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Everything posted by Darkloves

  1. Well you also have to realize that SWTOR promised ranked WZ's where is that? Alot of people came back to the game specifically for that, only to get a huge slap in the face. Two weeks after the patch the sound problems made people want to quit alone. I myself saw alot of potential for this game, but having a couple 50's, raided and saw most end game content in HM.. I can say I don't expect this game to last a year without going F2P. This is yet another MMO fumbled and dropped under this companies watchful, or so they say.. gaze. The only things that were good in this game, WoW itself are installing into Mists of fail as we speak. And it didn't take blizzard years and millions of dollars to do it either. Maybe next time worry less abotu voice acting and more about supplying an actual good game for your customers, rather then bust. But don't worry, you're money I would be spending on this trash, will now be handed back over to blizzard for diablo 3, where I foresee yet another 15% - to 25% population decrease after the free 30 days that was given out, is over because diablo 3 had snuck from under SWTOR noses the people. My prediction, this game goes F2P or is scrapped completely by 2013.
  2. In conclusion. You want a companion feel to the game, by golly gee.. thats what missions are for outside of group quests. You don't wish to interact with other people, which is the... well its sad how only a handful want a soloing experience for end game... so... fruitless to continue. But don't worry! I have great news for those who wish for more soloable content! When new content comes out, new quests come out! I also hate to break it to the handful of - make it soloable. SWTOR/BW has stated this game will revolve largely around the immense want for fighting/pvp and fps/ops. Don't take my word for it! Read BW's own guild summit where you'll be getting more ops/fps and pvp in the future patches! I so want to pinch your cute little cheeks right now! Sure alittle red and flushed right now... like a blushing little ewok! SO CUTE! EEEEEEEEH! JUST WANT HUG YOU! As for future retorts to this... I'll pass because it just is a waste of time, much like its a waste of others time to even read what will never be. You don't want to continue playing because BW doesn't cater to you? Unsubscribe button is on your account. Feel free to join us when and if this goes F2P. I highly doubt since already its had such a huge launch and nearing 1/2 the NA users of WoW and still waiting to be released in other parts of the world! Still so cute :-)
  3. Hate to break it to you. But anyone who see's both turrents cap at the same time or even sith capping AFTER us, notice the IMMEDIATE 5 hp drop from the republic ship, while the sith ship's hp doesn't move.
  4. For starters, this ISN'T guild wars. Never played that crap game Although it is defined as a MMORPG the developers claim it is a CORPG due to significant differences from the MMORPG genre - Definition of GW Def of MMORPG - Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world. Def of SWTOR - Star Wars: The Old Republic, abbreviated as TOR or SWTOR, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based in the Star Wars universe Doing this undertaking would take away from content for groups like operations, flashpoints and many OTHER features like bug fixing which desperately needs to be done right now. PVP, etc. This isn't WoW where they have 500 people working on it. the SWTOR team is much smaller.
  5. I gather this from all that I've read: 1. I can't find groups for Fp's or even HM fp's so... allow me and my companions to do them. 2. I can't or won't run raids.. so make them accessible to me and my companions or a small band of other like minded people with companions. 3. make the game free for me because I refuse to pay 15 a month for something called a MMO I think I pretty much summed it up. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Also feel free to go to KOTOR, or simply wait about..... a few years, for SWTOR to go F2P. Thats if they see a decline in people playing or coming, and more going out the door. SWTOR, nearly 2 million strong of just NA users and still working on being released to the rest of the world. While alot of people sit on the fence about wanting to try the game with a trial..... I'm going to go with the following: 1. Thank you Bioware for a MMO, not a single player. We all play the game for MMO feeling and because its star wars. 2. Thank you for not listening to this dribble all MMO makers who have seen these kinds of posts since the MMO community first was made. Without your continued determination to make a MMO and not a single player game... I wouldn't get the opportunity to set my eyes upon the gods graces of all different people he puts on this world. And have myself form a smile at some of the people I encounter and feel alittle better about my day when I walk away. Again. Thank you bioware. Sincerly a MMO player, who wants this to continue to be a MMO for 15 a month and not casual craft with pandas, single player and carebear stare. /sincerly - Me
  6. You want a game where you solo everything.... that in itself is single player. Just because you see other people running around soloing doesn't make it any less single player. Goldeneye was a single player fps... with a friends zone multiplayer. I can run around in a room and see them. Shoot them, hug them... doesn't mean they make any difference in my missions now does it? Thus YOU need to look up the definition of MMO. You want to go solo some crap with a companion, there are atleast 5 FP's I can solo as a simple gunslinger. TADA!!!!!! You want to just go solo everything and pay 15 a month for it.. then you'll see a post... why are we paying 15 a month for soloing content... its just utterly nonlogical and idiotic. You basically want a swtor mass effect, as one of my friends said it. You don't want to play or pay for what the rest of us do.. then why are you still here making these posts? No matter what you do or say no MMO will EVER let you solo content with your pet. Sorry kids.
