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Quick Way To Level Up?


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I just got to a fairly annoying point playing my character where I dont actually have a high enough level to be able to be able to fight on the new planet, anyone got any recomendations for how to quickly grind up two or three levels?
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Yep. Go back to the previous planet and finish your quests there.


Just because you finish the class story-line doesn't mean you should immediately move to the next planet.


Each planet has a large amount of quests, bonus quests, side quests and heroic 2/4 mans that allow you MANY opportunities for extra XP.


If you are still starved for XP, you can do PvP, which gives decent XP, space missions, their dailies can give decent xp and finally, group with others and do level appropriate flashpoints.


It is extremely easy and FAST to level and get to 50 in this game, by doing all the quests per planet and the above. I usually start a new planet sometimes 2-4 levels above it when I arrive from doing the above.

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With out even doing the heroics, flashpoints, and space missions if ou do just the class missions and the regular single man missions with you and your companion you will typically be a level or two above the minimum you should be goin to a new planet.
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  • 2 months later...

Doing every non-heroic quest on each world will get you more than enough experience to be well ahead of quest level. Always swing by the starport on each planet on your way offplanet to pick up the 'Bonus Series' that opens up. Often nice rewards and more easy exp.


Also if you're still having trouble always be sure to log off in the nearest cantina or on your ship so you'll earn 'rested exp.' That will double your exp and make you level even faster.


This can all be supplemented by Heroics...if you can find a group to do them with... or Space Combat missions if you cant. Space missions are really like free experience since you lose nothing if you fail. Can also try PvP for extra exp too.


In short its hard not to level up quickly in this game. ;)




Edit: just noticed this was a necroed 2 month old thread. I'm guessing you figured this all out by now.:p

Edited by CutlassJack
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Here's what I do, hope it helps:


Before arriving to a new planet, I grab my PVP dailies. On my way there, I do all space missions that are green level to orange. When I reach the surface, I grab -every- quest I come across, including missions terminals and heroics. While traveling between all these, I am -always- queued for PVP.


By the time you finish 2-4 quests, you should have PVP'd enough to have about 1000 comms. Return to the Imperial Fleet, turn in your quests, purchase your armor with your comms. (Before 20, I'm buying the 20 armor. When I have that, I start buying 40. After that, I convert to Merc comms.)


Now, on your way back to the planet, do whatever space missions have reset, if any have at all.


When you've done all the quests and I mean -all- of them, including bonus missions for the quests, you should be sitting about 2-3 levels AHEAD of the end-level of the planet.


Example, Balmorra gets you to 20. I'm level 23, just starting the Balmorra Bonus series on an alt.


When you've completed all single man quests within the planet, access your log and start hitting the heroics starting from the lowest level to the highest. You should be able to do the 2+ with NO help, since you're levels ahead.


Now head out to the starport to go to the next planet and get the planet bonus series. Head back, do those quests ALL WHILE QUEUED FOR PVP, you'll be about 3-4 levels, maybe even 5 ahead of what's needed.


I've done this about 3 times so far, all so I can skip Alderaan and not sacrifice my level lol. By the time I hit Alderaan, I'm about 32-33, so I can easily skip it. Just be patient, is all.

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  • 4 months later...
I finished all my quests on my planet but im still not the highest lvl to go to nar Shanda


Youre not the highest level? You dont need to be. If you are the lowest level for that planet, you will be fine to start. Even a level lower, you will be fine.

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I finished all my quests on my planet but im still not the highest lvl to go to nar Shanda


If your following a typical leveling curve, here's how it looks (i.e. what level you should be at to start said planet):

Dromund Kaas (Corusant for repub) - lvl 10

Balmorra (Taris for repub)- lvl 16 - 17

Nar shadaa - 21-22

Tatooine - 24-25

Alderaan - 28-29

class story chapter 1 finale - 31 - 32


if you reach any of those planets before the level described above, you did not do all the quests available. period. even with power rushing toons through, doing nothing but all the quests i am of the right level, even if its right on the mark (such as hitting Nar shadaa a few points before level 21...done that before and I was fine.). But if you find yourself in that predicament...


1) you probably missed some side quests. there are odd spots with quests on every planet...gotta keep your eyes open.

2) your stealthing past all the mobs instead of killing a few along the way.

3) your letting a higher level group up with you to assist in the quests.


I have leveled over a dozen toons on both sides past alderaan....you simply cannot get through the game doing all the quest and not being high enough unless you fall unto one of the 3 categories i mentioned above.


Here's a quick tip: keep all the Heroics for the planet you are on in your quest log. keep your eyes on chat...with the new server mergers, there's always heroics going on. just be ready to reply...or better yet, start a group yourself.. "LFM for Heroic 2+ shooting stars" you'd be surprised at how fast people will usually reply. a decent heroic on level is worth a 1/4 to a 1/2 level minimum. ill usually keep an eye open for groups forming for the Heroics, and ill be able to grab at least 2, even if im rushing through a planet

Edited by Elyx
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I just got to a fairly annoying point playing my character where I dont actually have a high enough level to be able to be able to fight on the new planet, anyone got any recomendations for how to quickly grind up two or three levels?


I have found when I am qued for group flashpoints as a tank, group finder pops fairly quickly. Likewise my healer. DPS seems to have longer to wait as either of those can fill a dps role, but a dps class can't heal or tank.

