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Operative Nerf is too much


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I cannot beat a single opponent 1v1 in this game unless I have a substantial skill/gear advantage over the player.

I wont' go as far as to say I can't beat people 1v1 cause i can, but...you can really really tell the equally geared vs the one you out gear.


I'm pretty much in full champion gear...valor rank 59 right now. The ungeared...I can destroy. The geared people...I see openers of 2k dam or maybe a crit of 3.5k. If I blow all CD's like vanish and reopen, I can kill many of them...but then I usualy just die cause I got no vanish now and a operative that gets attacked first usually dies.


Part of it is cause if you are in a fight..you're usually low on energy now. And operative is weak when starting a fight outside of stealth anyway. People don't understand this and think that the dam done from the opener is our sustained dam. Noone remembers anything on the fights except for our first 5 sec in the fight opening up on someone, which is why you always see people comparing our opening crit to other classes. They forget other classes have higher sustained and our dps drops after the opener.


I still don't see where people say operative 3shot tanks. THere's powertech and mercs that destroy me no matter what I do. I can beat the ones with less gear, but the ones at least equal geared destroy me. I can get them down to half and they can get heals off and then I'm done. I take alot more damage from them then I dish out.

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So, I actually endend my subscription today, because of the nerf. I was a battlemaster Juggernaut specced in rage, I felt that the game was too imbalanced. I wanted to keep my subscription but it is not fun to play without friends. And my best friend was an operative and he was so bad. I tried playing his character and yeah, I have written two posts so no need to say again what I think. But until operatives are made better we will not start the subscription again.
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I haven't seen 5k crit on my operative since nerf and im 675+ expertise valor 65 Battlemaster, with 400 biochem and stim/adrenals.


same here i have full Enforcer BM gear minus boots which are still champion. lvl 400 biochem with all the adrenals. After the triple nerf i have had 1 and only 1 5k crit hit and that was on a undergeared sage that also was not being guarded by anyone else or having a shield up either. I also had just gotten the expertise buff in huttball and popped my surge adrenal to get a 5050 hit. now since the surge nerf my highest hit has been 3800. given i am now seeing alot of other BM's on the other teams as other people are finally starting to get geared that i fight so of course don't hit them as hard. its getting really hard to kill bad players let alone smart ones that knock me back well out of my range for anything but rifle shot then start throwing rocks or grav shotting me cause i have no way to get back in range.


and don't even get me started on how bad my dps is now for pve...


I understood the KD and hidden strike nerf. still don't get the reason for nerfing acid blade and now the surge thing is just overkill. Since I already pre-paid next 3 months rolled another class in hopes the one i want to play gets some sustained and/or utility love..

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Guys I have an Op. On HoG (Helm of Graush) and after the nerf I decided to roll a Scoundrel

on the Fatman since they are like 4 to 1 emp compare to HoG which is pretty balanced (at times there is more PuBs on the ilum, making for excellent pvp. My Op. is Valor rank 65 & have 3 bm & rest champ & I agree the nerf is bad but until they see it we can still kill equally skilled players using yours stuns, I know it is very hard and we do need a buff but I think the class is still the most fun & now most challenging & if when they do buff us watch how much better it will be & you will be as a player.


I have a lvl 45 scoundrel on the Fatman that i rolled just a few weeks ago after knowing the state of how my Op. is. If you really like a challenge why would u reroll? the Op/scoundrel is the most fun because now u really have to out think your opp. & when u beat him it makes you really shine .. esp if it is a heavy / pwrtech type class u beat ..


stick with it u guys & enjoy the challenge, I refuse to play another class.


This is to the true Op/scoundrels out there :D


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So, I actually endend my subscription today, because of the nerf. I was a battlemaster Juggernaut specced in rage, I felt that the game was too imbalanced. I wanted to keep my subscription but it is not fun to play without friends. And my best friend was an operative and he was so bad. I tried playing his character and yeah, I have written two posts so no need to say again what I think. But until operatives are made better we will not start the subscription again.

They way how you stand by your friend really shows that you are a great person.


I really hope Bioware fixes your friends class so you both can come back and enjoy the game again.

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u must be joking? stick with it?


im valor rank 58, first week i turned 50 the mega Acid Blade nerf hit. then later after i had scraped together my surge and power the surge nerf hit.


i only run in premades. and now all i can do is HELP my assassin mates in taking down THEIR targets. i have 3 CCs I can help our ball carrier with. 2 are broken if they get damage, one is a snare and easily removed.


i can only run the ball for 30m before im targeted to death, or CC. i have a shield that is nothing more then a please dont hit me sign. evasion that does nothing against 90% of all the WZs (force users.)


i feel like a glorified missile. a freaking tool. all i can do is help in taking down others targets. or "distracting" healers.


