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Is the single player experience really that great?


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Not really, IMHO. The voice acting and dialogue in this game are so bland. You know what made Mass Effect 2 so enjoyable? Your companions actually had personalities and showed them.


Garrus: "Do you ever miss those talks we had on the elevators?"

Tali: "No."

Garrus: "Remember how'd we'd always ask you about life on the Flotilla?"

Tali: "This conversation is over."

Garrus: "Tell me again about your immune system."

Tali: "I have a shotgun."

Garrus: "...we'll talk later."


The dialogue in swtor is completely lacking in character, and, more importantly, humor. There are sites devoted to ME dialogue. I can remember a single chuckleworthy comment by Kira during 35 levels of the Jedi Knight storyline before i began thumbing through the dialogue and mashing 3. My relationship with kira was so lukewarm that i started wishing i were female, because at least Doc is more useful.


If they had made the same 4 companions for all 4 classes and gave them great personalities instead of making 16 non-entities, the replay value of the game would have been much higher. Hell, i played ME2 2-3 times just to hear more of the dialogue. There is just zero attachment to any of the characters, even my own. As a knight i have a [/sarcasm] wildly diverse and witty crew [/sarcasm] consisting of a beeping tin can, Kira, a womanizing doctor who never hits on anyone, and a supposedly invincible ex-sith something or other who folds faster than a newspaper. I would trade all of them for a single Deekin, Garrus, or Bastila. Hell, i'd trade them all for a Jar Jar Binks. At least i hate Jar Jar. I could send him in and gleefully watch him perish to packs of mobs, maybe hear a squealing death cry while i sprint away laughing.

Same goes for the other npcs. Could not give a single crusty fart about any of them. A little green yoda guy gave his life for me during a flashpoint where i apparently saved Revan from eternal punishment. Not a single memorable fight in the lot except the one guy who shoots lasers from his eyes (that was actually a fun fight, reminded me of a James Bond villain).


The story itself is good. Not spectacular or surprising, but good. I may wiki the other plotlines later, see how they fit into the lore.


Multiplayer sucks. The engine cant handle it. There is no economy, no crafting set up to support one, nor a currency valuable enough to encourage one. I chuckle at gold (sorry, credit) sellers, as there is no reason to buy credits. PVP is a huge joke, 10-49 warzones are currently way more fun than in the 50s. Ilum is a travesty. Ops should be called Oops (from what i have read). The gearing progression is baffling and counterintuitive, both in pve and pvp.


People are paying 15 dollars a month to play 8 different short stories with 90% overlap. They should feel ripped off, I know i do.


Not going to unsub until my friends do, but i really thought the single player would be better from Bioware.



PS. The alien languages gave me Starfox flashbacks.


BUBABLUBLEEEEOOO: go activate 4 panels for me, and then do a barrel roll to deflect enemy fire!


bidibidipit!: oh no, x are infesting my _____! go kill y of them! also, approaching enemies, Fox!


... i just realized that Starfox had better dialogue, and they didnt even speak.

Edited by Superawesomerman
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Ops should be called Oops (from what i have read).


I was gonna point out that you never actually specified what was wrong with any of the things you said were terrible in this game, but when you got to the point where you were dismissing entire types of content while admitting that you haven't even tried it once, I decided it would be a waste of time. Back to playing TOR. You obviously decided to hate the game before you even played most of it, and have no interest in giving it a fair chance, so why are you wasting your time posting about it here?

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I was gonna point out that you never actually specified what was wrong with any of the things you said were terrible in this game, but when you got to the point where you were dismissing entire types of content while admitting that you haven't even tried it once, I decided it would be a waste of time. Back to playing TOR. You obviously decided to hate the game before you even played most of it, and have no interest in giving it a fair chance, so why are you wasting your time posting about it here?


this post was an opinion about the relative quality of the single player experience compared to previous Bioware offerings, notably ME2, specifically in terms of character quality. note how only a very small paragraph is dedicated to multiplayer?


