviewed as to whether or not the ball crossed the plane or your hand touched the ground first. But as long as the ball crosses first, its a touchdown.
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I think most people are forgetting in this great football rule debate is that you are technically inbounds as long as no part of your body touches the side line (or outside it). Therefore, its perfectly possible to jump diagonally with the ball, have the ball cross the plane of the goal line and then lets say stick your arm out and touch the ground out of bounds and have it count as a touchdown. Remember you are still inbounds until a part of your body touches the sideline or outside of it. Its of course going to be reviewed as to whether or not the ball crossed the plane or your hand touched the ground first. But as long as the ball crosses first, its a touchdown.


Exactly. The rules for a receiver catching the football in the endzone and a runner advancing the ball into the endzone are different. A runner does not need to have feet planted in bounds for the score to count, as long as no part of his body is touching the white out-of-bounds line.

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