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The reason Operative was nerfed


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To get baddies to come back.


The main demographic for pvp is 18-25. The most played class is sorc. The lowest population

is Operative. Most of the baddies went sorc and good players went Operative ( just to be different)


Remember that demographic? these are the same kids who think Episode 1 was the greatest movie ever and Darth maul pwns all and such rubbish. This game is bleeding subs at very fast rate, this nerf is supposed to make 18 25 age males comeback and play their bland sorcs again.


Get ready for more Knee jerk nerfs.


Going back to play real PVP.


later bads

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you are so WRONG, it is NOT the hardest hitting ability, TRY a *********** jugg / guardian who does a 8.5k AOE sweep every 12 sec. go **** yourself if you think scoundrel was OP


ontop of the fact we need stealth to open, otherwise ask anyone we suck 1v1 with out the opener

Edited by Super-Nova
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to get baddies to come back.


The main demographic for pvp is 18-25. The most played class is sorc. The lowest population

is operative. Most of the baddies went sorc and good players went operative ( just to be different)


remember that demographic? These are the same kids who think episode 1 was the greatest movie ever and darth maul pwns all and such rubbish. This game is bleeding subs at very fast rate, this nerf is supposed to make 18 25 age males comeback and play their bland sorcs again.


Get ready for more knee jerk nerfs.


Going back to play real pvp.


Later bads



you realize you are a noob? and frankly very unwise ???? well now you do cuz i just told ya.

Edited by chiselyou
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you realize your a troll?


Wait, let me guess you must play an operative/scoundrell DPS tree and because your going ot be gimp and now your mad because you can NOT 2-3 shot players with 500 expertise ?


buahahah. nabbsaaa.



sonny. ill own you any day even with your stupid operative/scoundrel OPness.









Edited by chiselyou
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you are so WRONG, it is NOT the hardest hitting ability, TRY a *********** jugg / guardian who does a 8.5k AOE sweep every 12 sec. go **** yourself if you think scoundrel was OP


ontop of the fact we need stealth to open, otherwise ask anyone we suck 1v1 with out the opener


I wasn't talking about another class. I was talking about the Op/Scoun class.

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you are so WRONG, it is NOT the hardest hitting ability, TRY a *********** jugg / guardian who does a 8.5k AOE sweep every 12 sec. go **** yourself if you think scoundrel was OP


ontop of the fact we need stealth to open, otherwise ask anyone we suck 1v1 with out the opener


So basically the Operative/Scoundrel wasn't overpowered, because there's that other class in SWTOR that's not doing intended burst damage either.


How about you compare your "max" damage ability with that of a Sorcerer?


The simple fact is that there are abilities that deal entirely too much damage. This is problematic, because the damage varies based on the target's mitigation and mitigation levels are vastly different (light armor - heavy armor = huge difference).


Then there are those abilities that never need to exceed a certain amount of pre-mitigation numbers, because of abilities that allow that class to ignore most of a target's armor. Those are the biggest offenders and that's what was nerfed first.

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To get baddies to come back.


The main demographic for pvp is 18-25. The most played class is sorc. The lowest population

is Operative. Most of the baddies went sorc and good players went Operative ( just to be different)


Remember that demographic? these are the same kids who think Episode 1 was the greatest movie ever and Darth maul pwns all and such rubbish. This game is bleeding subs at very fast rate, this nerf is supposed to make 18 25 age males comeback and play their bland sorcs again.


Get ready for more Knee jerk nerfs.


Going back to play real PVP.


later bads


Hit the nail on the head. They needed a sacrificial lamb. I have no idea how anyone could even remotely have fun on either a commando/merc or sage/sorc.


The classes are literally a dumbed down arcane mage (how you manage this as a game developer I don't know) and a dumbed down shadow priest.


There are no demographics showing ops/scoundrels were OP in warzones. The demographics would show ranged classes DOMINATING dmg and would show that assassins/shadows that aren't played by mouthbreathers do just as much dmg while also giving the team a taunt/guard.


Can't wait till all ops/scoundrels reroll to heal spec (expect nerf calls on their healing tree) and roll assassins/shadows. The ones that stick around anyways...


The fact that guardian/sith warrior aoes hit as hard as op/scoundrels opener from stealth does and they have no nerf for that? Just shows how full of crap the dev team is.


A commando/merc can kill you from 30 yards away during a stun (that can be done from 30 yards away) as fast as an op/scoundrel could kill you and it doesn't fill up a resolve bar instantly.


