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SWTOR endgame is an absolute disaster

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How about fix the community? I am starting to despise lv 50's since none of them are helpful in the slightest. Impossible to find someone to do Battle of Illum or False Emperor and I couldn't even get someone for HM Black Talon. Tried earlier but they bailed on me because my gear wasn't up to par despite having the mods from the dailies on me.


Swear this community is killing the game for me. I love this game but I am really starting to not like the community and I am on a high population server as well. :(

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First and foremost let me assure you that when I say that SWTOR's endgame is a huge mess I am saying this from experience as myself and my guild are one of the most progressed around. We are 4/5 nightmare mode in EV already and most of us have been level 50 since late december. We have consumed all of the content SWTOR has to offer and what we have experienced is alarming.


The flashpoints themselves had (and continue) to have tons of bugs. While some of these have been fixed, the very fact they existed and went live in the firstplace is phenomenal. Until 1.1 3/4 of the flashpoints had unlootable chests. If you managed to beat the instance you would get nothing from most bosses which had chests instead of loot from their bodies. This bug existed for an entire month without Bioware actually addressing it which I find unbelievable. Most companies would have jumped all over a bug like this as soon as it was discovered and had a hotfix out ASAP. bioware however took weeks to finally address this massive issue. then there was the "one of your party is locked to a current flaspoint" bug. This bug made it impossible for a certain person with this bug to enter a flaspoint. The hilarious thing is the bug was able to be passed from one character to another like a disease (this was also the only way to fix it!). To get rid of this bug you would have to figure out who had the bug and have someone else create a lvl 1 alt who you invited to party to pass the bug onto it and then the alt would have it. This bug persisted for weeks! Talk about outrageous.


Raids were and continue to be even more of a disaster IMO. There are so many bugs and problems with both raid clusters and each individual fights I will only focus on the most disgusting of them.


1. In Eternity Vault there was a bug with master loot where if the Raid leader had master loot on and went to pass loot out on the corpse most of the loot would disapear! Only commndations and crafting mats and schematics would be on the corpse while set gear and other drops would simply not be there. The only way to work around this is to have to loot by random loot and everyone having to be careful not to roll on something.


2. Bosses would bug out and do all sorts of fun things. The worst involved Gharj. Gharj would bug out and make it so you couldnt re-enter the raid because you were stuck in combat even though noone was in zone. He would then KILL the entire raid while they were outside EV and in the fleet! The only thing you could do was to reset the instance and re-clear 20-30 min of trash.


3. The brand new raid Kraggas palace which just released a few days ago is hilariously bad. First off the very first boss, Bonethrasher cannot be tanked and has a very fast enrage timer which means tanks on the fight are useless. This means most guilds trying to get him in HM/NM mode HAVE to sit out tanks (and often melee DPS due to punishing mechanics) if they wanna kill him. Wats funny is the very next boss fight has two bosses which requires TWO TANKS on HM/NM mode. Better hope your guild has extra people who like sitting outside the zone and wont get to fight certain bosses! Also whoever itemized Kraggas palace has no understanding of the game or is downright lazy as all the bosses in Kraggas commonly drop loot which cannot be used by the classes it goes to (this may just be a normal mode issue though). My Bounty Hunter for example, recieved light armor pants with willpower on them ***! Does Bioware even test this stuff?


4. Finally the worst raid boss ever created is Soa, the final boss in EV. This may be the single most bugged raid boss I have ever seen. This encounter has so many bugs it would take me 5 pages to explain them all in detail so here are the worst ones. Just last night on hard mode we encountered these ones. After a wipe, sometimes the floor in Soa's room would be half missing and you would have to reset the raid and run back. On the final phase the tank has to kite Soa and get pillars to drop on him so his shield drops and he becomes vunerable. A number of times the pillar would hit him but his shield stayed up! Because of this our guild failed 3 times to Soa and turned what would have been a win into another wipe. We were unable to get beat him because of this garbage yet again. Finally many guilda re reporting Soa after patch 1.1 isnt even dropping loot except for mounts and craft junk. Bioware again is sitting on their hands and taking their sweet time with all of these issue.




I wont even get into PvP issues............but I think most of us are aware of the many problems there.




