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My thoughts on the '4th pillar'


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The class story's are one of the biggest contributing factors between class and faction imbalances.


Most of the republic story's are boring. People don't want to level with a boring story. Look at the most played classes and they usually are the ones with the most interesting story. I think this is a big problem. Almost as big as how linear the world feels.




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WHAAAA? :eek:


I loved the inquisitor story... the IA story (so far) is a total snooze fest...


I can sum up..What i've played of the Si story, in two small sentences..One for each act...(only got midway of act 2 - around hoth..


Treasure hunting! the video game!

Ghostbusters: I aint 'fraid of no ghost.

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Personally, I refer to it as "a crutch that is barely holding the game up"




I agree, though. Were it not for leveling feeling shockingly like playing Mass Effect 2 on a computer, the huge problems (awkward combat due to ability delay, awful UI, balance problems, etc) would be completely impossible to avoid noticing for even the most casual of players.

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imps rule, i liked how the warrior story was going...plus she was pretty evil. inquisitor was kinda weak as light side, story started ok. but the commando, oy! was like a toon from some nick jr version of gi joe.

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I'm not too sure People base their class selection on the story, if so that's fail....

The class you choose is usually determined on how it plays and it's style / role....the story is nice but should never determine your main character...


In my case it was a little of both. Since each class has a mirror on the other side that plays very similar, if not identical, choosing a side came down to story preference for me. My playstyle is such that the classes that would most appeal to me were BH/Trooper and IA/Smuggler. Having played each in beta, I chose BH as a main and IA as my first alt due entirely to story line. I found the Republic mirrors to have extremely bland stories.

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there is absolutley nothing wrong with any of the stories in this game they are very very well thought out and are also extremley interesting and fun so please stop whining and crying because its going to be morons like you who will destroy this game because you have to complain about things that are already good.... if any swg-pre cu people are reading this i know you'll agree 100%. :mad:
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there is absolutley nothing wrong with any of the stories in this game they are very very well thought out and are also extremley interesting and fun so please stop whining and crying because its going to be morons like you who will destroy this game because you have to complain about things that are already good.... if any swg-pre cu people are reading this i know you'll agree 100%. :mad:


I agree 200% (: people whine and complain when there is no reason to

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In my case it was a little of both. Since each class has a mirror on the other side that plays very similar, if not identical, choosing a side came down to story preference for me. My playstyle is such that the classes that would most appeal to me were BH/Trooper and IA/Smuggler. Having played each in beta, I chose BH as a main and IA as my first alt due entirely to story line. I found the Republic mirrors to have extremely bland stories.


But you chose based on your playstyle. I see your point though once you narrowed down the classes that fit your style / role you then chose the most appealing story to you...


FYI the republic is very much original trilogy.... Classic star wars storytelling.

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there is absolutley nothing wrong with any of the stories in this game they are very very well thought out and are also extremley interesting and fun so please stop whining and crying because its going to be morons like you who will destroy this game because you have to complain about things that are already good.... if any swg-pre cu people are reading this i know you'll agree 100%. :mad:


*Hands tom a tin foil hat*


You're gonna need it.

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The class story's are one of the biggest contributing factors between class and faction imbalances.


Most of the republic story's are boring. People don't want to level with a boring story. Look at the most played classes and they usually are the ones with the most interesting story. I think this is a big problem. Almost as big as how linear the world feels.





PvP players, in general, do not play for the story. A PvP player would level character in a coma if they thought it would give them an advantage in a player vs. player combat. What you suggest may have some minor effect, but it is more than offset by the fact that evil races/factions are almost always perceived as the more powerful faction. This is true in spades in Star Wars lore as the Sith are almost universally portrayed as on the cusp of invincibility, making their inevitable defeat exciting as the Jedi/good guys struggle to defeat them. Add to this certain factors, such as Consular complaints about Project taking time to do its damage despite being instant cast vs. the Sith counterpart lightning attack being both instant cast and instant effect, and the likelihood of story being a major factor in the imbalance is almost nil.

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