All that is "fine". The fact ranged stuns are even in this game that require no setup or procs is a joke. If anything makes pvp in this game suck it is all the instant cast cc's. The fact they game some ranged classes *cough* sage/sorc 2 freakin instant cast cc's, and one a ranged stun? Shows how bad the dev team is. Then a knockback? Then shields on other people? Then the most dumbed down dps rotation ever?


Just as many people were rerolling sages/sorc and commando/BH as ops and the people that were rerolling ops/scoundrels were just bad sorc/sages and they got their heads kicked in because all the sage/sorc who constantly whine on this board can't follow a moving target and press keybinds.


Prob one reason they cried so much. They couldn't play the class they were crying about. I didn't see one OP lead dmg in the 1-49 bracket all day today and I beat most of them by 50-100 k dmg on my level 26 sentinel.


The funny thing? The op's/scoundrels were 40-49 and that is the most powerful the class will ever be.


I guess if I couldn't play the class I was crying about, I would spend my time 24/7 on the forums to try and get it nerfed...

Edited by biowareftw
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Whats sad is healer Ops is so squishy I kill them with no opener pretty quick, certainly quicker then BH/Sorc.


Soon as shield probe is down its skull****ing time.


But hey nerf hidden strike, I'm sure that'll fix everything.

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you are so WRONG, it is NOT the hardest hitting ability, TRY a *********** jugg / guardian who does a 8.5k AOE sweep every 12 sec. go **** yourself if you think scoundrel was OP


ontop of the fact we need stealth to open, otherwise ask anyone we suck 1v1 with out the opener



Did you seriously just say Juggs and Guardians were overpowered? You do realize for us to hit that hard we have to spec into a tree and then have a lead-in CHANNELED ability have all of its stacks up for us to do that right?


We dont just press 1 button and boom, you're dead.... get real

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Did you seriously just say Juggs and Guardians were overpowered? You do realize for us to hit that hard we have to spec into a tree and then have a lead-in CHANNELED ability have all of its stacks up for us to do that right?


We dont just press 1 button and boom, you're dead.... get real


Naw gotta go BH for that

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People really think this nerf changes everything don't they? And that every person that played a scoundrel/op was a baddie. This is hilarious.


I'm personally looking forward the the next 10,000 QQ threads about this class after the patch.


If you are getting dropped during the knockdown 20% isn't going to change anything.

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Did you seriously just say Juggs and Guardians were overpowered? You do realize for us to hit that hard we have to spec into a tree and then have a lead-in CHANNELED ability have all of its stacks up for us to do that right?


We dont just press 1 button and boom, you're dead.... get real


You mean a 21 second cooldown that is ranged instant cast to go with a force choke that can also proc it?


Yeah... throwing a instant cast on anyone within 10 yards , then charging a healer and dropping 9 k on him and EVERYONE AROUND HIM, required some super hard "setup".


Dps specced guardians/SW are the most stupidly easy melee to play in the game. Most of them are people who couldn't hack it playing on a sentinel/marauder and they know if their spec ever gets nerfed they are screwed.


Who the hell is living through a charge sweep, stun master strike without a trinket? Not to mention that the sweep hits everyone around that person...


Who is living through grav round/tracer missile spam with a stun thrown in without a trinket. How bout a CC chain on a maul proc by an assassin/shadow. You can't live through any of them, so to solve it? Nerf operative/scoundrel.


Sounds like a great plan.


This nerf was to make the sorc/sages happy. Why? Cus they are overpopulated, give bioware 15 a month and they also cry the most.

Edited by biowareftw
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there are 2 stealth dps classes and 1 caster class, can you guess why every other game does the opposite?


Other games don't give the ranged classes MULTIPLE instant cast cc/stuns without setup to go along with knockbacks, heals, and a RANGED interupt.


They also don't have a stupid guard taunt mechanic that can be used by dps specs that outdps pures and in some cases have more burst, while having a simpler playstyle.

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Citation needed


This entire OP lacks a strong citation.


Here is ky OPINION. And I'm not going to back this up with a citation because it is an opinion.


I play a Sage. I'm 20 years of age. Call me what you will, but I always love playing the mage classes in games. When an Operative kills me in a few seconds I get mad then eventually pass it off, no buggy, I wear light armor after all. But when the Commando in my group gets three shorter in heavy armor by you people, it becomes pretty clear you are too powerful.


Here's something I think they should have done: Given you a DoT ability that can be fired from 20m which would make up for the damage lost from the nerf without giving you additional burst.


My $0.02.

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