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Best And Worst Class Story?


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I think Male BH voice acting is pretty bad. You get used to it, but it's pretty jarring the first few levels. Whoever did his voice seemed to be copying Christian Bale's Batman.


Luckily it wasn't enough to detract from BH's awesome companions.


.... You must not know Steve Blum... Spike from Cowboy Beebop, Mugen from Samurai Champloo, Wolverine from the X-men chartoons....




****it.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Blum


He's a great Voice Actor..... and I enjoy his work.

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.... You must not know Steve Blum... Spike from Cowboy Beebop, Mugen from Samurai Champloo, Wolverine from the X-men chartoons....




****it.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Blum


He's a great Voice Actor..... and I enjoy his work.


I do know Steve Blum. He was great as Spike. Mugen's Japanese VA was better in every single way. He's horrible in SW:ToR (expecially as the Huttball guy).


His past work does not automatically make everything he does great.

Edited by CapitaFK
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Still in Act 1 of the Jedi Knight. I like the main thread that is going through it, but that said... it just feels like I'm surrounded by incompetence. I'll spoiler tag this next part so I can go into more detail:




General Var Suthra is an incompetent moron. First, he seems to have no idea what is going on with any of the R&D projects around him. I don't like taking orders from him because it just feels like I'm having to go around and clean up after his incompetence.


On that note, so far all I've really done is clean up after the stupid R&D projects that are not only morally questionable, but the Republic decided that all these "secret weapons" should be guarded by 10 year old girls with sticks, apparently. All these stupid weapons continually fall into the wrong hands at the drop of a hat and that leaves me to go fix their stupidity.


Sorry for the rant, but I've now had this happen *3* times before I leave Act 1 (Planet Prison, Power Guard project, and now the Shock Drum). And often, I'm forced to team with people I'd rather lightsaber to the face than talk to ever again (the Republic agent on Nar Shaddaa that wanted to flee comes to mind)






ANYWAY, despite all that above, the MAIN thread of the JK story is ok... I hope it picks up a bit more though because right now, I feel like The Wolf from Pulp Fiction... and it's not as cool as you might think :)


Also, I STILL have issues with how the text for responses doesn't accurately match what is said/done. I agreed to something last night that I definitely didn't want to agree to simply because of how the text was presented *shrug*

Edited by CecilTellyn
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Smuggler was really boring. Only interested in one area of the story. The rest was like being employed by a parcel service. I was hoping more Firefly and less Han Solo.


I mean the Jedi Knight story isn't about a Darth whom turns out to be your father.


It just sucked.

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The Jedi Consular storyline was good at the very beginning (Tython) but lagged through Chapter 1 - it was far too repetitive. I enjoyed the end of Chapter 1 on Alderaan because I started to get into the "diplomacy" side of the Jedi, which was the reason I picked Consular in the first place.


Chapter 2 has been fun so far. I enjoyed the class storyline through Balmorra and it made me interested in the planet through dealing with behind-the-scenes politics. This was why I picked the class, and it's delivering, so I'm happy.


My only gripe with Consular is that I'm level 38, and I JUST got my third companion. There's a huge lag between getting ones - from Nar Shadda through Balmorra (that's Taris, Tattooine, and Alderaan without a single companion. Crazy.)



I've watched the Trooper storyline through playing with one, and while it's not my cup of tea, he seems to be enjoying it, and there are some fairly epic moments through Chapters 1 and 2.


MY IA is still very low-level, but also enjoying the subtle storylines there.


I think you should take your playstyle into account. If you enjoy a subtle story, or one that involves nuance, or one that involves more talking and less fighting, you might like JC, IA, or even Smuggler. If you're a shoot-first-ask-questions-later type, BH, Trooper, SW, or even JK might suit you. Not sure about IA... it could go either way.

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Sith Assassin through chapter 2 was great but darker than an episode of the Sopranos... Tons of backstabbing, lying, cheating, deception...pretty much what you'd expect from a power hungry Sith.