  7. You apparently need to reread. I didn't agree with any, thus making the time you spent replying and trying to own me.. invalid and wasted. Have a nice day kid.
  8. Yeah... yet you don't know me, don't group with me.. and I probably will never do the same with you because I like people who actually know how to play the game and enjoy the MMO experience. Peace kid, may your single player work out for you... KOTOR is always available.
  9. lol? What encounter? Do you need a encounter difficulty to play any other character? No. Please try knowing what you are talking about mechanics wise. The point of using cover is to allow certain abilities.. basically oh say, 90% of our actual DPS abilities. We are stationary turrents once placed if we get up we lose 90% dps/dmg. Once in place we can then begin to deal damage. This is intended for cover. But the difficulty and even inabilty to roll into cover because pathing issues is a KNOWN game issue for BW, but unfortunately THIS will not be fixed. This pathing issue is the same as blink in WoW. they would need to make EVERYTHING flat in order to cause cover to fully work as intended. My "fix" suggestion to all gunsliners. Don't target something and go into cover. Or hit esc right before hitting cover, thus clearing your target and putting you right there in cover then allowing you to retarget and dps.
  10. So... you want a single player game and NOT a MMO, is that what you are saying? I got 6 companions... I want to raid them.. LAWL
  11. There is a reason SWG failed, miserably. Player House - Are you serious? You want alittle home on what? Coruscant? *** is your ship? Han Solo lived on his ship as did many others. Have you looked at your ship? The beds? Even a kitchen. That is your player housing. You get a total of 6 companions. You wanted a zerg of them? The game just came out. Free Roam space - Not even WoW had this and its the highest grossing and most played MMO in the world. The game is not but 2 months old. WoW even still has tons of places you CAN'T go and its 7 years old. I think the ONLY thing I agree with is different ships... then again.. I'd rather make my ship look different and even change the insides of my player house... then get a ton of random ships.
  12. PvP Fix - Currently if you start a cannon in Alderaan on Republic side, the Damage doesn't start for a few seconds, versus if you start a imperial one at the same time it IMMEDIATELY takes 5 damage off the republic ship.
  13. I love when I wake up in the morning, and hear crying about a game service giving maintenance so you can have great quality service, patches, etc. And people complain because their little piece of the world is down like everyone elses. Hi. I live in America. I play during the night because I work during the day and sleep during the other part. Hi I'm also unable to play right now and not really crying about my little dream world being down right now so they can put patches server side and possibly client side to make the game work just alittle bit better. I know someone will cry over this. I know people cry over nerfs, patches, even downloading patches. But I mean really, grow up. PS - since the game is down for 2 more hours, please feel free to go outside. Take a walk. Ride a bike. Go work out. Get a part time job specifically for Tuesdays just to stop posting about there being patches and things against you. Get a girlfriend or boyfriend. Get a pet, a tree. Million things to do.. during this little inconvenience. Thanks and this has been a public service announcement for - Thanks for taking the servers down and doing your job, so that my 15 dollars a month isn't flushed down a toilet and the servers go to crap so people who cry about being bothered with Bioware doing its job, actually don't get their way.
  14. You are complaining about a company doing maintenance to provide you with quality gaming experience? You realize you can play during the other 6 days and 20 hours right? No other MMO gives you 24/7 playtime without maintenance. So please continue to cry about Bioware actually giving a crap about the game. I really hope you are a troll. I didn't think anyone was this... obtuse.
  15. This game also needs more clarification on valor and things of that nature. I know you must experience to learn. But like how many people really know there is a valor cap? How many know it goes to 100? How many knows that valor goes by level until 50? How many new comers will be confused by the pvp system itself. It's a vague system that needs alittle work on it.
  16. Companion Suggestion - Allow to have a option to have their helm show or not. I know on Bowdaar and Gus for my gunslinger, they already don't show helms, and I'd like it to be a option for the other members of my crew.
