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SWTOR endgame is an absolute disaster

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Really? You're talking for everyone?


Sorry to break it to ya, but I've been level 50 for several weeks, and I'm still enjoying the game quite a bit, so are most people I know, or have met on my server that are level 50.


Just because all the QQers and trolls are right now on the forums complaining about everything, doesn't represent the majority of people who are actually in game.. you know playing.


Thanks for trying.


You must be VERY easily amused if you're still enjoying endgame after several weeks.

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I'll say for my part the end game is a little meh. I did like the new flashpoint though.

haven't done an operation yet.


If the bugs described are still an issue by the end of February, then yes I think this game will have a serious issue.


As it is, how many people are grinding end game right now? I doubt it's the majority.

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You would think in 2012 a smart company trying to steal Blizzard's 10 million users would realize "players spend the vast majority of their time at level cap. So rather than focus on mostly single-player leveling content, let's devote our resources to the endgame and launch with a dozen polished warzones and operations." But nope.



The vast majority of this games players are not at level cap yet, and content is about what a WoW expansion launches with. WoW didn't even launch with max level gear up instances or organized PvP of any kind.

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Which is why BioWare completely flubbed this game. If they spent some of those millions on endgame content they'd have a shot at beating WoW. You would think this would be obvious to game designers in 2012. "People spend of their time at the level cap...let's make sure there's lots of content to keep them subscribing month after month!" But nope.


And what exactly do you know about how much they spent in the endgame content?


Writing hot air isn't exactly conducive to discussion.

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Which is why BioWare completely flubbed this game. If they spent some of those millions on endgame content they'd have a shot at beating WoW. You would think this would be obvious to game designers in 2012. "People spend of their time at the level cap...let's make sure there's lots of content to keep them subscribing month after month!" But nope.




Doesn't matter if you're rushing or not. Let's say it takes you 3 months to get to 50...so what? You still end up in the same place, with nothing to do. So you shouldn't be saying "lol" you should be saying "thank you OP for bringing this to our attention! BioWare, fix this crap so we all have something to do when we hit 50!"


Actually you're wrong. Most other MMOs that failed the majority of players never got through the leveling process at all. Never reached level cap, and therefore never saw the end game. Because leveling was -not- fun enough for people to stick with it to the end game.


If the majority of players actually reach level 50 in SWTOR, then they have already overcome one of the bigger hurdles for most other MMO players especially seeing how prone gamers are to whining like crazed children. :)


In 3 months the content will A. More than likely be Fixed, and B there will be more content. Perhaps instead of coming to the forums and whining or trolling about bugs, people could instead report them with the handy in game bug reporting feature. Then you know the bugs have a greater chance of being fixed sooner.. Of course that wont happen people would rather come here and throw a temper tantrum like petulant children.

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For those that thought this forum would be better with all the trolls gone, you were wrong. Wrong in that the mindless defenders are still here. This guy/gal posts legitimate bugs that should not be in game and what happens? You get the usual ridiculousness of the mindless. What you guys fail to realize is if stuff like the OP describes continues there isn't going to be much of game for you to mindlessly defend.
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The problem with this is, there is a ton of other actual game play and most of the players base has still a lot more under level 50s and they are working on all the content..this is not like other mmo's where the game starts at level cap the enjoyment is the leveling and story give them time and they have it fixed and from what I have heard from people on my server

is that EV is pretty awesome and not as many bugs as people are saying though idk


EV is insanely buggy. The most buggy raid as a whole I've ever seen.


SOA issues in a nutshell:


  • Multiple sections of SOA's floor missing making the drop down phases insta-death
  • Lightning Balls continuing to deal damage after death
  • Mind traps being unable to be killed
  • Mindtrap has 15 million hp
  • Mindtraps appearing on missing floor sections making the person inside instantly killed when the mindtrap is broken.
  • SOA shield showing "immune" when the pillar drops on SOA to break the shield
  • SOA stopping repeatedly to cast therefore making him incredibly difficult to move around the room
  • Mintraps being cast even after pushing SOA past 75%/30% phase changes therefore killing a player and permenantly putting them out of the fight because their stuck in a mindtrap or death and hovering several stories above us.
  • SOA not dropping any loot


That's just SOA. There are a list of bugs for every other encounter in EV.

Edited by SageH
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EV is insanely buggy. The most buggy raid as a whole I've ever seen.


SOA issues in a nutshell:


  • Multiple sections of SOA's floor missing making the drop down phases insta-death
  • Lightning Balls continuing to deal damage after death
  • Mind traps being unable to be killed
  • Mindtrap has 15 million hp
  • Mindtraps appearing on missing floor sections making the person inside instantly killed when the mindtrap is broken.
  • SOA shield showing "immune" when the pillar drops on SOA to break the shield
  • SOA stopping repeatedly to cast therefore making him incredibly difficult to move around the room
  • Mintraps being cast even after pushing SOA past 75%/30% phase changes therefore killing a player and permenantly putting them out of the fight because their stuck in a mindtrap or death and hovering several stories above us.
  • SOA not dropping any loot


That's just SOA. There are a list of bugs for every other encounter in EV.


Yep. Our guild has experienced all of those.


In fact its very rare to not encounter a bug every time you fight Soa. Something that shouldnt happen almost always does because this fight is pathetically programmed and designed.

