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Operative Nerf is too much


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L2p issue coming from a sniper.


Ops need to realise that their class is not their to kill people in 5 seconds they can heal, stealth, ninja objectives how about you try a hybrid healing spec I've seen some ops kick add with something similar x

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Carefull sins are pretty op themselves. Why one stealth class gets force speed and great out of stealth damage is kind of rediculous. I see sins wrech people over and over without even needing a stealth burst. Then not only do they have vanish they have super speed. Thats pretty fair.


Really? I have 0 fear of assassin on any of the (5) Jedi/Sith characters i play. They spend more time running around than killing me unless im fighting other people and they get a quick ninja.


They are more effective out of stealth however, more capable of scrapping- but thats because they cant burst you to death from stealth with impunity.

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L2p issue coming from a sniper.


Ops need to realise that their class is not their to kill people in 5 seconds they can heal, stealth, ninja objectives how about you try a hybrid healing spec I've seen some ops kick add with something similar x


If you got killed in 5 seconds, that's pretty sad. Pretty pathetic actually. Sorry bro. Were you wearing level 10 light armor/hobo wear?

Edited by SirMoobs
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I have to LOL at all the people who ran and rolled an OP, FotM class. Enjoy your ceaseless rerolling, never learning skill, instead relying on overpowered, unbalanced game design to get your feeling of pvp superiority.


And yet, it's still the LEAST played AC in the game...I wonder...

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Operative here and here is what I think of the nerf:



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^^^^^^^^^ - I am an operative and I just dont understand the QQ - I cannot kill anyone in 5sec - if its just me and another person 1v1 (I am 45) even if they are 20-30 if they CC break I am either dead or barely living when they die - people only die in 5sec if I knock them down and OTHER people are also attacking them. Being bolstred to 49 and my biggest crits are still only 3.5K - and that is crits mind you - non crit is only 1k - I get hit for 5k, 4k, 3k all the time and over and over by sorcs and bhs.


I canceled my sub not to rage quit - I may re-sub and roll another class at some point but if these changes go through what a waste of my time this toon was, I played is specifically for the concealment build.


I just do not get it - Geared 50s all say Ops are fine as is - its the non-50s that come in here and complain that they got killed - they are balancing over forum QQ and low level PvP. Add to that killing our PvE damage at the same time - I cannot support a game or company that does this a month after launch in a game that was supposedly alpha and beta tested.


And dont give me the "they base it on data" crap - what data? The only data they have to base it on is the 1-50s bracket and when their was consumable stacking. If this was such a problem why was it put into the final game? Why was it not changed in beta? All signs point to people crying and rage quitting because they were getting killed quick as a lowby in PvP.


Whoever is doing the PvP in this game - I hate them

Edited by Torn
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Carefull sins are pretty op themselves. Why one stealth class gets force speed and great out of stealth damage is kind of rediculous. I see sins wrech people over and over without even needing a stealth burst. Then not only do they have vanish they have super speed. Thats pretty fair.



OP gets extra speed when using Vanish,and Sin doesn't.On top of that the only thing Stealth on a sin is good for is Speeding up Force regen.as for out of Stealth damage a Sin is a tank/dps class so it should do well out of stealth after all u can't be a tank if ur stealth all the time like a OP is.As for Sins being OP i don't agree seeing how aside from me i've never seen a sin hit the 300k mark,and i still have yet to hit 5k in any of the builds while buffed,and getting both is very hard since our Tank tree does the best constant damage/aoe damage but no high hits,and the Decept build does high hits,but has no aoes to help get 300k+

As for ppl saying they die in 5 seconds that's almost true.I'm a sin with full Champ and a 50 OP with even just Cent gear can burst more then 10k of my hp in the 3 seconds i'm on the ground,and as for breaking out i can only do that once every 1.5 mins


Also a good OP will still do well they will just have to start working with the team more to keep doing great

Edited by Sokushi
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  • 2 weeks later...
Id like to say BW knows what it is doing, but I cant. I feel like they are blindfolded and wandering around playing pin the tail on the donkey but they keep sticking me instead.


But.. you're the ***, you should know better than to stand there and take it from BW!


[For clarification, this is a joke, do not feel inclined to report me for poking fun at a post I've lamed down to the point of an episode of "Family Matters." If you don't know the show you're to young to get the joke.]

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Not gonna read it all but as a Scoundrel I think the nerf isn't that bad. My only complait about teh class (pre-nerf and current) is the total lack of a gap closer for targets outside of 10m. I've been kite killed many many times because my heals are weak (as I'm DPS spec'd) and I only have 2 weak attacks that are greater than 10m.


One tweak and I'd be happy...


Make tendon blast extend to 30m instead of only 10m. It would give us a gap closer since if you spec for it, tendon blast can root for 2 seconds and reduce speed by 50% for a short period of time.


Keep in mind... not only do we not get a gap closer, we don't get a speed burst either. Once we hit our stealth to break combat (which is broken by a DOT or AOE attack if well timed) we are on a 2-3 minute cooldown timer until we can use it again.