  17. I'm voting for the LFD/LFG tool, why? Well anyone who votes against it is a sith. No SWTOR racism intended towards the other faction. Its FACT. As a republic person, you can sit for hours even a day and its a pain in the arse to find a group. I then went on my Sith Sorc, you know, the side with atleast 3 times the population on every server. Thats a Fact by the way even confirmed by the Dev's. I can find any group I want really being run, Normal or HM with fair more ease then on Republic. And its not for lack of trying either. I could see cross PVP being implemented to because once again, FAR more sith then republic on EVERY server. And its not for lack of trying. I'm sure people get so tired of hearing you LFG or LFM for hours in general chat. And people also don't wish to wait for hours to put together a group either. Ever tried the Belsavis Heroic dailies? Especially the 4 one? Yeah people don't want to sit on Belsavis all day either trying to find people. I get my dailies done. I give it a good... 20 minutes and then move on to Ilum for the dailies, or pvp grinding, or instancing if I can... or just log over to my sith. Where in a comparison, I can get things done in half. IF NOT QUICKER time, FACT. People constantly hold WoW over every game in the world now, and why? Because it HAD 14 million people playing it, which dropped down to 10 million and dropping even more every month? No, no.. because WoW did things wrong. We aren't asking to log in, insta Q and be moved right there to the instance. We are simply asking for a tool to get a group together. I'll walk my little arse over to the instance portal if it makes people stop crying. The WoW LFD/LFG tool opened up alot of opportunities when it first came out, that otherwise couldn't of been done for alot of people. Realize, this is a MMO, not a single player, opinionated game. It has millions of people playing it and the mass numbers especially republic players, want some tool to better help us. You don't want the tool, then if it comes out, no one is using a gun to your head to use it, now are they? You can still put groups together the old fashioned way. Thats from the heart of a elitist, who raided in a top 25 U.S. guild for many years by the way. So no "well you are a casual" or some other lame arse type of thing I'm sure the anti-tool people will come up with. This game has alot to do in it, and I personally don't wish to be held down for hours trying to form a group. I'd rather wam bam thank you maam and get on to my next group, or next daily, or something of that nature so I can do more in the game. Not less.
  18. One more Suggestion that I just thought of for PVP Allow only top 5 to get MVP. I know it sounds alittle unfair. But coming from where I see often. Alot of bad players get voted over good players. Like one I saw this morning. 3 votes for being 1-15? And all he would do is run in, no gear and type a dance emote with them. I'm more confused why people vote that way, or why he did it frankly!
  19. I really like the game, here are some things to change: 1. Ilum - The terrible lag and lack luster event this is, really doesn't bring in the feel of any real accomplishment. You fly there, hope you are going 10-1 Odds, no real scoreboards or *** is happening besides quests that pop up on your quest log that only offer who controls what. Let alone every time someone captures something, the huge lag spike. Well... if you are pvping embrace death or at least embrace the short lock up in fps. 2. Once you hit 50, its pretty much game over, literally. I know raiding, Hm's. But thats it. Its dead. And I mean in more then one way. 2a. Companions are dead. They no longer speak, and sometimes right now I see the little icon pop up needing to talk in a catina or ship. But it goes away after a minute. Some I've heard from say its bugged right now. While others don't know what to think. But if it is, its a bug that needs to be fixed, because quite frankly... well its crappy to have 5 companions you used to actually converse with every once and awhile to like disowning you and just being a stow away on the ship. 2b. This is star wars, is there no random events? Oh no guys, empire is ttacking here this week! Some special dailies/quests on a planet of random event. Or, republic is counter attacking here, quests for both sides on a certain planet. 2c. The class ends, where the class ends. Once you hit 50, you've most likely ended your story. For me smuggler was a bit... boring compared to others. I just wish there was more in it really. 2d. New space missions that actually award loot. And space missions that are a bit more... non repetitive! Alittle randomness is never wrong. 