There are other things as well which are not quite endgame related but incredibly frustrating. Myself and thousands of others who have high end gaming rigs are getting awful performance in SWTOR. I get 10-20 FPS in places like PvP/fleet even though I have a 6970 for crying out loud! I get 50 FPS minimum on high+ settings in every other game I own (BF3, Witcher 2, Rift) but for some reason I get 10 FPS at times in SWTOR. Pathetic.




Lastly, SWTOR is missing the most basic of MMO features like a COMBAT LOG!. What MMO these days releases without a freaking combat log?!!!!!




I really wanted this game to be good and I was expecting it to at least be mediocre and be well polished but to my absolute shock SWTOR is probably the most unpolished and buggy MMO I have every played. How could a game with a budget alledgedly topping $200 Million be this bad? HOW?




For those of you enjoying the game and planning to stick with it, good luck to you and I applaud your patience. SWTOR isnt without its merits of course but as a whole this is the most disapointing launch I have experienced in my 15 years of MMO gaming.


I understand all of these are issues but man, what where you expecting a PERFECT game at launch? How about we be thankful for the things we do have... the game is playable... new content incoming and weekly patches... BE PATIENT!

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The fact that there is no combat log or /roll function, along with numerous other features is troubling not only bc its frustrating but due to the fact that the devs choose to leave those features out. Bioware is a great company, there is no way they didn't think about them. There is no way they're saying right now "a /roll function?!?! Why didn't we think of that??" They choose to leave that feature out. That is troubling....


What if that's what happened? What if BioWare have exactly that little experience with MMOs?

Because to me it seems like the supervision and direction of an MMO aspect of the game was given to someone who has no clue.

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I understand all of these are issues but man, what where you expecting a PERFECT game at launch? How about we be thankful for the things we do have... the game is playable... new content incoming and weekly patches... BE PATIENT!


The game as been out for 2 months, and many of the things that were broken in beta are still broken. I know BioWare is aware of it, but being aware and actually fixing things are two different things.


Call me a cry baby, but it's in their best interest to fix these things, because everyone is not patient when it comes to dealing out money for something that is no longer fun. Stiff competition is right around the corner and if BW wants to keep the people they have now, and hopefully see growth things have to get sorted out before more people jump ship.


I followed this game for a while before I even made an account, about 3 years, and I've run into massive game breaking bugs in both PvP and PvE enough to frustrate me and make me lose taste for the content. I've had mods in my gear just poof and disappear rendering my gear useless for raids only to have BW return less than half of what was lost 17 days later. The bugs on top of the bad CS, is bringing many people to the tipping point. There are so many things that are amazing about this game, but there are also so many quality of life features completely absent and lots of broken content and bugs that have not been repaired despite patch notes claiming a fix. Couple that together with poor CS, and a test server that forces you to reroll toons, is there any wonder why this game has the problems it does.


As I said before, there is stiff competition coming up in the near future and if BW wants to keep their numbers up, they better get their act together or they might lose quite a few subs in the long run.

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I had a dream last night that I was a panda.


I also dreamed that I was a panda in a raid that worked.


It was very nice. I think I'll go do that when it's real.


Why am I choosing pandas over lightsabers?


Pandas actually work.


Lightsabers have bugs clogging their crystals.



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They should be paying us a tester's salary, because that's what we are. We aren't players or customers. We are fools paying them to play unfinished content. They then ignore us when we tell them it's broken.


Where's my paycheck BioWare? I'm tired of working. I want to start enjoying.

Edited by Benuvil
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First and foremost let me assure you that when I say that SWTOR's endgame is a huge mess I am saying this from experience as myself and my guild are one of the most progressed around. We are 4/5 nightmare mode in EV already and most of us have been level 50 since late december. We have consumed all of the content SWTOR has to offer and what we have experienced is alarming.


The flashpoints themselves had (and continue) to have tons of bugs. While some of these have been fixed, the very fact they existed and went live in the firstplace is phenomenal. Until 1.1 3/4 of the flashpoints had unlootable chests. If you managed to beat the instance you would get nothing from most bosses which had chests instead of loot from their bodies. This bug existed for an entire month without Bioware actually addressing it which I find unbelievable. Most companies would have jumped all over a bug like this as soon as it was discovered and had a hotfix out ASAP. bioware however took weeks to finally address this massive issue. then there was the "one of your party is locked to a current flaspoint" bug. This bug made it impossible for a certain person with this bug to enter a flaspoint. The hilarious thing is the bug was able to be passed from one character to another like a disease (this was also the only way to fix it!). To get rid of this bug you would have to figure out who had the bug and have someone else create a lvl 1 alt who you invited to party to pass the bug onto it and then the alt would have it. This bug persisted for weeks! Talk about outrageous.


