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Everything posted by ZombieCo

  1. I will not be renewing. I give this game 2 years before it hits F2P. BIOWARE + EA = NO CLUE ON MMO'S
  2. The warn you for saying sneezing. Buncha *********** nazis. You should see my infractions.
  3. Cowboy up, you're gonna have to deal with *****holes like me in all walks of life. Bioware has some pretty major issues they need to get looked at. Namely lack of replay-ability after you hit 50. I wont even start on the horrendous lack of polish post 30.
  4. Just keep crashing now everytime I hit the play button and the client loads. Get a box saying Error initializing error code 1.
  5. She is serious. I get the same laugh when Upper hand activates every time on my scoundrel. My guildies love running instances with my guy laughing the whole time.
  6. Ill be here and im excited to see what content they have in store down the road for us.
  7. Just a couple FYI's and a question then i'm out... Last wave seems to have hit the remaining 11/25-11/28 I am wondering what the reaction from the community will be if we went through all this EGA stuff and all the servers go belly up anyway. Will you guys consider that a failure? How are the servers performing right now with the increased amount? Any lag? Good luck getting in December Crew brothers, you guys are the cool cats. Failcat:http://www.failcats.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/NC32CRSK.jpg
  8. considering we sat here all night with low pop servers and people complaigning about nobody to group with, rampant PvP exploiting cause by lack of ppl on the servers... my guess would be no.
  9. Let Bioware know if you are unhappy. 1-855-ORIGIN-1 (1-855-674-4461) Phone support available 7am-9pm CST (7 days a week) Cancel orders there. To the Bioware homers: Have fun sitting in front of your comp hitting that refresh key for the next 7 days with your thumbs up your asses. Course i'm sure you'll love that... Time to go reactivate that Rift sub baby!
  10. Have fun waiting till tomorrow or the next day or day after that or day after that day... Glad canceled this garbage.
  11. Canceling over this wave ********. Bioware can shove this game.
  12. Waiting blows. Waiting for 7 days to maybe get in blows even more.
  13. Sounds like a great plan to me!!!! Wait no this blows goats I meant...
  14. I want more info on when I can play so I am not sitting here for 7 days for NOTHING WONDERING WHEN I CAN PLAY. WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!??! SEND OUT SOME GODDAMN INFO ***??!?!?!?!? I PAID YOUR COMPANY 80$ of MY HARD EARNED MONEY NOW WHEN CAN I PLAY?!?!?!?!?!? Guess what Bio ware people have life's too and don't want to waste them dealing with this lame BS. I say anyone that agrees should start posting threads and sending emails too. If nothing else it lets them know how unhappy this BS makes us... If your just going to post some lame hater crap well eat a fat red one in advance. Good day.
  15. THATS FUNNY! The 80$ that got taken out of my account for Origin says your a LIAR!
  16. Ya I get ripped off 80$ bucks for preorderign and I'm mad so i';m a child right. Get a life go post on another thread you lurpy looser.
  17. What the title said, give us some more info so i'm not sitting here for the next 7 !@#$ing days waiting for a chance to play the game I paid you *******s 80$ for. If thats the case I can happily get a refund right now. This is GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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