Jedi Sent started off pretty lame but has gotten much better. If you go light side some of the responses make you sound like a boy scout. Being a fan of the Jedi since before I could walk though I've come to really like it...after all, you get to be a freaking JEDI!

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Still in Act 1 of the Jedi Knight. I like the main thread that is going through it, but that said... it just feels like I'm surrounded by incompetence. I'll spoiler tag this next part so I can go into more detail:




General Var Suthra is an incompetent moron. First, he seems to have no idea what is going on with any of the R&D projects around him. I don't like taking orders from him because it just feels like I'm having to go around and clean up after his incompetence.


On that note, so far all I've really done is clean up after the stupid R&D projects that are not only morally questionable, but the Republic decided that all these "secret weapons" should be guarded by 10 year old girls with sticks, apparently. All these stupid weapons continually fall into the wrong hands at the drop of a hat and that leaves me to go fix their stupidity.


Sorry for the rant, but I've now had this happen *3* times before I leave Act 1 (Planet Prison, Power Guard project, and now the Shock Drum). And often, I'm forced to team with people I'd rather lightsaber to the face than talk to ever again (the Republic agent on Nar Shaddaa that wanted to flee comes to mind)






ANYWAY, despite all that above, the MAIN thread of the JK story is ok... I hope it picks up a bit more though because right now, I feel like The Wolf from Pulp Fiction... and it's not as cool as you might think :)


Also, I STILL have issues with how the text for responses doesn't accurately match what is said/done. I agreed to something last night that I definitely didn't want to agree to simply because of how the text was presented *shrug*



I agree completely. It does get a lot better. One of the biggest complaints about the Jedi Knight story is the lack of a solid master. The classes are supposed to mirror characters from the movies. I assume the Jedi Knight is supposed to mirror Luke, Anakin and Obi Wan who all had great and wise Masters guiding them....

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IA ia awful. Its just so black and white, no nuance at all. why would my agent kill people he can keep alive as an asset? its a pretty shallow boring and predictable story.


Say what? I can't remember a single time I -haven't- had the option of keeping people alive as assets instead of killing them. And predictable? It must just be your choices taking you down a path you think is "predictable," seeing as there's like five possible (wildly different) endings to the IA story depending on your choices.

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.... You must not know Steve Blum... Spike from Cowboy Beebop, Mugen from Samurai Champloo, Wolverine from the X-men chartoons....


He's a great Voice Actor..... and I enjoy his work.


IMDB has the voice of the male Bounty Hunter listed as a certain Tom Spackman, who appears to be little more than a voice-over guy for commercials and film trailers. Having said that, I think his voice works extremely well for my gruff and weathered BH, but perhaps less so for "younger" looking light-siders.


I also love the BH story, but as for the best storyline, my vote would go to the IA as well. I watched my friend make that decision at the end of Act I and had to raise a Spockian eyebrow....

Edited by profaneascension
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I haven't played through all the class quests yet, but I've played through a couple, and I duo with my roommate so I've seen a couple more through her characters, and I'd rate them from best (top) to worst (bottom):


Imperial Agent - One of the things that really stands out for this is that there's a LOT of leeway on how you present your character in the situation. Are you a reckless, conniving backstabber? A professional who is 100% loyal to the ideal of the Empire? A monster for the sake of others? Someone who sees the Empire as something better than it is? The tension between your agency and the Sith is also very interesting, especially for me since I enjoyed flipping the bird to the full-of-themselves Sith whenever I had the chance.


Jedi Consular - While not as flexible, story-wise, as the IA story, it was at nearly as intriguing. I like the idea of a more diplomatic Jedi, which I played through as best as I could. There were a lot of "saber SMASH" options through the story, but the most interesting ones seemed to come from where you had the chance to talk your way through things. It also was a great deal of fun being able to root out things better left unlearned (in the eyes of some), and dealing with that.


Sith Sorcerer - Pretty well neck and neck with Consular, maybe a bit below simply because there were way too many times your character or your superiors were forced to do/say ridiculously stupid things to keep the ball rolling. The political intrigue of the Sith played out pretty well here, without devolving into Sunday Cartoon Goatee Villain Time.