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Pre 1.1.1 a Scoundrel in BM gear facing a Sage in BM with similar skills in playing had no chance to win.


A Scoundrel in BM fighting someone in Crap would knock them down and beat them to death before they could do anything so now the class is useless.


Just becuase bad players or players in crap gear were getting owned the made a class useless.


This Scoundrel is gone if not fix in the next 13 days when my sub runs out.


Next there will be people wanting server merges because for some reason people are quiting the game.


Have fun with your empty servers.

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Pre 1.1.1 a Scoundrel in BM gear facing a Sage in BM with similar skills in playing had no chance to win.


A Scoundrel in BM fighting someone in Crap would knock them down and beat them to death before they could do anything so now the class is useless.


Just becuase bad players or players in crap gear were getting owned the made a class useless.


This Scoundrel is gone if not fix in the next 13 days when my sub runs out.


Next there will be people wanting server merges because for some reason people are quiting the game.


Have fun with your empty servers.


You make it sound like 60% of the population was Ops/Scoundrels :rolleyes:


Still seeing well geared Ops doing just fine on my server. Also, not everyone plays a sorc/sage(crazy I know), those were the classes having the most problems with the burst because we didnt get lawlbubble, snare, force speed away.

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You make it sound like 60% of the population was Ops/Scoundrels :rolleyes:


Still seeing well geared Ops doing just fine on my server. Also, not everyone plays a sorc/sage(crazy I know), those were the classes having the most problems with the burst because we didnt get lawlbubble, snare, force speed away.


I'm seeing plenty of ops doing fine as well.


Plus, it also seems to have ended the fotw rollers.... just before I hit 50 there were more and more ops showing up. At one point about a week ago I was in a hutball game with FIFTEEN ops and me, I was the only non-op. The entire game was basically me carrying the ball and wondering where everyone else was at.... they would just pop out, massacre another op, then vanish.

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Nerfs are what will make empty servers.


You nerf a class some of that class quits, then the next nerf of another class some of those quit.


It is all fine and dandy big smiles on your face while they are nerfing other classes. then they over nerf the class you play and maybe you stick it out but some more people quit.


You look around your friends are gone so you quit.


Kneejerk reactions from BW over nerfing a class will kill this game.


Talked to one of the guys that I play with a lot in my guild today, he asked if I would be on tonight told him probably not.


I don't want to heal, I want to kill people, he plays a sage our guild has 1 on 1 tournaments and we duel each other.


I don't base what I say on not knowing how people are geared and what classes can do what 1 on 1, it is not a youtube video of a level 50 hitting a level 22.


BW Listened to people cry becuase they got hit hard and killed before they got off the ground, when BW does not test this out is why I'm gonna leave.


Ask a Sage in BM gear if he could beat a Soundrel 1 on 1 before 1.1.1 patch, if he is any good he will tell you yes.


I know most of you guys think this is BS but the my friend told me he was not gonna resub if i was gone and he plays a over powered sage.


Like I said all of you defending big Nerfs enjoy playing by yourself.

Edited by Binafus
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I'm sure that the amount of people that are staying because of the Operative nerf, is higher than the amount of people that are leaving because of the Operative nerf.


This is the reason we were nerfed so hard to begin with. Bioware frantically trying to keep people playing their ****** game.

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i for one see the nerf as only a setback, and not a roadblock. im still consistently top 3 on dmg, kills, and medals.


dont really see what the problem is.


^this. I dont even have shoot first (hidden strike equivalent) and yet I still consistently top or 2nd, 3rd, 4th (never lower) in WZ. You high level operatives are just so used to being OP you can't really get used to being slightly less OP. This is a scoundrel (lvl 34) speaking.

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I play a scoundrel, when I first saw the nerf notes, i respecced a healer and started down that path. It wasnt until after the nerf, when I saw shoot first no longer filled the resolve bar, that i respeced back.


Overall, im pretty happy, I can still dish out some serious damage.

1. Open from stealth (increase armour penetration, inflict bleed)

2. If you have time throw in a back blast

3. Restealth then instantly open again (more damage with previous armour penetration)

4. You still haven't filled the resolve bar, so dirty kick.

5. blaster whip/sucker punch/back blast etc rinse repeat if needed.


Using this with appropriate buffs(relics/stims/adrenelin) and unless you get really unlucky with crits, you can kill most players without them getting a single move off.


the problem arises of course when you need to escape and you've used your restealth, but if your enemy's playing as a team you should be too,


I find in general, if I use my head, and use stealth to my advantage for objectives, I can still pull out poll position in most WZ's, or at least get a good collection of medals.

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The op/scoundrel nerf did nothing. Without cc breaker, you still die before you get to act again. It didn't go far enough. Burst needs to go down, sustained up. It is completely ridiculous that ANY class can kill someone solo while the enemy is unable to do anything back.


Nerf more. Not -quite- there yet.

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