I feel ashamed being part of the premades, im just a spot poorly filled.


might as well just troll on the forums like the little snots who cryd our class into oblivion.


BTW this is my first post. sorry for the Troll, but BW wont listen to my rage.

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I understand & am just saying HOW I feel. I LOVE MY Op./Scoundrel. Are we underpowered ? Absolutely! Saying that I still enjoy the ppl I solo kill & find it extremely rewarding even if i have to blow all my CD's.


I am not saying we dont need a BUFF, We do very bad, I am just trying to say that I find it still more fuun than any other class & I have a 50 SIN too that i dont even play.


I hope bioware listens to ppl here so this game has a chance to survive & ppl can enjoy pvp on the toon they want to play.


/salute (hoping BW gets this right)

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I understand & am just saying HOW I feel. I LOVE MY Op./Scoundrel. Are we underpowered ? Absolutely! Saying that I still enjoy the ppl I solo kill & find it extremely rewarding even if i have to blow all my CD's.


I am not saying we dont need a BUFF, We do very bad, I am just trying to say that I find it still more fuun than any other class & I have a 50 SIN too that i dont even play.


I hope bioware listens to ppl here so this game has a chance to survive & ppl can enjoy pvp on the toon they want to play.


/salute (hoping BW gets this right)


I agree. OP is the only class I really enjoy.


At this point I need this class fixed for pvp and way fixed for PVE as a dps class in order to keep playing this game.


On my server which has a very high pop Warzones are flooded with 70% Sorc's 25% Merc's and 5% sins. Most prob rerolls.

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on my server the typical repub premade i run across is made up of 2 premades queing together both with 3 commandos and 1 heal spec sage. all in BM gear. talk about wanting to throw your hands up in the air and say BS i can't kill anyone on that team unless we focus fire which isn't easy as most the imps on my server are 1. stupid 2. stupid or 3. undergeared and stupid. least before all the nerfs i'd go right for that sage and whoop him then help take out commando's. now i need help on the sage and try and stay away from all the gravshot spamming commando's as i can't get in range of them staying alive and even if i stealth up open up on them they shrug it off. pop shield, heal, knockback, heal, and grav shot me as i try and close within rage of anything besides my concussion grenade and rifle shot.
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Until combat logs are put in place, don't expect to see the class buffed. Once(if ever) they do put in logs(and parsing), then expect to see many balance changes at the same time or shortly afterwards. They know it's broken, but until we can throw the proof in their faces, they don't have to worry about it, because Ops/Scoundrels are such a small part of their playerbase.
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Just keep this thread active, lets see if we can hit 100 posts!


BW was wrong to nerd us to the ground, they should have waited to see how the Operative performed in the new lvl 50 bracket and a few weeks into the stims nerf. But instead they listened to the whiners on the forums and nerfed us to the ground.


I want to see these 'metrics' they suddenly proclaimed with the interview with Total Biscuit. Come on BW, you say you listen to the community, I haven't seen any Devs respond to the Operative Community. With 3 broken specs and 3 massive nerfs its no wonder we are the least played class and 6 out of 8 teammate in a pvp Warzones on the Empire side are an Inquisitor of some sort. Check those Metrics BW I'd love to see your class makeup numbers throughout all servers to see who's the most played class. There's gotta be a reason? Hmmm?

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The GOOD ops are having no problems adjusting. The only people that are complaining are the ones who cant adapt and are used to 3-4 second kills in pvp. The same people who play merc and when they cant missile spam they havent got a clue what to do.


what you say is true, but only in part.


the good ops have all gone medic. and are waiting patiently for a bone to be thrown their way.

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The GOOD ops are having no problems adjusting. The only people that are complaining are the ones who cant adapt and are used to 3-4 second kills in pvp. The same people who play merc and when they cant missile spam they havent got a clue what to do.


You mean the good ops have all either rerolled, gotten rolled by equally skilled players on better designed classes, or continue to dominate because their premade continues to carry them while they contribute nothing to the warzone beyond facerolling bads or assisting for 2(or more)v1 combat where even a tank spec tank could do the job.

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You mean the good ops have all either rerolled, gotten rolled by equally skilled players on better designed classes, or continue to dominate because their premade continues to carry them while they contribute nothing to the warzone beyond facerolling bads or assisting for 2(or more)v1 combat where even a tank spec tank could do the job.


This is true. Really dont even see any Ops or scoundrels anymore. It almost like the class doesnt even exist anymore.

Edited by Deannie
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The GOOD ops are having no problems adjusting. The only people that are complaining are the ones who cant adapt and are used to 3-4 second kills in pvp. The same people who play merc and when they cant missile spam they havent got a clue what to do.


not so much that the good ops adjusted..

