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Solo flashpoints with companions


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Many people asked: How are you planning on expanding the endgame experience?


Gabe Amatangelo: We are going to continue to introduce new Flashpoints, Warzones, and Operations on a regular basis. The story line will continue with all of the above as well as in solo-able missions. We will continue to evolve Crew Skills and crafting. We’ll be introducing the Legacy System soon, as Daniel mentioned. Additionally, we have exciting PvP features planned, the first of which includes pre-season Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2.


Well we have our answer in a round about way even if a decision was made not to answer the question directly.


There will be more group content for the some and more solo questing for others. There appears to be no expanding on the companion system, and unfortunately as far as solo quests go BW could not make content fast enough to ensure continued play. A quest line I can finish in a matter of hours, however solo flashpoints with companions would keep me enthralled for months. Sorry BW you have a fantastic game with a wonderfull concept of companions but you are not utilising them to their full potential. I will keep playing till 1.2 but dont see myself subscribing for 7 years as I did my previous MMO, as I will no longer pay for content i dont use.

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This would be great if your character's story line was involved in it, basically just the thought of being able to bring out your crew to do some combat/story together would be awesome.


Though I wouldn't consider it for Flashpoints, which are meant for grouping. Call it something else, add some story to it, give some incentive/daily token reward, and with the ability of choosing 3 or more companions to accompany you. I think that would be pretty fun, as long as it is added as an option for your daily playing, I mean there needs to be some incentive to group in a MMO and Flashpoints do that. Also could make Duo's like DCUO has, Small Duo-able instances with the option of bringing companions to get some rewards.

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Because it's a multiplayer game, if the content becomes easy enough that a person and 3AI can complete it fairly easily than that's what will be done because it's the easiest. At a certain level multiplayer games must force you to work together to achieve things, that's why most of us play multiplayer games. I understand that some people see this as kotor 3 and want to just mind their own business but the fact is it's still an mmo.


Uhm...no. I will not be forced to do anything. Sorry. I've not reached 50lvl yet, but if there is no more content for solo play, then I just won't play. Period. That means unsubbing until new solo content arrives. No game is going to force me to do something I'm not interested in doing.

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Adding my support to this idea. This could be a great option for people who aren't interested in group content or for people who don't work a 9-5 like me. I love grouping with friends but I work at night so on my days off I'm up playing while they're all sleeping and I would love to be able to do some more things with my companions and progress my characters all while having a great time.
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Just wanted to show my support for this suggestion here, too.


This sounds like a fantastic idea! I'm totally onboard with this, provided that it gives worse rewards then if you group togeather with other players. There should still be an incentive for coopertive play, but still an oppertunity to experience the story even if you want to avoid grouping
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I would like to be able to truly solo flashpoints with 3 of my companions


I have dps, tank, & healing companions but most never get used nor do I bother to gear them for that reason. Being able to solo flashpoints using them would change that, not to mention I would run flashpoints more often.


So... you want a single player game and NOT a MMO, is that what you are saying?


I got 6 companions... I want to raid them.. LAWL

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So... you want a single player game and NOT a MMO, is that what you are saying?


I got 6 companions... I want to raid them.. LAWL


Well, if grouping means I'm forced to group with someone like you, why, yes...I prefer a solo experience. But keep it up...you're only pushing people more and more to want solo content, and to avoid doing group.



Also to the OPs point: I've already had encounters (as I'm sure others have) where my companion, along with another NPC companion, complete a mission. So there is precendent for having more than one companion in game.

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I would like to be able to truly solo flashpoints with 3 of my companions


I have dps, tank, & healing companions but most never get used nor do I bother to gear them for that reason. Being able to solo flashpoints using them would change that, not to mention I would run flashpoints more often.


Either disable loot completely or enable only credits, trash drops, and have special companion-variant loot drop.


The mechanical boss encounters would need a completely different script when doing it this way, and you'd need one bar for all your companions. Everything would have to be tank and spank, or just have interrupt phases or situations where you have to put all your companions on Passive and run out of aoes or something before reengaging.

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Well, if grouping means I'm forced to group with someone like you, why, yes...I prefer a solo experience. But keep it up...you're only pushing people more and more to want solo content, and to avoid doing group.



Also to the OPs point: I've already had encounters (as I'm sure others have) where my companion, along with another NPC companion, complete a mission. So there is precendent for having more than one companion in game.


Yeah... yet you don't know me, don't group with me.. and I probably will never do the same with you because I like people who actually know how to play the game and enjoy the MMO experience.


Peace kid, may your single player work out for you... KOTOR is always available.

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I am all for it.I liked heroes and Hench in GW.Some people blame it for the problem creating pugs.That is a load of horse sith.What kept people from joining pugs is other people.All those afks and rage quitters.People got tired of putting up with it.That is what was killing pugs.One of the reasons I rarely join a group.