So if you are either of those, hang out on fleet qued. You can try to run back to planet and quest in between, but unless you play on week day mornings, you won't even make it to the orbital shuttle before the next group pops.

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Dont worry too much if you are not the exact level specified. I have started planets one level below recommended and got on fine. You level up fast by doing this too. If you do this, dont go do your class mission straight away, do one or two other missions to go up a level.


Just remember, you are a level below, so the combat wont be a cakewalk. But it is survivable. just make sure you us all your abilities to your advantage.

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  • 6 months later...

i know that i am quite late to this but i just posted thread on ways to level :D im not spamming or anything so i will just tell you on here real fast. PvP warzones can offer a few thousand in XP every round if you do Good. Space missions offer godd Xp if you get the dailys and do the bonus missions. Flashpoints offer alot of XP if you rely on teamwork and have a healer so you can do a flashpoint faster and do the next one. for the full thread click on the link im not spamming i was just helping




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I have found when I am qued for group flashpoints as a tank, group finder pops fairly quickly. Likewise my healer. DPS seems to have longer to wait as either of those can fill a dps role, but a dps class can't heal or tank.

So if you are either of those, hang out on fleet qued. You can try to run back to planet and quest in between, but unless you play on week day mornings, you won't even make it to the orbital shuttle before the next group pops.


I hope you don't mean that you check both tank and dps boxes on your tank and both healer and dps boxes on your heals, because that's a douchy move. Not saying you're douchy, unless you do that.

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I hope you don't mean that you check both tank and dps boxes on your tank and both healer and dps boxes on your heals, because that's a douchy move. Not saying you're douchy, unless you do that.


How id that being douche? I do it all the time. My healer is able to dps so I flag as both. It makes finding a group much faster. :D

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How id that being douche? I do it all the time. My healer is able to dps so I flag as both. It makes finding a group much faster. :D


You are just gimping to group by dps-ing in heal-spec. It IS a douche thing to do. Field respec is basically free, get it and learn the dps-specs. :p Your damage amounts to absolutely nothing in heal-spec and your resource pool just goes down the drain.

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You are just gimping to group by dps-ing in heal-spec. It IS a douche thing to do. Field respec is basically free, get it and learn the dps-specs. :p Your damage amounts to absolutely nothing in heal-spec and your resource pool just goes down the drain.[/quote

Too bad, the game allows me to do it, so I do it. If you don't like to it try and stop me. I do just fine in flashpoints. :p

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You are just gimping to group by dps-ing in heal-spec. It IS a douche thing to do. Field respec is basically free, get it and learn the dps-specs. :p Your damage amounts to absolutely nothing in heal-spec and your resource pool just goes down the drain.

Too bad, the game allows me to do it, so I do it. If you don't like to it try and stop me. I do just fine in flashpoints. :p

what level flashpoints? at higher levels you will be gimping your groups if you are specced for an opposite role.

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  • 5 months later...
Here's what I do, hope it helps:


Before arriving to a new planet, I grab my PVP dailies. On my way there, I do all space missions that are green level to orange. When I reach the surface, I grab -every- quest I come across, including missions terminals and heroics. While traveling between all these, I am -always- queued for PVP.


By the time you finish 2-4 quests, you should have PVP'd enough to have about 1000 comms. Return to the Imperial Fleet, turn in your quests, purchase your armor with your comms. (Before 20, I'm buying the 20 armor. When I have that, I start buying 40. After that, I convert to Merc comms.)


Now, on your way back to the planet, do whatever space missions have reset, if any have at all.


When you've done all the quests and I mean -all- of them, including bonus missions for the quests, you should be sitting about 2-3 levels AHEAD of the end-level of the planet.


Example, Balmorra gets you to 20. I'm level 23, just starting the Balmorra Bonus series on an alt.


When you've completed all single man quests within the planet, access your log and start hitting the heroics starting from the lowest level to the highest. You should be able to do the 2+ with NO help, since you're levels ahead.


Now head out to the starport to go to the next planet and get the planet bonus series. Head back, do those quests ALL WHILE QUEUED FOR PVP, you'll be about 3-4 levels, maybe even 5 ahead of what's needed.


I've done this about 3 times so far, all so I can skip Alderaan and not sacrifice my level lol. By the time I hit Alderaan, I'm about 32-33, so I can easily skip it. Just be patient, is all.


I'll have to try that method when the servers come back up! thanks for the info on how to level up faster! :)

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  • 6 months later...

It depends. If you are on your first toon, then I would make sure and do all quests for the planet, including the heroics.

You want to do this because you'll want to gathering resourcing for crafting, find all lore and datacrons. Your first toon will likely be a major resource for your next toons that follow, so you'll need to grind it out a little.


Once you have your "supply" toon, all my next toons level extremely fast. My second toon was a smuggler / healer. I only did the main line story quests, and supplemented the other XP through warzones. I upgraded my gear to all orange, and used my "supply" toon to provide blue level gear.


My third toon was a jedi shadow, but I made the mistake of ignoring pvp warzones and opting for flashpoints and main story line only. I leveled fast, but found that jedi shadows and better for pvp than group flashpoints.


Hope this helped.


I just got to a fairly annoying point playing my character where I dont actually have a high enough level to be able to be able to fight on the new planet, anyone got any recomendations for how to quickly grind up two or three levels?
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