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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Stats from Color-Crystals, introduce new "Power-Crystal"


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Yes! I would love to see something like this!

And if this was the case, why not make some of the crystals that are difficult to get (magenta, for example) a bit easier to acquire, but make the actual power crystal the one that's difficult to get? Or maybe there could be some power crystals that will grant an extra stat bonus to certain color crystals, and make those the hard-to-find ones. For example, a "magenta power crystal" that could be used with any color crystal, but when coupled with a magenta color crystal its stats would be increased. Or it could only be used with the magenta crystal, perhaps.


I just really dislike how color crystals are so difficult to get. I can see some being harder to find than others, but how difficult some of them are to get now is absurd. I can see this with really unique crystals, like a crystal that gives off a silver blade with gold aura, for example, but for a standard, seemingly "plain" color the crystal shouldn't be quite so difficult to acquire.

It would also help with character customization. Customization is lacking in the game as it is, at least having a larger variety of color crystals that are at least a little more readily available would help a little bit with making your character a bit more unique.

Edited by Blue_Leader
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I agree.


Being a light side Scoundrel. I want my blaster to shoot blue bolts (light the clones guns from SW EP2: AotC). Orange and green bolts are boring now. But all the blue crystals I find are not very good in terms of stats and are even outclassed by the color crystal that comes with the orange equip itself.


I'm the kind of player who greatly values the asthetics of his character which means alot of my enjoyment comes from my character looking good. I'm always on the hunt for the 'perfect' looking blaster or the 'perfect' looking chest piece. Orange gear fill that roll nicely.


And I want my blaster to shoot blue bolts whilst not being gimped in stats.


I agree with this idea greatly.

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I agree with this.


mainly because I'm a darkside trooper thats getting anoyed with the lack of neutral colours in kaon under siege hardmode... from what i've seen in game everything is blue ¬,¬



and apply the hardmode filter.


the blaster pistols with cunning (smuggler) have blue crystals. those with aim (bounty hunter) have yellow.

blaster rifles with aim(trooper) have blue and cunning (agent) have yellow.

even both assualt cannons have blue crystals...

so the imperials get neutral yellow crystals? Q_Q


the only item i've seen with a neutral colour is the The Bulwark with a nice yellow +41 endurance crystal which i have taken for my tank spec and am happy to have but I just wish it was as easy for me as darkside as it is for lightside (or imperials of any alignment) to get a usable +41 power crystal :< is there even a neutral colour available to darkside in the republic loot table?


in fact I just wish they hadn't put stats on the crystal full stop.


Bioware are saying that on the Empire you can be light or dark it doesn't matter but on republic they actually want you to play lightside or else suffer the restrictions in all the lootz.


hopefully this will become a past concern in future but it's presently quite frustrating :p

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NO. Whats the point of grinding for the hard to get color crystals if everyone has them. Its a status symbol, just like the giant speeders.



Add new colors, make them harder to get. Canon is already broken beyond belief. We need more things to grind for at 50+ not less.


If some newb has a purple saber, it kinda makes my grind less attractive. :mad:

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RED and BLUE should still be Dark and Light specific. But all other colors should just be rare imo.


I would love to see color separate from stats!!! Right now I'm Light V Jedi Sage but I got a RED saber to drop in Eternity Vault (Temptation)... yeah... heresy!!!!


Give mama her purple saber and tell the sith inquisitors to stuff it -.-


ps. I can see color crystals being level specific but other than the 2 mentioned above... they should not be faction specific.

Edited by xyloh
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You almost had me till this bit.


No thanks.


There is already black core light sabers. All is lost! Might as well have the fancy unstable crystals to... (I hate TFU btw)


OP I could get behind this. But Id light to see green blue and red easy and common place where as every other color more difficult to get. Purple being the hardest and available to either faction.

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I like the suggestion in theory, and as someone else mentioned, it would be like the KOTOR system where you had a color crystal slot and then 2 power crystal slots.