(1) some just dont want to waste there time leveling and gearing another class.

(2) some roll with premades and pocket healers all the time so they really dont need to be concerned with survivability or other issues with the class.

(3) some just like the style of the class.


(side note: the 2 best Ops i know (gear and skill) both rerolled)


i been gaming a good 10 years and i can tell you one thing the "there is no best class, l2p" is never accurate, there is always a class capable of out performing other , great players can make inferior classes shine , but great players on great classes can do sick things.


(if u played a warlock(insert any healer, preferably resto shaman) in WoW arena and went up against a druid/rogue combo at or above 2k rating you knew there was no way u were going to win, sometimes it just be like that)

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I adapted already! All you need is a keybind for "cheer".


I use it alot. I cant kill juggernauts carrying the ball with my pathetic damage. All I can do is slow them once. I cant even pull them back or knock them around. They just keep walking to the goal line anyways. The usefull classes with utility knock them down perhaps but they just jump to a friend or enemy player. Next time they get a knockback a bubbled sorc force speeds through the fire and pulls them back up and gooooal!


Thats a good time for my "cheer" keybind. At least we can create our own utility this way.


Our damage is maybe similar to other DPS classes now but our only unique feature was high burst damage. We still have all our tradeoffs like no defensive CDs and we die in seconds. Medic tree working but weak AOE and buggy for ages plus a second DPS tree made for snipers. No synergies between the trees (= one of the reasons sorcs are so fun to play).


What happened?


1) Fix buff stacking

2) 50 bracket / geared players

3) Nerf the hell out of operatives

4) Nerf surge (buff for healers and defensive specs)


So whats wrong? 2.5) Is missing. Check if the 1 + 2 was enough to decrease operative burst to a normal level.


But as we all know if you want to kill a class fire 2 in the heart and 1 in the head to be sure.


Edit: Dear Bioware let me cast explosive probe without cover. On the run or with a short cast time is up to you but having only one skill out of cover as an operative is a joke especially for a mobile class with mostly instants. I know its fun to wait for the clunky cover animation and the hand sign animation and all the other delays until I can finally continue to fight but its getting old.

Edited by tharnvedra
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Dear Conceal Ops,


You can still kill me in record time even with 680+ expertise, yet my damage and healing has been utterly gutted due to complaints about you. Thanks!


It's also so much fun to be hunted down by you guys all game long b/c I am about the only thing you can kill with certainty. </3


Not so sincerly,


Just another Healing Agent who is not resubbing.

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ops need an increase in defense im half bm gear and still not doing as much damedge as this dude says assins need nerf next there wearing light armor and op wears medium armor which shld take more damedge bs people act like operatives have no skill if they complain bs increase are defense at least squishy as hell and not steady dps the hell
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50 op here...



The truth is here...



We were nerfed to be "the good at nothing but decent at everything" class because they did not know what to do with us.......


I have posted previously that the operative is the bard of the game.....jack of all trades with nothing he does better than anyone....but does everything to a mediocre level.


The class will only benefit players that can figure out tedious rotations, situational combat, and hybrid style play ...sub par dmg sub par heal no utility but stealth....


I'm not going to deny that we need some love...but everyone hates us because we facerolled them before when we were on even playing grounds.



At least the game is actually staying true to the movies....Agents were usually disposed of by their Sith masters (Choked to death whenever the Sith would please).

Edited by Archonyx
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The state of the operative is a serious issue. Here's how we stand as a class right now. (I'm a soon to be former med op btw)


1) The recent nerfs to conc have destroyed our effectiveness as a burst melee class. What is this type of op supposed to do now? Go roll an assassin?


2) Lethality's mechanics contradict itself to the point where the spec is a clunky, frustrating, mess to play; thus making it a failed design.


3) Then there's healing. Yes, it's true you can still be "viable" as Georg states in the last Q&A, but this in no way makes us any more desirable then a Sorc who can coast through the same content. Not to mention basic talents such as Medical Therapy have been broken since lanuch...


The reality is that there's a great exodus of players from this class. No matter if you heal or dps, it just seems that BW has dubbed us the redheaded bastard child of TOR.


My advice to anyone thinking of rolling this class, DON'T! You're wasting your time. Why? because BW has shown that they will cater to the whims of the whiners and not the contributors. It will be a long time before this class is even balanced, let alone competitive with the others. So what if you already play an op? Re-roll or quit.

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Free/No CD Backstabs?


Yeah, thats not broken at all.


No one said "FREE Backstabs". What are you reading the forums with an Ouija board?


The cost would be the balance, just like Sin/Shadow backstabs. If the cost needed to be adjusted then so be it, but it would fix Operatives pathetic sustained damage, without messing with our opening burst too much.

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