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  1. Thank you for the response but I know they changed the scoring system and I was a fan of the change. Still, losing a match 4-4 when they did it faster I understand but when you lose a match 5-4 when and you're the attacking first that means something is wrong.
  2. Today I was in several void stars and it has stopped the match when the opposing team has gone as far as the team I was on. It also has continued the match when the opposing team got as far as we did. Yes I was attackers first then defenders second. The way I thought it was once the second attacking team gets beyond the point the first attacking game over. If it was the same point and time expires it goes to a coin flip. If a dev can please stop designing Cartel Coin Packages and clear this up with an answer we would value you 340 coins more.
  3. I have openly admitted in WZ that I don't care about the results. I stopped at 1.2. Now I just farm comms to break down stabs. Do I feel bad that I'm ruining the game for people that take pvp serious and that is why they play....NO. That is working as intended pve mats from a pvp format. I'm paying the people that run the game. That is how they got more to pvp. Leecher is what I am. Cause the game makes me one.
  4. This was KlownKiller fault. Photo was taken by a EST zone member http://timezoneguide.com/abbdiff-EST-BST.php?time=27-09-2012-12-43-25 So it's 17:43. What am I doing following this guy? He can't count AND he's color blind. Puzzle is so much fun with him.
  5. Your math is off again. http://timezoneguide.com/abbdiff-CST-BST.php?time=26-09-2012-10-56-47 This is going to change the rankings. Sorry to have you do all the work but you get credit for doing it
  6. If we are to use BST then you kills are short 1 hour. GMT=(+1) BST http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/to/bst/index.htm
  7. Dear sorcerers. You win. I am going to role one BUT every time I re-roll a class it gets hit the nerf bat. <more like a bazooka then a bat>. So no matter what happens now I'll win.
  8. 2- is incorrect it will NOT be counted as a score. The debuff timer to boot is 45 sec and there is fencing to either side of your spawn area cross over to the fencing side and go back to do your magic.
  9. I was in a match that a BH did this move and it is part of the game i can accept this but it needs to be fixed. When I was watching the BH he didn't get booted from the match cause once as he crossed the ledge that stops the timer there's no way to get to the ball carrier. If you go all the way to either side there is an area that they can stay with the ball till time expires. This area has the wall on one side the fence on the other and as you run towards the middle a large pipe is blocking the path. You are unable to get past the pipe. So all that needs to be done is pull the ball carrier up they die the puller gets the ball and runs to hide behind the fence and let time tick away. So easy to complete the pvp dailies.
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