Smuggler - Only beneath the two above because the poor Smuggler was made to look like an idiot way too often. The story arc overall was interesting and you get fair chances to play through the three basic types I think everyone wanted (Serenity captain wannabe, credits-are-all-I-love freelancer, or cruel criminal). But seriously, how many times did a cutscene go right to "walk into area catiously and THEN OH GOD IT'S A TRAP! GRENADE, HIT THE DECK!" Really. It's like all the grenades in the known galaxy have a singular vendetta against you.


Trooper - This low because I agree with a previous poster: The first chapter was very good, and then it slowly dwindled in the sense it just got less and less interesting. At least one of your companions (I think everyone who has played it knows who I mean) makes zero sense as he's not even the "good soldier but a bit of a loose cannon" type. He's more the "why does anyone think he'll follow orders ever, and why is he actually following my orders" type.


Jedi Knight - Really excellent at making the Jedi Order overall look wildly incompetent. I had hoped it got better over time but nope. The times your character actually feels like a galaxy-class hero and not a confused, bumbling day-one hire are pretty rare.


Awesome post, thanks for writing this.

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I think Male BH voice acting is pretty bad. You get used to it, but it's pretty jarring the first few levels. Whoever did his voice seemed to be copying Christian Bale's Batman.


Luckily it wasn't enough to detract from BH's awesome companions.



Ha! It sounded like Mickey Rourke's Sin City to me.

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Trooper story was very boring.


I did my storyline final boss as an healer and it wasn't epic... it wasn't even fun, it was just... easy... no kicks no interrupts, no line of sight play, nothing... just spamming full auto until he is dead, that make me sad :(

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Personally, the "best" and "worst" class stories are all dependent on personal preferences.


I loved the SI story with its WTFISTHIS moments. The IA is interesting thus far as well (lvl 21 only though and on Nar Shaddaa). SW seems a bit bland for chapter 1 and prologue since all you're doing is killing and more killing. Lastly, the JC storyline isn't that bad, but that's just my feeling (going around saving people is so Jedi :p).


I'll have a more concrete feel about which story I like the most once I've played more storylines to completion.

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I've been leveling an Imperial Agent with my husband, who plays an Inquisitor. Having seen both class stories up to level 46, I would definitely say that the IA story is stronger by far. The Agent has a really good complex story. The Inquisitor story seems just... meh.


I've played a Consular up to 34 as well, so just through Act 1 -- which I enjoyed. Act 2 seems boring to me so far though which is why I haven't gotten that character any further.

Edited by LeandraNyx
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I thought Knight was pretty epic and felt like a Jedi story, it basically had a feeling of Anakin if he wasn't ****ed up.


Anakin is what happens when the Jedi refuse to acknowledge human nature. You end with someone who can't control his emotions and turns to the dark side to save a loved one. (Who wouldn't?) This is one of the main reasons I couldn't stand being a Knight or Consular.


The Jedi code is so annoying.


Tell Anakin love is okay. Had he felt comfortable telling Yoda about his dreams he could have explained the meaning to Anakin. Instead he internalized them. It isn't about despair and hate leading to the dark side. It's about being void of the tools to manage it properly and still keep your head.


Thus Darth Vader is born.

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So far I've a 50 SW and LOVED the story. It was flipping amazing. I'm working on an Agent and a Consular atm. Got to admit, first 2 chapters of Consular were depressingly dull, but chapter 3 has gotten pretty interesting. So I'll reserve final judgement for now.
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Jedi Knight's story is just great. Smuggler's also although that class itself needs some fixing.

Consular story so far is nothing special for me, though i am low level there, 20 maybe, but it's obvious that Inquisitors storyline is superior, Inquisitors have much better companions for me at least.

From the Empire side i can say that so far i think Inquisitor and Agent have amazing stories themselves, Warrior's story is so far sub - par when compared to Knight's.

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