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Who designed for TOR?


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Ohlen? Gabe? Georg? Lusinchi? I have no idea how the structure inside a game company works (guessing it's a bit different for every game/company?). I am very curious to know who was tasked to actually create the initial design of the game. Obviously we can speculate, but if anyone has any links or knowledge of what someone's title usually means within the context of an MMO development team, that'd be awesome. Thanks.

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So sorry if people keep misunderstanding the question here - I am asking for who was a part of the initial design of the game. And any articles or otherwise that may talk about it.


So far we have one speculation vote for Ohlen, and others saying "lots of people".


It would, again, be a group - from well before there was public information about the game.


Basically, you're asking for information which is not public knowledge.

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If your mean who was a designer during the earliest concept stages James Ohlen was one of the initial designers. I'm not sure when Daniel Erickson started but it was early on. I don't think they've said who all has been involved with the project since day 1, but the implications of some of the videos from 2008 where that Jame Ohlen was the lead designer from very early on in the process.
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If your mean who was a designer during the earliest concept stages James Ohlen was one of the initial designers. I'm not sure when Daniel Erickson started but it was early on. I don't think they've said who all has been involved with the project since day 1, but the implications of some of the videos from 2008 where that Jame Ohlen was the lead designer from very early on in the process.


Thanks for first helpful post in the thread :) Any idea what vids I should look for specifically?

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Looking for an escape goat to blame?


Scapegoat, not escape goat.


OP, all I know is they must have picked the village idiot to design the legacy system. having a single surname on every character you make no matter the race and then come up with a family tree on top of it...


Seriously, a design group said yes to the idea that a twi'lek really should have the same surname and family tree of a human, a sith and a chiss...really great idea. I know, lets allow them to pick a sith mother and a chiss father who gave birth to a human!


Its as if the person never played an RPG before...

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If your mean who was a designer during the earliest concept stages James Ohlen was one of the initial designers. I'm not sure when Daniel Erickson started but it was early on. I don't think they've said who all has been involved with the project since day 1, but the implications of some of the videos from 2008 where that Jame Ohlen was the lead designer from very early on in the process.


Keep in mind that there's generally multiple lead design roles filled by individuals whose backgrounds make them better at certain pieces of it.

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If you are asking for the "head decision maker" that would be CEO ;) which can also cover the "overall design" or at least "what the CEO wants"


Now you have project manager which kinda like the main honcho for the group, but in reality it breaks down to different department heads (art, gameplay, stories, mechanics etc etc etc) these can be broken down into teams with their own heads.


I am guessing that each department head will meet up with the project manager and hash out ideas and what will work and what does not work (like any project)


example would be


Project manager: "I think it would be a great idea to add a 6th companion for each class"


Story team lead: "Which planet are we gonna release this new companion? will it be new planets?"


Art team lead:" What will these companion look like"


Gameplay team lead: "What skillset will these companion have? how can we balance it overall game?"


then there will be many discussion, drawings, pre-idea, pre-design, and hash it all out.


The bottom line, there isn't ONE person who make the final say. I mean I guess the project manager could "demand" certain things, but if the other team can't do it like the art can't be done in time, or the mechanics need work and integration there will be delays on the expansion/patch.

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Scapegoat, not escape goat.


OP, all I know is they must have picked the village idiot to design the legacy system. having a single surname on every character you make no matter the race and then come up with a family tree on top of it...


Seriously, a design group said yes to the idea that a twi'lek really should have the same surname and family tree of a human, a sith and a chiss...really great idea. I know, lets allow them to pick a sith mother and a chiss father who gave birth to a human!


Its as if the person never played an RPG before...


That problem would be why it doesn't have to be a surname. In other words, that problem only exists if you choose for it to exist.

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Scapegoat, not escape goat.


Escape goat is a goat on which you escape :D


OP, all I know is they must have picked the village idiot to design the legacy system. having a single surname on every character you make no matter the race and then come up with a family tree on top of it...


Seriously, a design group said yes to the idea that a twi'lek really should have the same surname and family tree of a human, a sith and a chiss...really great idea. I know, lets allow them to pick a sith mother and a chiss father who gave birth to a human!


Its as if the person never played an RPG before...


Family names don't necessarily require you to be related. It also doesn't need to be used as a surname, it can be used as a title or it can not be shown at all if you have that much problem with it.


That's putting aside the fact that the legacy name is just the tip of the iceberg.

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That problem would be why it doesn't have to be a surname. In other words, that problem only exists if you choose for it to exist.


Hello, its a system put in place. If the system is stupid the system is stupid. Unlocking a surname should unlock a surname for each character and not be spread over ALL characters. And the upcoming family legacy is something that ties all characters to a family and if you ignore it youll miss out on the skills it gives.


Its a piss poor system much like crafting, little thought put into it. its like a generic placeholder or something.


You dont create a roleplaying game and do stupid things like this unless you are an amature. It doesnt make sense coming from a company with a GREAT RPG history like Bioware.


The legacy idea could be a GREAT one if they didnt tie it in across all characters like this...its a cheap programming effort on their part.

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Hello, its a system put in place. If the system is stupid the system is stupid. Unlocking a surname should unlock a surname for each character and not be spread over ALL characters. And the upcoming family legacy is something that ties all characters to a family and if you ignore it youll miss out on the skills it gives.


Its a piss poor system much like crafting, little thought put into it. its like a generic placeholder or something.


You dont create a roleplaying game and do stupid things like this unless you are an amature. It doesnt make sense coming from a company with a GREAT RPG history like Bioware.


The legacy idea could be a GREAT one if they didnt tie it in across all characters like this...its a cheap programming effort on their part.


You keep saying ALL characters like that's what actually happens. At most it's across 8 character.

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You keep saying ALL characters like that's what actually happens. At most it's across 8 character.


Oh well in that case its OK!


No really, its limited to every character on one server so only most of the gaming expierence is ruined with a cheap system that could have been easily corrected by allowing one to chose to have a Chiss with a different surname than a Human...I guess that means its a good idea afterall.

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Oh well in that case its OK!


No really, its limited to every character on one server so only most of the gaming expierence is ruined with a cheap system that could have been easily corrected by allowing one to chose to have a Chiss with a different surname than a Human...I guess that means its a good idea afterall.


It's only ruined if you allow it to be ruined instead of working with the system. They didn't ruin it for you, you ruined it for yourself.

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