Raids were and continue to be even more of a disaster IMO. There are so many bugs and problems with both raid clusters and each individual fights I will only focus on the most disgusting of them.


1. In Eternity Vault there was a bug with master loot where if the Raid leader had master loot on and went to pass loot out on the corpse most of the loot would disapear! Only commndations and crafting mats and schematics would be on the corpse while set gear and other drops would simply not be there. The only way to work around this is to have to loot by random loot and everyone having to be careful not to roll on something.


2. Bosses would bug out and do all sorts of fun things. The worst involved Gharj. Gharj would bug out and make it so you couldnt re-enter the raid because you were stuck in combat even though noone was in zone. He would then KILL the entire raid while they were outside EV and in the fleet! The only thing you could do was to reset the instance and re-clear 20-30 min of trash.


3. The brand new raid Kraggas palace which just released a few days ago is hilariously bad. First off the very first boss, Bonethrasher cannot be tanked and has a very fast enrage timer which means tanks on the fight are useless. This means most guilds trying to get him in HM/NM mode HAVE to sit out tanks (and often melee DPS due to punishing mechanics) if they wanna kill him. Wats funny is the very next boss fight has two bosses which requires TWO TANKS on HM/NM mode. Better hope your guild has extra people who like sitting outside the zone and wont get to fight certain bosses! Also whoever itemized Kraggas palace has no understanding of the game or is downright lazy as all the bosses in Kraggas commonly drop loot which cannot be used by the classes it goes to (this may just be a normal mode issue though). My Bounty Hunter for example, recieved light armor pants with willpower on them ***! Does Bioware even test this stuff?


4. Finally the worst raid boss ever created is Soa, the final boss in EV. This may be the single most bugged raid boss I have ever seen. This encounter has so many bugs it would take me 5 pages to explain them all in detail so here are the worst ones. Just last night on hard mode we encountered these ones. After a wipe, sometimes the floor in Soa's room would be half missing and you would have to reset the raid and run back. On the final phase the tank has to kite Soa and get pillars to drop on him so his shield drops and he becomes vunerable. A number of times the pillar would hit him but his shield stayed up! Because of this our guild failed 3 times to Soa and turned what would have been a win into another wipe. We were unable to get beat him because of this garbage yet again. Finally many guilda re reporting Soa after patch 1.1 isnt even dropping loot except for mounts and craft junk. Bioware again is sitting on their hands and taking their sweet time with all of these issue.




I wont even get into PvP issues............but I think most of us are aware of the many problems there.




There are other things as well which are not quite endgame related but incredibly frustrating. Myself and thousands of others who have high end gaming rigs are getting awful performance in SWTOR. I get 10-20 FPS in places like PvP/fleet even though I have a 6970 for crying out loud! I get 50 FPS minimum on high+ settings in every other game I own (BF3, Witcher 2, Rift) but for some reason I get 10 FPS at times in SWTOR. Pathetic.




Lastly, SWTOR is missing the most basic of MMO features like a COMBAT LOG!. What MMO these days releases without a freaking combat log?!!!!!




I really wanted this game to be good and I was expecting it to at least be mediocre and be well polished but to my absolute shock SWTOR is probably the most unpolished and buggy MMO I have every played. How could a game with a budget alledgedly topping $200 Million be this bad? HOW?




For those of you enjoying the game and planning to stick with it, good luck to you and I applaud your patience. SWTOR isnt without its merits of course but as a whole this is the most disapointing launch I have experienced in my 15 years of MMO gaming.





I hate to break this to you but you are not the majority, move along.

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I had a dream last night that I was a panda.


I also dreamed that I was a panda in a raid that worked.


It was very nice. I think I'll go do that when it's real.


Why am I choosing pandas over lightsabers?


Pandas actually work.


Lightsabers have bugs clogging their crystals.




have fun with those panda's boy.