However, I can see why BW put restrictions on the color crystals so they don't end up with 90% of the jedi running around with red lightsabers. They want this to be a story-based game and you can't just turn the SW lore on its ear a month into the game. That being said though, there has to be some middle ground. For example, I got an artifact quality orange crystal, level 31, with no LS/DS restriction in a drop the other day. They need to find more ways to introduce some LS/DS free color crystals into the game. Perhaps allow artifice to RE an artifact quality crystal to learn a schematic for a LS/DS free version with the same stats. That way you wouldn't get the market flooded but at least you'd have some more LS/DS free crystals into the mix.


In SW lore, people choose a color based on personal preference. Their preference may be because a color represents something, but no more than that. Most Jedi chose a color because they LIKED it, not because it meant something story-wise. Also, what the OP was saying was that the color would be tied to LS/DS so that DS people could only get DS-only colors, such as red, which would mean LS couldn't get red.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that I completely agree with this.



Edited by Reynnas
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I can see why they gave purple to imps only because of the purple color scheme they follow but in lore it wasnt restricted to sith. I see that they added a red color Lightsaber on normal mode EV called Temptation which I got and can wield as a Sage being Light V and I bet the same goes for Master Chammas and the green crystal it has being able to be equipped by a Sith if it drops for them. I wonder if you have a chance at a purple main hand from Soa on HM. If that is the case I see why they did this.
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i agree, they also need to make ever color craftable. I hate being stuck with this red/black color crystal of my Rakata main hand, but the alternative is yellow from Kaon, seeing how the Imps side Columi weapons have a 31 crit purple instead of 41 like the repubs have
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NO. Whats the point of grinding for the hard to get color crystals if everyone has them. Its a status symbol, just like the giant speeders.



Add new colors, make them harder to get. Canon is already broken beyond belief. We need more things to grind for at 50+ not less.


If some newb has a purple saber, it kinda makes my grind less attractive. :mad:


What a horrible argument.


Certain color crystals can stay hard to get, just remove the stat and leave the color only. Separating the two has nothing to do with how rare a color crystal would/could be.

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Thing that also really annoys me was a vote taken in beta and colour crystals being cosmetic won so why they then went and did the opposite i dont know. The argument of why people wanted it to be cosmetic was people didnt want to have to put up with a crap colour which they dont want and the stats they do want.


I love this game, its awesome but its fustrating that i got my pre order crystal used it for a few levels then got a better one, kinda feel like the whole pre-order and have something unique was a waste.


I dont understand why it shouldnt be cosmetic, i know the movies are a couple of thousand years after but crystal didnt increase power then so why now?


If anyone else feels the same please say.


I love the idea of being able to choose a core colour and an affect colour because that really makes it unique to each player and the force unleashed colours when you had slightly damaged crystals which pulsed that was cool.


One of the big parts of this game is the voice acting to make you feel like your actually responsible for what happens to your character, well if we have so much customization why dont we have the same with our weapon colours.



When we beta tested the game it was for them to stress test and if the environment worked. Most of our feedback was largely ignored but that's a whole another topic. I agree with OP.



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+1 Nice idea.



Some might not flickering I guess, but they could run with this idea. Find other ways to visually differentiate the laser/saber animations outside the realm of color, while not being visually annoying/painful to those sensitive to flashing.

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Honestly I wouldn't even care if we just forfeit the stats on the crysytal completely, it really wouldn't be a huge loss. Color crystal needs to be cosmetic. All of the advertising for the pre-orders (game and razer) and comments by the devs and media prior to release led me and friends to believe that the crystals were, in fact, cosmetic. This is largely why we preordered to get our unique crystals.


At a bare minimum there needs to be a trade in vendor for those of us with preorder/razer crystals, who were promised a cosmetic in-game item, that we can trade any crystal we have for a same-stat crystal with our deserved color.

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