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If you buy a Toyota, don't expect a BMW.


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What I'm trying to say is, You're buying a brand new game (SWTOR in this case). You cant expect this brand new game to have all the features a much older game would have currently. You need patience in order to enjoy the game, which it seems a lot of you don't have. I guarantee you a good 92% or so of the features you players keep moaning about will be added to SWTOR within the following months. So please be patient and enjoy! :)
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What I'm trying to say is, You're buying a brand new game (SWTOR in this case). You cant expect this brand new game to have all the features a much older game would have currently. You need patience in order to enjoy the game, which it seems a lot of you don't have. I guarantee you a good 92% or so of the features you players keep moaning about will be added to SWTOR within the following months. So please be patient and enjoy! :)


Your analogy ignores the fact that a Toyota is much less expensive than a BMW, considering the fact that SWToR and WoW are both charging the exact same subscription fees.


In other words, you're trying to say "you get what you pay for", and I'm pointing out that the price tag on each is the same.

Edited by Apax
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What I'm trying to say is, You're buying a brand new game (SWTOR in this case). You cant expect this brand new game to have all the features a much older game would have currently. You need patience in order to enjoy the game, which it seems a lot of you don't have. I guarantee you a good 92% or so of the features you players keep moaning about will be added to SWTOR within the following months. So please be patient and enjoy! :)


This... is a horrible analogy.


We bought a game. It should be playable and fun. Yes, it should get better over time, but how confident can you be when so much is wrong with it?

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Car analogies don't work with games. If you buy a new car, then it should run better than one that is 7 years old.



No older cars run much better because you figured out that square whells are bad and not all that efficeint and you learn that soda pop doesn't make the car go, you have to use this stuff called gass-O-lean or something..took a while on that one..



GUY , they didn''t invent the wheel here, they didn't break any new ground



HEY why aren't you playing the freakin' game?!?! I thought it was awesomeley awesome?!

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Toyotas are far more reliable than BMWs.


They use incredibly cheap parts, total soccer mom cars.


That's besides the point. I'm saying SWTOR is CURRENTLY inferior to wow, totally correct. But if you add patches and updates to SWTOR (Like modifying a car with an exhaust etc), then eventually it will be able to compete with WOW and/or be even better!

Edited by SClay
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Lol ok I understand the intention and I agree with it, but a car analogy is horrible w/ this.


If anything I'd compare it to cake.


You could see this amazingly detailed cake recipe being demonstrated on one of those food network shows. A show that's been there for years.


You could then decide to make the cake yourself based off that show you've been watching for years. You get all the ingredients and follow the recipe to the letter, but your cake just doesn't turn out like theirs.


There's a few discrepancies here and there with the texture, the frosting, the design, etc. But it tastes good, just not to the expectation the show has.


But you refine it. You see what you did wrong and adjust accordingly. Over time once you gain more experience with it you become awesome.


The cake is edible and delicious with SWTOR. It just needs some refining to qualify for the show's standards.

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Really? I've yet to see "Additional Instances Cannot be Launched at this Time" even once in this game.


That fact alone means TOR > WoW.


When I cast in wow, my spell will go off when the cast in complete, I won't be stuck finishing the long animation before the spell goes off and before being allowed to use another ability.



And the constant accepting warzone queues to disconnect and go back to the character screen can be considered similar to your issue in wow.


Sorry but wow runs way better than this game, that is a fact.

Edited by Cyndelx
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You can guarantee that can you? ;)


I think 92% of all the complaints Bioware has gotten about their game could have been fixed by 3rd party mods if they just would have had the forethought to allow Add-ons at release. Let the unpaid mod nutters go crazy and come up with creative solutions that please the paying customer, all the while not paying them a cent. Brilliant. Then after you see something you like, put it in your game when you see fit. Sound familiar?


Going back to your car analogy, what I see is a company that wants to come out with a new car to compete with a solid, well loved brand that has been on the market for several years. However this new car lacks the things that customers have grown used to and downright expect in a vehicle, such as air conditioning, cruise control, power windows, and cup holders.

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Audi and BMW are the taxi cabs of Europe. Maybe times have changed since I was there in the mid to early 80s.



The economy was a lot better then. And that would probably be normal, considering They're using their own cars they produce. Just like we use Ford Crown Victorias for our cabs.

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When I cast in wow, my spell will go off when the cast in complete, I won't be stuck finishing the long animation before being allowed to use another ability.



And the constant accepting warzone queues to disconnect and go back to the character screen can be considered similar to your issue in wow.


Sorry but wow runs way better than this game, that is a fact.


Abilities always go off in WoW? http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3941414517 Not according to their forums. Apparently they fail when it matters most.


I can't count the number of bugs I've had in that game. Some of them worse than anything I've seen here. Heck, five years after release my mage was still blinking backwards.


TOR is better than WoW, and that's a fact.

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