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  1. Gave my stuff to my guild friends...but they are quitting too so who do we give our stuff to?
  2. I have not said not worth playing....Many have but those are the peeps that aren't loyal to the class. The loyal at end game see the problem (Fully geared with BM/Rakata combos). The problem is the nerf went a little overboard.... Even the crappiest sorc can kill an operative 1 shot if he uses his utilities (knock backs) in the right places (insta death from a knockback into an abyss or poison)...when did you see an Operative 1 shot you like that? Should that be nerfed too? Or a grapple that can put you in a poison spot and kill you in 1 vs 1 fight ? Catch the drift? We dont have tools to do stuff like that...we had damage...now its regular damage and everyone has that because gear... everyone can do same damage operative does.....so what makes us different? Nothing and everything we can do can be done way better and easier without crutches and utilities.... One of the nerf items could of fixed the class but 3 different items went into effect and messed up our PVE to some extent... Especially when nothing else was buffed to compensate for what we were designed to do.. Did I mention the recent surge nerf multiplied the damage they did with their first 3 nerfs?
  3. your hidden strike is energy damage...but tech works yes...
  4. Sorry OP.... They nerfed the one thing we had over every class...burst. It was the only thing that paid for our lack of mobility, lack of force powers, lack of healing, lack of utility, etc.... And it was not done just 1 time...... 1 time with biochem nerf (for everyone) 3 times with first class nerf (Armor pen/Damage reduc/Knockdown reduc) and 1 more time with surge nerf Does that surge nerf affect everyone ...Yes...but the burst classes more than any other... It was overdone..... Now that surge is nerfed they should at least give us our Armor Pen back, 5% dmg, and 2 seconds for jarring. Especially that the biochem problem has been contained
  5. OP, Hey brother, don't worry about the posts on your thread, and thank you for giving us your 2cents. It's good we have a discussion going on this because it is a grey area that BW needs to address (In due time because they have more important things to fix atm: barber shop) /sarcasm moan The facts that we all agree upon (or most that have been around for a while) ... 1. Without real damage meters we have no way to fully confirm all theories - ----Some make common sense, some do not, some happen randomly, not everyone agrees... 2. Mix and matching BM/PVE gear is TREND due to bonus from sets and skill bonuses. -----15% to X damage/ 5% chance to etc... really does work for pvp/situational/hybrids.... 3. Expertise does become worthless after a certain point. ---- What does your character worship? HP? Crits? Skill bonuses? Cd's? Playstyle? Build? 4. Your class will determine the usefulness of the gear... ---- This is all about how you "learned" to kill other players. 5. PVP gear is worthless in PVE (the obvious) ---- Common sense (but also early PVP stats from cent beats beginner 50 pve gear and is easy to get until you get some tio/colum/raka and transition) To add to all of this...yes...I have seen full rakata wreck wz's.....and yes....I have seen full bm wreck wz's ... I think it falls on player skill, tactics, teamwork, build synergies, and creativity when it comes to gear to maximize your damage/skill output.
  6. Hey Bioware, Now that we are all reaching the end (Fully geared expertise) we are definitely not working as intended. The recent changes have multiplied the effect of the first nerf done to operatives. Our trees need to be reworked to be competitive. Please take your time to fix the broken class, and please test ops/smug enough so that you do not release a patch that will further debilitate what is already weak. The utility is not there. The damage is not there. The heals are not there. The protection/defense is not there. The penalty to be able to stealth is not worth the class design. Unless the class was intended to only kill the same mirror class eg: Imperial vs Smuggler......we need just a little bit of love......not asking to be the operative pre nerf, just asking to be normal.... 50 operative 44v
  7. 50 op here... The truth is here... We were nerfed to be "the good at nothing but decent at everything" class because they did not know what to do with us....... I have posted previously that the operative is the bard of the game.....jack of all trades with nothing he does better than anyone....but does everything to a mediocre level. The class will only benefit players that can figure out tedious rotations, situational combat, and hybrid style play ...sub par dmg sub par heal no utility but stealth.... I'm not going to deny that we need some love...but everyone hates us because we facerolled them before when we were on even playing grounds. At least the game is actually staying true to the movies....Agents were usually disposed of by their Sith masters (Choked to death whenever the Sith would please).
  8. From a 50 op, Cons of this build proposed and fixes from...... 1. Lack of sustainability.... Switch lethal points to med, and get TA's from kolprobe 2. Lack of Damage....Kolto probe = more ta' procs because you can get Ta's from peeps you cast on and can be more useful... 3. Lack of group benefit.....Med/Conceal hybrid = Damage/Heals with laceration as damage crutch beats damage from lethality 4. Range of Lethality...Operative is not a range and you will have people in your face, switch to half heals/ half conceal to be able to close quarter fights and deal with the current overpowered classes out there. The operative is the new "bard" or what you would call the "jack of all trades"...not excellent at anything but decent at everything and if used properly can be more efficient if placed right. Med armor (decent) Heals (decent) Damage (decent) Range dmg (decent) if you know the snipe trick (ask me) Tips: 1vs 1 is to be mindful of areas that you can use cover.....which turns a ranged fight into a melee fight.......Giving you the advantage to shiv, debil, backstab, dart, blind etc... Tip: And if you have koltoprobes running and revitalizers you are ticking about 1k+ per tick (crits can tick around 1500-2k), which can make you tough to take down. Tip: Always keep koltoprobe/stim and stealth to open with hidden strike to proc first TA.. Being that you have Kolto probe all the time...you will have Stim on all the time...never let these two go ...even 1 kolto probe works well... Rotation : Koltoprobe> (Ta proc)> Stim>Stealth>Hidden Strike>Dart>Debilitate>Backstab>(Ta full)>Lacerate until you cant anymore> Shiv>Lacerate or Surgical>Kolto>Lacerate until Kolto done/Stim done and use shiv to refresh Stim. Repeat Tip:Med has to be high enough to have surgical because this will save you until debilitate is up to faceroll....laceration will occur very often with kolto/poison (laceration advantage) Build sould be something like med 22/con 19/ 0 lethal http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/operative/14/?build=022323220010003002110000000023003002112100200000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  9. Yeah but this is like saying "I got a fully loaded nissan sentra with rims, custom speakers and tires" versus a "I got a mercedes without any customizations" I would still take the mercedes bro. Yeah it's overpriced and hard to fix but at least it's not a nissan....I've had a nissan.
  10. It is the age of the future.... Fantasy is finished. Bugs in the future with potential fix > Polished Fantasy game that bores you to death NUFF said... SWTOR wins... The game will patch, we got a good one in our hands....it has the most potential...POST LOVE for these fellas, they gave us some entertainment and we are a very tough crowd to please. Grateful for your work good sirs /applaud bioware!
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