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I am Subscribing


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So after 5 weeks of SWTOR I have decided to sub, with a 60 day game time card. How about you? I am still not 50. I do have a 41 BH and a 36 Sin and a 20 Trooper and am loving all three stories. So good I cant decide which to work on from day to day hehe.


What is your SWTOR plans?

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So after 5 weeks of SWTOR I have decided to sub, with a 60 day game time card. How about you? I am still not 50. I do have a 41 BH and a 36 Sin and a 20 Trooper and am loving all three stories. So good I cant decide which to work on from day to day hehe.


What is your SWTOR plans?


I will not be renewing. I give this game 2 years before it hits F2P. BIOWARE + EA = NO CLUE ON MMO'S

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Fortunately I dont have to make the decision for another 6 days (MY wife banned me from playing before christmas!).


Having said that, im pre-subscribed with my account set up to pay for my first month on the 26th, and thats not likely to change unless they decided to completely destroy the game in the next 6 days!


Loving the game - my only issue is that it is keeping me from doing my work!!!!

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I will not be renewing. I give this game 2 years before it hits F2P. BIOWARE + EA = NO CLUE ON MMO'S


Its never going to go F2P.


Thats not me being a 'fanboy' but frankly, if EA didnt like Warhammer go free to play, there isnt a chance in hell they will let this.

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Gametime card here, (bought it at my local independent game store to keep my money local)


Love the game (despite some of the bugs, that will get fixed)


Hate the forums. When you try to help someone you get trolled, when you try to ask questions you get trolled, when you want to raise issues and bugs in a constructive manner you get fanboyed then trolled.


I really hope the forums get better.


Do your part, don't respond, just flag Trolls and fanboys.

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Have fun snugfgling up with those NPC's when you and the other fanbois are playing this game by yourselves.


We'll be having tons of fun, especially with your kind gone from the game and the forums.


And seriously, just because the majority of people playing see no need to whine on the forums and are enjoying the game is no reason to call them fanbois. Just because people do not agree ith your opinion does not make them fanbois. That is as wrong as it would be for me to assume you are going back to WoW or that you even ever played WoW.

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One payed month from me. They have fixed enough issues on my list to give them another month. One thing is for sure if they don't fix the cooldown problem which they call a feature in the last patch I will be gone.


Ok, I've seen a few people comment on this and I am lost. What is the difference between ebfore and after that makes it so problematic? My abilities on cool down are grayed out and the box gradually looses lines of gray as the countdown goes. The only change I notice is the GCD doesn;t hit all my abilities at once. Am I missing something?

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Flag me I like the 3 pages of infractions I have from calling out you


All you had to say is I am not renewing because I do not care for the direction this game is taking or I do not like the gameplay.


Instead you have to bash and insult people like me who enjoy the game.


Do not like it. Fine state your peace then leave. No need to call for the doom of this game. What does it matter to you if your leaving anyways because you will not be around to see it.


Let us enjoy our game and you can go play whatever makes you happy.

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So after 5 weeks of SWTOR I have decided to sub, with a 60 day game time card. How about you? I am still not 50. I do have a 41 BH and a 36 Sin and a 20 Trooper and am loving all three stories. So good I cant decide which to work on from day to day hehe.


What is your SWTOR plans?


Like you I have various character at different levels trying to find the class I enjoy the most. Unfortunately for me the class I enjoy leveling (story mode) isnt the class I enjoy pvping on so i'll probably be an alt junky.


For those that havent played a Sith warrior yet....do it. Not to ruin the story for anyone but the story leading up to getting my 1st padawan (not to be confused with companion)was brilliant a AAA+ piece of work.


My 14 yr old daughter thought wow was the greatest and got quite upset when I cancelled, not anymore. While watching tv I hear her laugh and cackle (she's playing a Sith Inquisitor) so we will be resubbing for quite some time to come.

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I absolutely subscribed without a second thought. This is one of the only MMOs I've played past the first month and I've played every major MMO since Ultima. I also had the opportunity to play an early beta phase of TOR in 2010 and then again for 3-4 months before release, so I knew this would be the MMO I stick with.


I'm also in a guild with over 200+ members in game and I have yet to see people even considering quitting. So it's not doom & gloom for ALL of us.


Eagerly looking forward to future releases.. (expanded space combat please? :)).

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I'm subbing for 6 months. I've been having a blast playing. I'm a bit disappointed in a lot of the small things that weren't included at launch, however it's still a fun game. I think with time it could be great. This coming from someone that doesn't care about Star Wars or Bioware (not a fanboy of either).
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I did un-subscribe couple days agobecause I was having major FPS issues in Warzones and in game. My highest char is 40 and I have all the classes around 10-16.


Recently, I sorta fixed my FPS issue to the point where it is playable in Warzones (25-40 FPS) so I am once again subscribing to it.


I feel like this game is more towards people like me who enjoy a good story and having multiple character options. For the time being as long as I get good performance from the game and it is "playable" I will be sticking around. I am not too worried about content just yet...

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