For all those that don't like the idea well you have a choice not to use it.What you don't have is a choice on how I play.You didn't pay for my game and your not paying for my sub so keep your nose out of my business.You have a right to your opinion.That is it.If it is implemented I will be one happy camper.

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So... you want a single player game and NOT a MMO, is that what you are saying?


I got 6 companions... I want to raid them.. LAWL


Please read up on the definition of an MMO


Even if this game had single player flashpoints with companions the fact that planets are filled with people and warzones not to mention the fleet means it is still an MMO. In a single player game you see no one except for npc's that does not apply here.


Why not have solo OP's? why should I continue to pay for content that the devs develop for you that I have no interest in?

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I am all for it.I liked heroes and Hench in GW.Some people blame it for the problem creating pugs.That is a load of horse sith.What kept people from joining pugs is other people.All those afks and rage quitters.People got tired of putting up with it.That is what was killing pugs.One of the reasons I rarely join a group.

For all those that don't like the idea well you have a choice not to use it.What you don't have is a choice on how I play.You didn't pay for my game and your not paying for my sub so keep your nose out of my business.You have a right to your opinion.That is it.If it is implemented I will be one happy camper.


You are right as far as saying it is the people that created the issue with pugs not bringing companions.


However the content was designed for a group, not solo play. Sorry but you should not get to experience the storyline and the content of something that is designed for group play unless you are willing to form a group to go experience it.


If you choose to not form a group to go experience that storyline and content its your choice. No one is stopping you from doing said content except your own choice. We are not telling you how to play, you don't have to form a group if you don't want to. However you wont get to experience the group content by making that choice.


Am I saying that there shouldn't be more solo content no, I am all for more solo content. Not at the price of nerfing group content and making it solable.

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You are right as far as saying it is the people that created the issue with pugs not bringing companions.


However the content was designed for a group, not solo play. Sorry but you should not get to experience the storyline and the content of something that is designed for group play unless you are willing to form a group to go experience it.

Who says?..........you?

Previous experience tells me that developers want players to experience their content. If only small numbers of people are doing so things get added to the game, well guess what now they are talking about bringing in cross server RDF to increase player participation (different thread so i'll keep my negative opinion on that to myself).


This is about giving options to players who prefer not to group, obviously flashpoints in their current form couldnt be solo'd with campanions as the boss mechanics are to unforgiving. But all the scripting has been done only the boss mechanics would need to be adjusted to create seperate solo content with companions.


If you choose to not form a group to go experience that storyline and content its your choice. No one is stopping you from doing said content except your own choice. We are not telling you how to play, you don't have to form a group if you don't want to. However you wont get to experience the group content by making that choice.

Well i choose not to have my monthly subscription contribute towards content I dont wish to participate in, see how that works? Sure the game is all about choice, then give us more choices that will keep us playing & paying.


Am I saying that there shouldn't be more solo content no, I am all for more solo content. Not at the price of nerfing group content and making it solable.

You really should take the time to read at least a few pages of posts before commenting, if you had you'd realize that no one is asking for current content to be nerfed to allow solo play as that would ruin the experience for everyone who enjoys group content. Solo flashpoints with companions would need to be completely seperate as the companion system AI couldnt handle FP's in their current format. The work required would be minimal as the scripting is already done, only the boss mechanics would need to be adjusted.

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Please read up on the definition of an MMO


Even if this game had single player flashpoints with companions the fact that planets are filled with people and warzones not to mention the fleet means it is still an MMO. In a single player game you see no one except for npc's that does not apply here.


Why not have solo OP's? why should I continue to pay for content that the devs develop for you that I have no interest in?


You want a game where you solo everything.... that in itself is single player. Just because you see other people running around soloing doesn't make it any less single player. Goldeneye was a single player fps... with a friends zone multiplayer. I can run around in a room and see them. Shoot them, hug them... doesn't mean they make any difference in my missions now does it? Thus YOU need to look up the definition of MMO.


You want to go solo some crap with a companion, there are atleast 5 FP's I can solo as a simple gunslinger. TADA!!!!!!


You want to just go solo everything and pay 15 a month for it.. then you'll see a post... why are we paying 15 a month for soloing content... its just utterly nonlogical and idiotic.


You basically want a swtor mass effect, as one of my friends said it. You don't want to play or pay for what the rest of us do.. then why are you still here making these posts?


No matter what you do or say no MMO will EVER let you solo content with your pet. Sorry kids.

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I gather this from all that I've read:


1. I can't find groups for Fp's or even HM fp's so... allow me and my companions to do them.


2. I can't or won't run raids.. so make them accessible to me and my companions or a small band of other like minded people with companions.