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From a casual player perspective I don't understand all the hate.


I leveled quickly. Probably within 3 weeks of launch. I had a blast. Between the story line, space missions, flashpoints and PvP I was never bored. I'm 50 now, and still having fun.


I'm not in a big guild, but I can still pug a HM without too much of a wait.


IMO, the PvP feels the same as it did in WoW. Though I'd like to see an AV style Warzone.


I haven't come across any of the 'bugs' people are complaining about. Well except for that one on Ilum with the shipment, but that has been fixed.



I dunno. Maybe ya'll are taking this too seriously or feel like you are entitled to a 'perfect game that meets all of your expectations'. Fact is, it takes time for MMO's to become great. I'd say SWTOR has a pretty good head start.


Honestly, if you don't like it then cancel your subscription, get off the forums, and do something else.


But that is just my two cents.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Basically my only comment on this. This isn't a grinding mmo its a storyline one if your playing it to grind to the max to get to the endgame content then its just not the game for you. I'm almost to 50 after a few weeks during the free time on my vacation, so no its not hard to get to the max level, that's just not the point of the game. It's mainly a game to get in depth with the story and i think they did a great job on it. :csw_redsaber::csw_bluesaber:
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I haven't come across any of the 'bugs' people are complaining about. Well except for that one on Ilum with the shipment, but that has been fixed.


I was reading most of these posts and getting confused about if the "What bugs?" people were playing the same game I was, but now I know I'm not. Get off the forum and actually play the game :eek:

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I had a dream last night that I was a panda.


I also dreamed that I was a panda in a raid that worked.


It was very nice. I think I'll go do that when it's real.


Why am I choosing pandas over lightsabers?


Pandas actually work.


Lightsabers have bugs clogging their crystals.




i actually laughed at this one but the whole panda concept to begin with was retarded in my oppinion:p

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had a dream last night that I was a panda.


I also dreamed that I was a panda in a raid that worked.


It was very nice. I think I'll go do that when it's real.


Why am I choosing pandas over lightsabers?


Pandas actually work.


Lightsabers have bugs clogging their crystals.





The day that this actually happens will be one of the best days ever. Not cause I'm looking forward into playing this joke that the panda game has become, but cause we will have way less moronic quotes like yours around here... :rolleyes: To the subject now, I will agree that end game sucks atm but cause it's way too easy, but I haven't lost hope yet. I'm looking forward to 1.2 and we'll see.


All those of you that have "unsubbed" like "ages" ago but are still lurking around the forums of a game that according to you sucks just to flame, you my friends are the bottom of the food chain and imo should be castrated to help man kind evolve. I can already smell the infraction coming cause some wussie will go whine at the mods but It's worth it. And that will be the proof of how pathetic you really are anyway. When I got tired of WoW a few years back and had issues with the game and the company after my account got hacked twice, I just left the game and never looked back. Didn't go to the WoW forums to ***** it off... seriously, grow some balls or ****....

Edited by Oloth
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I started this game a few days ago. I`ve played Wow for about 6 years (sad, i know). But im having a uber-blast since lvl 1 onto lvl 28. The questlines and storys are awesome, because it gives me the actuall feeling of changing the history. Flashpoint so far are very enjoyable and well thought, albeit youll find some bugs. The Swtor Wz are my absolute favorite (talking about HB). The profession system is by far the best i`ve seen so far and the equipment of the different classes is also worth mentionning in giving BW some Creds` :D . Even without being above 30 i cant find a decent answer why you guys are complaining about a rather young mmo like Swtor when theres no alternative. With alternative i mean Tor4?!?


Just my 2 subjective cents :p


edit: im playing sith assasin and yes, i fell in love with the champion sets when i first saw them

Edited by Phatlebowski
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...I am saying this from experience as myself and my guild are one of the most progressed around. We are 4/5 nightmare mode in EV already and most of us have been level 50 since late december. We have consumed all of the content SWTOR has to offer... QUOTE]


Really? That's like drinking two, 1 oz sample bottles of Jack Daniels and calling yourself a raging alcoholic.

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First and foremost let me assure you that when I say that SWTOR's endgame is a huge mess I am saying this from experience as myself and my guild are one of the most progressed around. We are 4/5 nightmare mode in EV already and most of us have been level 50 since late december. .....