3. Instances that actually involve creativeness. I thought like, you were on ship, carrier type or star destroyer. And attacking or defending and you suddenly need 2 people to go onto some ships and defend or attack outside forces. The other 2 would stay on the ship and keep the small internal battle going towards the next bay of ships, where they would then get a chance to fly in some ships after you come in for a landing? 4. Space instance battles, both PVE and PVP group wise. When I first started space missions, my old days of Xwing vs Tie fighter came back to me. The feel of randomness and the feel of kicking arse and taking names in my ship of choice. The wonderful missions I could choose to do. And yet now we are in the here and now, and why not make it the same or better? Make pvp battles with groups in space. In a instanced of course, space arena. Or allow some PVE quick instances for you and 3 others to do? Imagine taking of a prototype super star destroyer, far tougher then the single player mission type star destroyers! Where you must do it with your team! 5. Make the world, lootable. Imagine doing missions only to find you loot a small bush. Something lively to put in your large ship. Or maybe some rare artifact to hang on your ships wall? Or maybe a weapon collection over time you collect to line the halls and walls of your ship? Not saying the ENTIRE world be lootable. Just saying some rare things once and awhile. Allows your ship to feel more like at home, because well.. as a space adventurer, that is your home. 6. The need for more PVP choices of area's. As much as I love huttball (no seriously I don't). Or the fact the other 2 are seen less to me then huttball. There needs more choices. Like I said the space PVP ones would be a nice change. But as for ground ones, there is so many choices, so many area's to have battles waged. And that would even go more towards the whole random events of imp or republic happening on a random planet! 7. The worlds need to be more alive. You never really see any wild life, or random things going on like I said above about the random events. Its just go to a planet for your dailies, and be one with it. Nothing more, nothing less. Its well.. redundantly boring. No real cool-ness factor when traveling, unless dismounted randomly by a mob is. Bug Fixes - 1. Smuggler out of all the ones I've played right now would be the most buggy to me. 1a. When trying to go into cover, alot of times the object you are rolling to, takes forever to get to. And sometimes WON'T happen at all. You hit the cover button and just stand there like an idiot.You hit it again and again and never does anything happen. Even sometimes running over to the "specified" cover area and still nothing. Thus I hope you aren't raiding or in a HM or something. Cause enrages and such can cause you to try and make up for the already lost dps you've encountered by this needing to start dps cover issue but can't Only to have to be forced to hit escape to not have anything targeted then do the cover in place option. 1b. Rolling into cover when it actually does happen, well normally if you specc'd a certain way, you get the instant cast charged bolts, not all the time. If say I do a aimed shot while still having time on my bolts. Soon as I shoot any attack other then bolts, sometimes it goes away. And then sometimes it stays? Like is the talent trying to make up its mind whether it wants to be used or not? 2. I've played other classes and I feel the smugglers "energy" very lacking. Say versus a Sith sorc or one of many others I've played where they seem alot more uptime then downtime like I see with the gunslinger especially. Gunslinger eats thru its energy pool with no problem at all. Other classes you can specc to greatly increase their pool, while gunslinger only gets a 10 increase of energy. 10 which is just eaten away. The regen time to me is also very terrible. Like I said a huge downtime versus up time. I hit my auto attack shots far more then anything else as a gunslinger. PVP Changes - 1. I like the whole bolster idea, but I wish there weren't 10-49 and then the 50 brackets. Imagine a level 10 or even 40 versus a 49? Far difference in talents alone don't allow some players to beat the higher up. Now I've beat my fair share of higher levels because I consider myself a decent pvper and they just didn't fair as well. But then alot of times, you shouldn't stand a chance against the greatly higher up because of the skills difference. Even having skills you won't for many levels. Just wish there was more brackets is all. 2. I also wish there was a type of underdog bolster in Ilum. Especially as the underdog republic, its needed. Often going 1 to 3 odds against imperials, well this was something they did in WoW to show down the overwhelming odds against the other side. It gave more of a better balance. I'd rather have double life points and go 1 to 3 odds, then normal life versus those odds.
  20. And yet, I know atleast a dozen scoundrels who pvp with me, and rock the top of the scores... your logic is flawed and invalid.
