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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So 6 month subscribers


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Here :(

I wanted to drop my subscription down to one month as I fear for the life of this game. I like it but I got a feeling funding and resources will be pulled once we start seeing an exodus. I wanted to drop down to a month by month so I could get out while the getting is good but I forgot to do it.


Dont worry man, this game will be around for a long time to come, dont listen to the few whiners on here, there will be no exodus.

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I've signed up for a 6-month subscription.


Was avoiding the hype, and have been sceptical about SWTOR since it's announcement, despite being a massive BW fan. Usually I have cleared all game content by this point and burned out, however in swtor I still dont't have a 50. -.-


Biggest surprise for me, is how great PvP is. I know alot of people are having troubles with lag/ability delay, but mine has been perfect. Something very addictive about swtor combat.


Looking forward to seeing what new stuff get's added in the future.

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Just changed my sub from 1 month to 6 months. I'm in it for the long haul.


Simply put, haters are going to hate.


This reminds me of when WoW first came out and everyone said it was doomed because Everquest 1/2 would destroy it. We know how that unfolded. Swtor is going to have a long life.

Edited by jagerbolt
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I love this game and feel that the Devs are listening. I played SWG and felt that despite our complaints the Devs failed to listen. It is the exact opposite here and for that reason alone they have my full support and subscription. To all those who are leaving good riddance as they are missing something special with this game.
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<--- Here here,

since the launch, i've mostly had positive experience, and as for the bugs, i think of them as a challenge instead of a problem. It makes you feel more awesome if you can do stuff that other people are constantly whining about on the forums :)

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I'm signed on for 6 months. Certainly am not blind to the many issues of this game. I play a Jedi Knight, considerably one of the most broken classes (and not in the 'omg I am so OP' way) but I still love it, and am in it for the long haul.


Freaking love me some SWTOR.

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I signed up for 6 months. Considering it took me 1 month to reach level 29 on one character without playing other characters, 6 months will not be long enough to get 8 characters to level 50 and through all their story lines and any non raid content. There is plenty of content in this game to keep me subbed for longer then 6 months, and so far none of the bugs have bothered me enough to not make the game fun.
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i just changed my one month to six month.....still have yet to get that founder title though.


to all the nay sayers out there i have been in the MMO world for a very long time. from the matrix online to 6 years of wow to STO and rift i have found this game very enjoyable. is there a lot to do at 50? actually yes there is you guys just are not out there doing it (talk to me when you do all your dailies plus ALL the lvl 50 FP's and all the HM's every day and then tell me there aint squat to do).


is the pvp the greatest? no its not but i find it way more enjoyable than wow. and since there are essentially 8 versions of this game there is still a lot to do.

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