So you got to level 50 in a game that was barely 2 weeks old and your complaining about it's endgame mess? Is it just me or is it unreasonable to think that the game should be polished for your type of player at less that 3 months into it's release?

Edited by Obtena
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I had a dream last night that I was a panda.


I also dreamed that I was a panda in a raid that worked.


It was very nice. I think I'll go do that when it's real.


Why am I choosing pandas over lightsabers?


Pandas actually work.


Lightsabers have bugs clogging their crystals.




I'm just going to throw this out there that your Panda's have got my 9 y/o niece now playing WoW.


Have fun playing with 9 y/o girls killing you in PvP and facerolling you in Vanitypetamon:P


And yes, I'm teaching her how to be a "pro" at WoW so that when people actually find out her age they give up WoW when they die to her.

Edited by Quikfox
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unfortunately this is a casual only game, if you want to game at a serious & challenging level then this isnt the game for you, ive come to this realization and have unsubbed. GL to all


Unfortunately I've made the same conclusion this guy did. I guess I never understood the real meaning of "casual" and that is my fault. I THOUGHT casual meant people that had limited time to play, but in REALITY it means people with limited skill to play. As everyone in the PvP forums knows, time =/= skill.


This game is easy mode. The difficulty only comes in the form of bugs and poor game mechanics. I have 2 lvl 50s, I started playing a month and a half after release, and I play 2-3 hours a night (maybe a little more on weekends) with 2 buddies from my undergrad years.


I understand that the lvling process is supposed to be the fun part, but rolling alts can only be entertaining for so long. I've given up on this game on my 3rd toon. Unfortunately this game isn't challenging in any way, and it doesn't look like it wants to be that kind of game. People give the whole "enjoy your panda lulz" argument, but truthfully... I can guarantee you that the panda will require more strategy than the current, "he'll CC left, I'll CC right, and she'll CC mid, then focus on remaining mob" this game offers.


Either have a game that takes tons of time and little skill or little time and tons of skill. A game that takes little time with no skill leads to being boring rather quickly. I can get a more engaging time sink from other games out there, and that is exactly what I plan on doing. I have 52 days left on my sub. We'll see if I sign on again.


I doubt anyone will read this, but I'm just so disappointed with the state of the MMO right now. On one hand, I want this game to do well as it does seem like people are enjoying it (good for them), but on the other hand, I want this game to fail so game developers learn that they can't take advantage of their "casual" fan base. Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like a WAR repeat. Release a crap game, make a quick buck, call it a day, move to next IP. I seriously doubt I'll fall for another one of these tricks.

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Unfortunately I've made the same conclusion this guy did. I guess I never understood the real meaning of "casual" and that is my fault. I THOUGHT casual meant people that had limited time to play, but in REALITY it means people with limited skill to play. As everyone in the PvP forums knows, time =/= skill.


This game is easy mode. The difficulty only comes in the form of bugs and poor game mechanics. I have 2 lvl 50s, I started playing a month and a half after release, and I play 2-3 hours a night (maybe a little more on weekends) with 2 buddies from my undergrad years.


I understand that the lvling process is supposed to be the fun part, but rolling alts can only be entertaining for so long. I've given up on this game on my 3rd toon. Unfortunately this game isn't challenging in any way, and it doesn't look like it wants to be that kind of game. People give the whole "enjoy your panda lulz" argument, but truthfully... I can guarantee you that the panda will require more strategy than the current, "he'll CC left, I'll CC right, and she'll CC mid, then focus on remaining mob" this game offers.


Either have a game that takes tons of time and little skill or little time and tons of skill. A game that takes little time with no skill leads to being boring rather quickly. I can get a more engaging time sink from other games out there, and that is exactly what I plan on doing. I have 52 days left on my sub. We'll see if I sign on again.


I doubt anyone will read this, but I'm just so disappointed with the state of the MMO right now. On one hand, I want this game to do well as it does seem like people are enjoying it (good for them), but on the other hand, I want this game to fail so game developers learn that they can't take advantage of their "casual" fan base. Maybe I'm wrong but it feels like a WAR repeat. Release a crap game, make a quick buck, call it a day, move to next IP. I seriously doubt I'll fall for another one of these tricks.



Are you 10/10 on NM 16-mans?

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