3. make the game free for me because I refuse to pay 15 a month for something called a MMO


I think I pretty much summed it up. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Also feel free to go to KOTOR, or simply wait about..... a few years, for SWTOR to go F2P. Thats if they see a decline in people playing or coming, and more going out the door.


SWTOR, nearly 2 million strong of just NA users and still working on being released to the rest of the world. While alot of people sit on the fence about wanting to try the game with a trial..... I'm going to go with the following:


1. Thank you Bioware for a MMO, not a single player. We all play the game for MMO feeling and because its star wars.


2. Thank you for not listening to this dribble all MMO makers who have seen these kinds of posts since the MMO community first was made. Without your continued determination to make a MMO and not a single player game... I wouldn't get the opportunity to set my eyes upon the gods graces of all different people he puts on this world. And have myself form a smile at some of the people I encounter and feel alittle better about my day when I walk away.


Again. Thank you bioware. Sincerly a MMO player, who wants this to continue to be a MMO for 15 a month and not casual craft with pandas, single player and carebear stare.


/sincerly - Me

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You want a game where you solo everything.... that in itself is single player. Just because you see other people running around soloing doesn't make it any less single player. Goldeneye was a single player fps... with a friends zone multiplayer. I can run around in a room and see them. Shoot them, hug them... doesn't mean they make any difference in my missions now does it? Thus YOU need to look up the definition of MMO.

According to Wikipedia

A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet, and usually feature at least one persistent world. They are, however, not necessarily games played on personal computers. Most of the newer game consoles, including the PSP, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS and Wii can access the Internet and may therefore run MMO games


You stand corrected


You want to go solo some crap with a companion, there are atleast 5 FP's I can solo as a simple gunslinger. TADA!!!!!!

Good for you, arent you the hero of the day. This is also about the companion experience


You want to just go solo everything and pay 15 a month for it.. then you'll see a post... why are we paying 15 a month for soloing content... its just utterly nonlogical and idiotic.

This is about choice, you dont have to participate.


You basically want a swtor mass effect, as one of my friends said it. You don't want to play or pay for what the rest of us do.. then why are you still here making these posts?


No matter what you do or say no MMO will EVER let you solo content with your pet. Sorry kids.

Hate to burst your bubble but this game is effectively a solo content game until you hit 50, thats the way it's been designed. Either BW will continue the experience beyond 50 with solo flashpoints & OP's with companions or I would imagine there will be a considerable number of cancellations around the 4-6 month mark when the story lines have been exhausted. Also additional story line quests with new patches are great but they will hardly provided entertainment for months to come, more like a few hours or days at best.

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I gather this from all that I've read:


1. I can't find groups for Fp's or even HM fp's so... allow me and my companions to do them.


2. I can't or won't run raids.. so make them accessible to me and my companions or a small band of other like minded people with companions.


3. make the game free for me because I refuse to pay 15 a month for something called a MMO


I think I pretty much summed it up. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Also feel free to go to KOTOR, or simply wait about..... a few years, for SWTOR to go F2P. Thats if they see a decline in people playing or coming, and more going out the door.


SWTOR, nearly 2 million strong of just NA users and still working on being released to the rest of the world. While alot of people sit on the fence about wanting to try the game with a trial..... I'm going to go with the following:


1. Thank you Bioware for a MMO, not a single player. We all play the game for MMO feeling and because its star wars.


2. Thank you for not listening to this dribble all MMO makers who have seen these kinds of posts since the MMO community first was made. Without your continued determination to make a MMO and not a single player game... I wouldn't get the opportunity to set my eyes upon the gods graces of all different people he puts on this world. And have myself form a smile at some of the people I encounter and feel alittle better about my day when I walk away.


Again. Thank you bioware. Sincerly a MMO player, who wants this to continue to be a MMO for 15 a month and not casual craft with pandas, single player and carebear stare.


/sincerly - Me


Your just another inconsiderate player who wont accept variation, your way or the highway. Well I hate to tell you but my money is as good as yours and ultimately if solo players start canceling what is effectively a solo players game till 50 then we'll see where BW stands on the issue.


So which category of dissenter do you fall into?

- The waaaaah gear mob?

- The this will lead to nerfing current content? (which is rediculious because it cant be done without seperate FP's)

- The this will take devs time away from creating content I want? (another rediculious notion as it would take less time than creating new scripted storylines than using current script models for existing FP's and just modifying boss mechanics)

- Or the this will reduce the size of the grouping pool? (because players know given the choice of grouping with players like you or playing solo the majority would rather play solo)

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You want a game where you solo everything.... that in itself is single player. Just because you see other people running around soloing doesn't make it any less single player. Goldeneye was a single player fps... with a friends zone multiplayer. I can run around in a room and see them. Shoot them, hug them... doesn't mean they make any difference in my missions now does it? Thus YOU need to look up the definition of MMO.