Levelled to 50 once, did all the sub-50 flashpoints, some hm flashpoints, spent a good amount of time in pvp (valor 34ish), i can say say i have done a fair amount of the content, single player or otherwise.


i could just as easily say you are blinded by bioware fanboy-ism.

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The combination of single player experience plus the ability to group with other players is a perfect balance, IMHO.


For most options, I want to run missions on my own. I want to have conversations on my own. I didn't come here to play everyone else's conversations. If I pick a conversational tree, I expect to see what I selected, except in situations where I've agreed to group with others.


I also don't want to be prevented from playing the game when I can't find anyone to group with. I want to play when I want to play, and unnecessary game blockages are not what I came here for.

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Mass Effect 2 was enjoyable? Since when?


All I can remember is Garrus going on about calibrations, Miranda's butt talking to me with a disembodied out-of-frame voice and then 3-4 throwaway conversations with all the rest. Too many companions and too shallow dialogue.

Edited by marshalleck
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The dialogue in swtor is completely lacking in character, and, more importantly, humor. There are sites devoted to ME dialogue. I can remember a single chuckleworthy comment by Kira during 35 levels of the Jedi Knight storyline before i began thumbing through the dialogue and mashing 3. My relationship with kira was so lukewarm that i started wishing i were female, because at least Doc is more useful.


Sorry you feel that way. All I can say is I've had many "burst out laughing" or thoughtful moments with the companions.


Not everyone likes the same thing. But to answer the core of what you are saying, some people are going to like it more than others. Does ME have a "better" or "more gripping" story than SWTOR? Probably, to some. But then again, it's crafted entirely around that single player experience. If it didn't, that would be ridiculous.


That's not to say you are without merit. Some of the companions ARE flat. Some you get so late that you have no real reason to invest in them. Others , like Talos , are definitely an acquired taste.

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You're a Jedi Knight. And you're talking like you've experienced "all" of the other companions. It's kind of odd.


I like Tanno Vik. What's your problem with Vik? Or 4X? 4X has made me chuckle dozens of times.


Also I think you under-value T7, but whatever. I really want to know how much experience you have with Jorgan, Dorne, 4X and Vik that you can make judgements on their personalities like you do.

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Uhmmm, I just went through the "Vision Quest" last night on Voss and I am absolutely blown away with the storyline. It's f'n amazing.


The JK story is actually pretty damn awesome if you pay attention and get invested in it.

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T7 makes me crack UP.


Me too. The only reason I started a Jedi was for a lightsaber. The only reason I'm still playing a Jedi is T7. He's hilarious. But I haven't even gotten to chapter 2 yet with my Jedi alt, so I'll defer to the OP on jedi companions.


I still want to know how the OP can make all those claims for the other companions though?

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Not really, IMHO. The voice acting and dialogue in this game are so bland. You know what made Mass Effect 2 so enjoyable? Your companions actually had personalities and showed them.


Garrus: "Do you ever miss those talks we had on the elevators?"

Tali: "No."

Garrus: "Remember how'd we'd always ask you about life on the Flotilla?"

Tali: "This conversation is over."

Garrus: "Tell me again about your immune system."

Tali: "I have a shotgun."

Garrus: "...we'll talk later."


The dialogue in swtor is completely lacking in character, and, more importantly, humor. There are sites devoted to ME dialogue. I can remember a single chuckleworthy comment by Kira during 35 levels of the Jedi Knight storyline before i began thumbing through the dialogue and mashing 3. My relationship with kira was so lukewarm that i started wishing i were female, because at least Doc is more useful.