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Back when I lived in my parent's basement and raided 24/7 server-firsting everything in vanilla WoW (best time of my life!), we practically received instant GM assistance with any problems such as bugged loot. And the GMs were always competent and capable of resolving issues. Now compare that to Bioware's support? What do they do? Ignore tickets for weeks. Send you bogus responses, often having nothing to do with the reported issue.



Bioware's support is abysmal.



However, nowadays I play games casually. I have a level 30 operative and level 25 sentinel. I can say the game has been quite enjoyable when it works (way to many crashes/bugs/failed patches/performance issues/graphics glitches, etc). But I knew from the get go that this game would have no success endgame. The server populations alone are too small to maintain a satisfactory endgame past a few months.


On top of that Bioware should have known that WoW has handicapped the masses when it comes to forming groups and community gameplay. Even Rift knew, and thus implemented a system appropriately. Too many players just want a button to click to play silently with strangers. This is just WRONG. WRONG WRONG WRONG.


I think back to games like EQ or FFXI where the enjoyment of the game was interacting with other players, forming relationships, returning to play again with acquaintances, etc. And i'm not just talking about participating in a guild. The community aspect of SWTOR is damn near impossible to swallow.


And to roll that rant back to the topic at hand. Community = mmo longevity = endgame.



So, when's guild wars 2 be released?

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200 hours? Are you joking? It takes no where near 8 days /played to reach 50. Not even close.


How old are you? Do you work? Do you have a life? Do you go to school? Are you at home eating from dads fridge?


I have been playing nearly EVERY day since four days PRIOR to launch and was in beta. I am ONLY 40! I have played at least 1-2 hours 6 days a week and only on my main. If you got to 50 in less then a week, I feel sorry for you. I for one am having a great time and know that the issues brought up in this post will be fixed (eventually). Go unplug, unsub, for you that would be problem fixed.

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The vast majority of this games players are not at level cap yet, and content is about what a WoW expansion launches with. WoW didn't even launch with max level gear up instances or organized PvP of any kind.


Who cares what WoW launched with? SWTOR isn't competing with the WoW of 7 years ago, it's competing with the WoW of today. You'd think BioWare would have learned from Blizzard's mistakes, but nope.

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Who cares what WoW launched with? SWTOR isn't competing with the WoW of 7 years ago, it's competing with the WoW of today. You'd think BioWare would have learned from Blizzard's mistakes, but nope.


But not fair, ToR didn't get 7 year development noooooooo bioware can't fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How old are you? Do you work? Do you have a life? Do you go to school? Are you at home eating from dads fridge?


I have been playing nearly EVERY day since four days PRIOR to launch and was in beta. I am ONLY 40! I have played at least 1-2 hours 6 days a week and only on my main. If you got to 50 in less then a week, I feel sorry for you. I for one am having a great time and know that the issues brought up in this post will be fixed (eventually). Go unplug, unsub, for you that would be problem fixed.


Um..200 hours game time has nothing to do with actual time. If you play 20 hours a day or 1 hour a day it is still going to take roughly the same amount of game time to hit 50. 8 days played doesn't mean I started playing on Monday and the following Tuesday I am 50.


If you are going to insult people at least have an understanding of what you think you are insulting them about.

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I really wanted this game to be good and I was expecting it to at least be mediocre and be well polished but to my absolute shock SWTOR is probably the most unpolished and buggy MMO I have every played. How could a game with a budget alledgedly topping $200 Million be this bad? HOW?


Obviously OP hasn't played many MMOs, or at least not many from launch.



Also $200m is clearly speculative.


Making claims with no source to back it up is still simply making claims no matter how reputable your periodical may or may not be.

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Yeah I have a whole new appreciation for the WoW devs now. Blizzard's devs are g0ddamn geniuses compared to the drool cup helmet kids designing for BioWare.


Blizzard devs have had 7 years of ongoing development and experience, and people are expecting perfect out of the box from Bioware. Blizzard haven't made a decent Heroic 5man since Burning Crusade, and they've had 7 years of experience developing Raid content which experienced hilarious amounts of bugs and dodgy gating mechanics right up until the current expansion. Rose tinted glasses.

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I think another issue is how little raid content their is, put together with how easy it all is, means that raiders just are not going to stick around.


Since everyone likes to compare stuff with WoW, consider this. Vanilla WoW also opened with 2 (major) raids: Onyxia's Lair and Molten Core.


The game was released on Nov 23, 2004. The first boss of Molten Core was not killed until Jan 20, 2005, 57 days later. Onyxia was finally killed for the first time Jan 30, 2005, 67 days into the game. Ragnaros, the final boss of Molten Core, wasn't finally killed until April 25, 2005, over 5 months after release.


Now, Kragga's Palace is finished, and the final boss is killed in the blink of an eye. While I liked the fight, I think we should have actually had to strategize to beat the final encounter of the Op, not just wing it and happen to kill him without trouble.


*sigh* Of course this isn't a problem exclusive to SWTOR I guess. I am told new WoW raids suffer from the same dumbing down.

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I like how people seem to forget every other MMO launch ever whenever a new one comes out. Lol. I'm not even 50 yet, my highest is 41. I keep making alts and having fun, not even concerned with the End Game. By the time I get to it, the problems will likely be gone.
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