No matter what you do or say no MMO will EVER let you solo content with your pet. Sorry kids.


For your information, with heroes/companions you can solo everything in Guild Wars and that game is a MMO.


What people are asking for would have NO effect on you so I am unsure why you have the holier then thou attitude.

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I gather this from all that I've read:


1. I can't find groups for Fp's or even HM fp's so... allow me and my companions to do them.


2. I can't or won't run raids.. so make them accessible to me and my companions or a small band of other like minded people with companions.


3. make the game free for me because I refuse to pay 15 a month for something called a MMO


I think I pretty much summed it up. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Okay--speaking for myself:


1. I usually run groups with friends/guild and occasionally PUG. I don't skip any of the Heroic/Group quests.


2. I don't assume a soloable quest with companions would replace group ops, but be separate and additional content. That's what I had in mind--totally different FP-type challenges. Raid drops should remain raid drops. Solo FPs should have their own types of drops--perhaps unique craft schematics/mats, stims, and medpacks.


3. I'm happy to be playing this game, and I pay for it just like everyone else.


Think it would be fun to take on several enemies while running the companion rodeo, and I don't see a downside to adding endgame content of any kind.

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What people are asking for would have NO effect on you so I am unsure why you have the holier then thou attitude.


Look, the guy's being ridiculous, but this right here isn't true of any change that could be made to an MMO. What other players do affects the experience of a player.

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I feel like the game would need a more sophisticated AI for the companions.


I wish companions in this game had the type of customizable tactics that bioware used in dragon age. In those games you could fully program which specials are used in which circumstances, make them respond differently to differnt classes and different difficulty ranks of enemies, set them as aggressive, defensive, cover, cautious, etc etc... in TOR they arent even smart enough to step out of AOE and hazardous areas (which they will do in dragon age).

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For your information, with heroes/companions you can solo everything in Guild Wars and that game is a MMO.


What people are asking for would have NO effect on you so I am unsure why you have the holier then thou attitude.


For starters, this ISN'T guild wars. Never played that crap game


Although it is defined as a MMORPG the developers claim it is a CORPG due to significant differences from the MMORPG genre - Definition of GW


Def of MMORPG - Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.


Def of SWTOR - Star Wars: The Old Republic, abbreviated as TOR or SWTOR, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based in the Star Wars universe


Doing this undertaking would take away from content for groups like operations, flashpoints and many OTHER features like bug fixing which desperately needs to be done right now. PVP, etc.


This isn't WoW where they have 500 people working on it. the SWTOR team is much smaller.

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In conclusion.


You want a companion feel to the game, by golly gee.. thats what missions are for outside of group quests. You don't wish to interact with other people, which is the... well its sad how only a handful want a soloing experience for end game... so... fruitless to continue. But don't worry! I have great news for those who wish for more soloable content!


When new content comes out, new quests come out!


I also hate to break it to the handful of - make it soloable. SWTOR/BW has stated this game will revolve largely around the immense want for fighting/pvp and fps/ops. Don't take my word for it! Read BW's own guild summit where you'll be getting more ops/fps and pvp in the future patches! I so want to pinch your cute little cheeks right now! Sure alittle red and flushed right now... like a blushing little ewok! SO CUTE! EEEEEEEEH! JUST WANT HUG YOU!



As for future retorts to this... I'll pass because it just is a waste of time, much like its a waste of others time to even read what will never be.


You don't want to continue playing because BW doesn't cater to you? Unsubscribe button is on your account. Feel free to join us when and if this goes F2P. I highly doubt since already its had such a huge launch and nearing 1/2 the NA users of WoW and still waiting to be released in other parts of the world!


Still so cute :-)

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Doing this undertaking would take away from content for groups like operations, flashpoints and many OTHER features like bug fixing which desperately needs to be done right now. PVP, etc.


This isn't WoW where they have 500 people working on it. the SWTOR team is much smaller.

Ahhh so you fit into the category of the greedy player who is worried that their content would be reduced if devs were required to spend time developing solo flashpoints.


They always fall into one of the 4 categories I listed :p


Truth be known dev's would actually spend less time in providing us this content, and if you were as an experienced player as your making yourself out to be you would know this.


Currently with every patch content devs are looking at continue the solo play story lines, which is good but will hardly keep people occupied for 3 - 6 months and will take alot of man hours to script. The scripting for current flashpoints and Op's is already done, the only thing that needs changing is the boss mechanics for the fights. This would actually take a fraction of the time it is currently taking them to develop new story lines, not to mention will keep players entertained for months.


So your objections on this basis are questionable, like to have another go?

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