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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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Oh no! First custom UI news, then this? If it actually gets fixed, what will people complain about then? AA! Oh wait, they fixed that too....gosh darn!!


Cant really get mad at people for complaining aobut a serious known issue affecting gameplay. Pretty sure the posts and "complaining" is what lead them to investigate the issue and now fix it. :)

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Great job bioware. :) Keeping the players updated aobut whats gettin fixed and what is on the way will keep people from leaving and losing faith. ty for the update and ty for listening to us aobut this issue and the ui issue. These are 2 things that pretty much kept me from loving this game.
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A bit worried that they say the delay wasn't intentional, as it means it has been bugged since beta and they have done nothing to adress it, especially for things like the damn "stuck in ravage for 3 secs because the other guy moved" situation.


But, at least they aknowledged that ability delay is a problem, so its a first good step.

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"Thanks to constructive feedback from the community, (and great videos)...."


You mean you didn't nail that **** in the development process? You know - making your game work before allowing people to pay for it?


lol, nice attempt at looking good doing what you should have done.


Seriously.. were the beta testers and developers blind or what?

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I wanted to throw my input here about the new ability system. I understand what you were trying to do keeping only the duration of the ability left on refresh as grey but it makes using long casting time ability tricky.


More so in pvp you need split second decision and when i click say force lift or my med pack and it "looks up" but rally has 10-15 seconds left it is a big issue for me , often causing me to wast second that you rarely have in pvp and gets you killed.


I think the old system was perfect , i had no trouble adjusting from other mmo's and never was confused by what was or what not almost up. If you did want to improve the system and feel the cool down shade is necessary make them dark grey for the time left light grey for the not reusable and normal when it is ready. This will give clear visual conformation that it is ready and give you an idea of how long.



Thanks for listening


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I wanted to throw my input here about the new ability system. I understand what you were trying to do keeping only the duration of the ability left on refresh as grey but it makes using long casting time ability tricky.


More so in pvp you need split second decision and when i click say force lift or my med pack and it "looks up" but rally has 10-15 seconds left it is a big issue for me , often causing me to wast second that you rarely have in pvp and gets you killed.


I think the old system was perfect , i had no trouble adjusting from other mmo's and never was confused by what was or what not almost up. If you did want to improve the system and feel the cool down shade is necessary make them dark grey for the time left light grey for the not reusable and normal when it is ready. This will give clear visual conformation that it is ready and give you an idea of how long.



Thanks for listening



Wrong topic, thanks for the thoughts though.

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You people giving the dev's crap need to understand things in the "real world" don't change immediately. Yes this particular problem existed in the games beta but a developers "fix" time is divided up by project managers. Sometimes a project manager will get members on the dev team to work on more (in their opinion) important issue's so that the game runs smoother on release. This then has the knock on effect that the ability delay issue gets pushed back. I have worked in this industry and let me tell you i have worked for three days solid before on what i was told was going to be a core part of the design only for days later all i have worked on to be dropped almost on what feels like a whim by a manager. Issues like this happen and now that this issue is being fixed just move on, these are not the dev's you are looking for..... If you want to linch anyone find out who the project managers are and go and round them up posse style.:D I guarantee there is a unsung dev/s who knew and wanted to fix this issue a lot sooner but you wont see him or her posting here because he /she realises its just part of the job and is a lot more professional than a lot of the "i need it b4 yesterday" people posting here.MMO's constantly evolve > the player base doesn't. Edited by Alpha-Llama
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Thank you for the communication and keeping us up to date on the progress BW. I have only had this issue on my lightsaber swinging characters myself. While I don't see it as game breaking, it can be very frustrating at times and I happy to see it being addressed.
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i love how people think that software is easily fixed... i mean, do you not understand how anything in life works?


For all of you who don't understand how fixing problems work, here's an analogy for you:


You break your leg, you're told by the doctor that it will take awhile to heal.


Do you then complain that the doctor doesn't know what he's doing and then tell him how incredibly bad at his job he is?


Then do you ignore him and just try to walk anyway?



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i love how people think that software is easily fixed... i mean, do you not understand how anything in life works?


For all of you who don't understand how fixing problems work, here's an analogy for you:


You break your leg, you're told by the doctor that it will take awhile to heal.


Do you then complain that the doctor doesn't know what he's doing and then tell him how incredibly bad at his job he is?


Then do you ignore him and just try to walk anyway?




How dare people be mad for paying money for a broken product. Video games aint broken legs and this pos came out of the box busted.

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Thank you BW team, you listened and took your time to find every single reason this happens, you implented fixes, alpha tested them, prob used, washed and repeated this method over the last 3-4 months, and now feel comfortable talking about it (if you have nothing to say, dont say anything at all ((doesnt mean they ignored you for the beta)) and now placing it on the PTS, if its solved on there it's fully released. Good job guys.


See, *I* know how it works.

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How dare people be mad for paying money for a broken product. Video games aint broken legs and this pos came out of the box busted.


you're a complete idiot mate.




The biggest piece of software used around the world on pc's has bugs - WINDOWS.


this is why i avoid forums, people just don't understand.

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Oh no! First custom UI news, then this? If it actually gets fixed, what will people complain about then? AA! Oh wait, they fixed that too....gosh darn!!


they will find always a sh load of things to complain. im sure if ability delay is fixed there come a mor on who rage because his game is ruined because hes to slow for the new system ^^

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This is GREAT news BW! :)

I was having a lot of problems with that issue, and also sent in my Dxdiag and explained it in the ´Horrid FPS´-thread.


I also have to happen a dual core processor, as mentioned in the OP.

If this issue really can be fixed properly, you are sure to win me back, as a subscriber.

I can promise you that.

Because i really think most of this game, is really well put together, and fun.

Im also delighted, that the community has come together, to solve these problems.


A warm thank you, to everyone who has been working to figure these things out!

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