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So while reading all these QQ threads about not enough to do in SW:TOR I started thinking about KOTOR I and II, two of my favorite games. If I remember correctly I spent about 90 hours beating each with one character. I played the first one a second time. I paid full retail for both and have no regrets.


So why the QQ about SWTOR? I've played for 80 hours and I'm only lvl 30. At this rate I probably have another 80 hours to hit 50 on a single character. After that I have PvP, more space combat, FPs and Raids, and the option to totally level another character with a unique story from my first character!!! In a way you have 8 story lines to follow.


I see SW:TOR as KOTOR with friends. It's really amazing actually. Bugs need fixing but overall it's pretty damn fun.

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A KOTOR 3 would've been great but one thing I love about this game aside from playing with people is that we get the perspective of this time period from non-force users.


We get to see what it's like to actually be a Bounty Hunter, a Smuggler, a Trooper, and an Imperial Agent during the Old Republic.


Plus I've always wanted a Star Wars MMO that as actually good to begin with and thus far this game is terrific.

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Were you afk for 60 hours?


Do a /played and tell me what you have into it.


And no I'm listening to every bit of dialogue and enjoying the story. I know you CAN probably get to 50 in 80 hours by spamming spacebar all day....but that wouldn't be as fun.

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I leveled to 50 in 4 days(total of 40 hours) :confused:

I've easily poured 100 or more hours into the one character and I'm only level 40.


Personally I like KOTOR more, it was hard but it's one of my favorite choices, I am getting a lot out of SWTOR. It's a great sequel, better than most, and is a worthy sequel to KOTOR.

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wait what......how...i did that and still got to 50 in half his time. :|


He's probably just playing the game slower, trying to enjoy story. One of the fun things about RPGs is you don't have to go fast to enjoy yourself, and SWTOR very much brings that into this game.

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He's probably just playing the game slower, trying to enjoy story. One of the fun things about RPGs is you don't have to go fast to enjoy yourself, and SWTOR very much brings that into this game.


I would agree with you to some point. Other than the class quests i found the majority of the other quests to be bland and pointless.

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Yeah, I play this game for KOTOR3. The main complaint I have (from that standpoint) is the unending respawning of mobs. In a SP RPG, when you conquer a planet, YOU CONQUER A PLANET. ;)


not in kotor 1, the kath hounds always respawned hehehe, dam animals

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