If they had made the same 4 companions for all 4 classes and gave them great personalities instead of making 16 non-entities, the replay value of the game would have been much higher. Hell, i played ME2 2-3 times just to hear more of the dialogue. There is just zero attachment to any of the characters, even my own. As a knight i have a [/sarcasm] wildly diverse and witty crew [/sarcasm] consisting of a beeping tin can, Kira, a womanizing doctor who never hits on anyone, and a supposedly invincible ex-sith something or other who folds faster than a newspaper. I would trade all of them for a single Deekin, Garrus, or Bastila. Hell, i'd trade them all for a Jar Jar Binks. At least i hate Jar Jar. I could send him in and gleefully watch him perish to packs of mobs, maybe hear a squealing death cry while i sprint away laughing.

Same goes for the other npcs. Could not give a single crusty fart about any of them. A little green yoda guy gave his life for me during a flashpoint where i apparently saved Revan from eternal punishment. Not a single memorable fight in the lot except the one guy who shoots lasers from his eyes (that was actually a fun fight, reminded me of a James Bond villain).


The story itself is good. Not spectacular or surprising, but good. I may wiki the other plotlines later, see how they fit into the lore.


Multiplayer sucks. The engine cant handle it. There is no economy, no crafting set up to support one, nor a currency valuable enough to encourage one. I chuckle at gold (sorry, credit) sellers, as there is no reason to buy credits. PVP is a huge joke, 10-49 warzones are currently way more fun than in the 50s. Ilum is a travesty. Ops should be called Oops (from what i have read). The gearing progression is baffling and counterintuitive, both in pve and pvp.


People are paying 15 dollars a month to play 8 different short stories with 90% overlap. They should feel ripped off, I know i do.


Not going to unsub until my friends do, but i really thought the single player would be better from Bioware.



PS. The alien languages gave me Starfox flashbacks.


BUBABLUBLEEEEOOO: go activate 4 panels for me, and then do a barrel roll to deflect enemy fire!


bidibidipit!: oh no, x are infesting my _____! go kill y of them! also, approaching enemies, Fox!


... i just realized that Starfox had better dialogue, and they didnt even speak.


Umm not to knock it becasue its a fantastic game but if you have played Skyrim then this post really doesn't have merit. Skyrim has a dozen voice actors that do the voices for every NPC in the game and TOR has what 400. When ever I play skyrim during sever downtime I can't help but laugh and think to myself (wasn't this shop keeper the Jarl in whiterun)

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Yeah I know what you mean for the Sith Marauder the only interesting character is Vette. Quinn is... gey. Jeasa Williams is emo and an over exaggeration of the Sith sterotype (Disappointing because the character concept was so good). Pierce is shallow. Broonmark is... Broonmark.
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Lol @ moridin singing, I loved that part. Yeah, the plot of me2 was a little weak, but the characters were great, and funny as hell.


also, why can't more droids be like legion? they managed to have instill legion with both gravity and levity while keeping him in character.


the most star warsy moment ive found is when you get your lightsaber on tython. The music swells, you hold it aloft, it shines like the sun ... and then cream a boss with it.


Everything after was sort of a letdown. They need a lightsaber taunt where you shave with it or pop popcorn

with it or something.


A few risque lightsaber jokes wouldnt have hurt either.

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Umm not to knock it becasue its a fantastic game but if you have played Skyrim then this post really doesn't have merit. Skyrim has a dozen voice actors that do the voices for every NPC in the game and TOR has what 400. When ever I play skyrim during sever downtime I can't help but laugh and think to myself (wasn't this shop keeper the Jarl in whiterun)


Its not about quantity, its about quality. The majority of swtors voice acting is completely irrelevant other than to keep the game uniform.

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Not really, IMHO. The voice acting and dialogue in this game are so bland. You know what made Mass Effect 2 so enjoyable? Your companions actually had personalities and showed them.



I have to agree as far as my Jedi Knight Male Guardian is concerned. I'm not a big fan of the voice acting for that, and his relationship with Kira is pretty emotionless, even though they've entered into a romantic relationship.


My female Gunslinger's rapport with Corso is much better done.


The single player experience is not as intensive as with a single player RPG like Mass Effect, but still, I'm enjoying it. In fact, that's the main reason why I bought SWTOR.

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