  21. Ah god, one of these threads. No WoW has had up to 12+ million people. WoW has never needed to inflate their numbers, they do infact lead in the RTS community and in MMO's.. Does WoW have a "I have 2 accounts or more" problem, it did. Blizzard originally only set out because of all the current MMO's at the time, to only have 1 million subs. Within day one far surpassed that. Have they lost alot of subs lately, yes, not even they deny it, but they aren't worried. They will keep the WoW door open even if they drop down to 1 million subs. And yet.. they will still hold one of the longest running games and MMO titles in the world. The only thing to kill WoW, is WoW itself, which is slowly eating away at itself right now. But that is because its intentional. And I foresee Blizzard with their Titan project coming back swining at all the other MMO's in time. But will it surpass WoW? People quickly forget, WoW had a LONG history, before it was WoW, it was warcraft. It is what made the company, the company after all. But we can all thank Dungeons and Dragons for making warcraft what it was, and is today. WoW had a creative team for the first few years that had the great minds and philosophy of dungeons and dragons, and then blizzard went south on it. Why? Simple, they took a bunch of KIDS, I say kids because they were still wet from behind the ears and were WoW hopefuls and players from college and those who went to college to get into gaming because of WoW. And they quickly took the original WoW team and split it in 3 directions. over 40% is working on Titan right now. While the rest, small handful left blizzard to work on other games/project. Retire, or be put into starctaft 2 and diablo 3. Simply watching blizzcon for the past few years, let alone going shows that. The old WoW team is all over the place and supporting/working on other games and we get some new faces leading WoW. I quickly last year, 2010. Became a anti WoW fan because of the pure stupidity I saw at a blizzcon. The lead designer and such were so clueless to the questions the players asked them. And Chris Metzen had to walk on stage and literally CARRY them thru the Q/A let alone presentation. Chris Metzen is a really great guy, but besides Ghst Crawler, who they put a lid on becaue his out right hate and such for his own New WoW team and its philosphy... Well.. Christ and Greg are the only ones right now Carrying WoW.. The dweeb president and new CEO that took over, is nothing compared to the original in the slightest. And I'm really sad to see such a small man, with only $$ in his eyes, lead a once great company into the ground.
  22. A praise thread, yay! I agree I like SWTOR. And I love the companion system. I love my ship and I especially LOVE space combat. It brings me back to the old games of Xwing VS Tie Fighter and things like that... back when some of the kids who play mmo's now days weren't even born :-) I love the game so far. I love the deep storyline. And any complainers who just want to complain and never give criticism... well... they are just mere trolls.
  23. I agree with you. Hell I remember having to form raids for every single one of those suckers as a guild officer and having to key up nearly 50 people. And then you had people who were busy, working, etc. that you had to work with and they were straggling behind. I remember some putting in effort at times and spending hours in a instance, having to go back to town if someone had to leave and spam LFM. Sure this isn't WoW, but many a times I've had to leave a instance so far in this game to go LFM cause someone leaves. Or people don't want to bother with it because it was already a hassle getting the group together and just call it. Anyone who fights against improvement, and goes "well it might have a flaw". Doesn't apparently think they are human. When you start learning to walk, you fall. You start learning to ride a bicycle you crash, skateboarding, skating, driving a car... Just imagine had any of the past great minds been afraid to do any of the things they did, like the Wright brothers "I don't know man, we might die from flying and crashing cause it fails". Hell, you can thank many people like them and if you live in the world.. some of your best technologies and accomplishments were from people who invented new things, found flaws and hammered them out... Don't be scared of change... its natural. And hate to tell you this, but its human nature to. One day your hair color will change, or you will lose hair. You muscle mass will lessen, your metabolism will slow... and unfortunately you can't tell your body no, you can't blame god.. etc.
  24. It makes perfect sense for those with a brain. Which so far you have yet to display a reasonable comprehension for things beyond the tip of your nose. Point was. I didn't do it, could. I know many other can do it, but don't. I don't see people ninjaing yet in groups like they did in WoW. And now something is being implemented to make it easier for everyone... and people yet again use the same argument yet never give logical criticism. Its flawed thinking really. I'm going to go complain about global warming which may or may not kill us all. Then when asked "what can we do to improve and stop it" I simply continue to repeat myself like you do over and over and never give any type of solution besides "NO TAKE IT ALL AWAY". Its redundantly retarded.
  25. All I hear is crying form this post. You offer no criticism to make the tool better so some SWTOR guy can go "hey great idea". Remember the people help guide the game along if people are willing to listen at SWTOR and so far they have listened for the most part from my past and present experiences with them. I used the LFD tool for alot of my time in WoW. I could act like a total arsehat and ninja crap, afk, etc, But I also was in the top guild on the server, and top 25 U.S. my accountability was not doing things like that, because we had a no tolerance policy in the guild for things like that. Let alone thats just not who I am. I want the tool, why.. I listed my 3 why's and could keep going. I'm hoping someone who actually has a IQ above 80 will retort and debate with me. Till then all I see in whining and comparing other games to your SWTOR... are they this game? No. Since we all like bringing up WoW.. lets bring up how FLAWED the WoW LFG/D tool was for months shall we? How about how everyone for years could roll on any and all loot even ninja from their own guilds. I don't see any "OMG HE NINJA'D MAH EPIX" posts so far on these forums. I've seen people need on things they personally didn't need for themselves, but used for their companions. As long as they don't "ninja" from others, I'm a happy camper. And so far I have yet to have that problem with this game.
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