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To Everybody thinking about quitting


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Agreed, too bad the average SWTOR player cannot see or understand missing features are not bugs but a result of no or little planning.


Game has been slapchopped together.


So what? It'll all be added. And in the meantime, the game is still quite playable for leveling up your alts and not worrying about super competetive silliness at level cap for the time being.

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The go be a Panda Hunter Ill sit here and Run around as A Sith with my Lightsaber.


Speaks volumes about the product doesn't it?


BTW I did that when I was 8 in my Starwars underwear which had more features than SWTOR.

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different people, different levels of experience, etc.


if you expect a bunch of, well, 'noobs' to be able to make a perfect game out of the gate; you are a moron.


make sure you report me for hurting your feelings, too.


Well, pefect as in bugs, well no. But it's not as if WoW is in an alternate dimension and they can't look at what features are in there as of 2010-2011 and see what worked and what was popular.

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What are you kidding me. Sapose to take your time is what Devs. designed? Then why in the hell is people already in full battle master gear to pvp? I watch people gear up whole suit of champion in 2 weeks while some of us get crap, nothing for ever champ crap pvp bag we open. **** and move on with your crap


And thats why you are an idiot and cant appreciate anything and probably a spoiled little rich kid sitting in his room waiting for your mommy to bring you a peanut butter and jelly.

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A mistake is you assume most people are upset about the lack of content when in fact its about the lack of features, bioware looked at things such as lfg as an example and instead of doing it right wasted time and money doing it horribly.


This is one example of many features missing and things like ability delay existing it just shows sloppy work. Now in regards to end game content its completely reasonable to not have a huge ammount and bioware has done well with that, no one expects all 4 expansions of content that wow has at launch of swtor.


And it seems people have that idea, people like me who i think arent as much as a minority as you think are disatisfied because all these things that were shown in the coming soon video should of been in at launch and there is so much more still missing.


Content is impossible to match features is Required to match your competitors.


No one releases a phone these days that can just simply call and expects it to top the market.


Okay well then you also need to consider when this particular game started development.


2006 was early planning stages? Which was about what time for WoW? Burning Crusade era, which much of the influence is shown in SWTOR. Many of these "features' that people are expecting in SWTOR at launch are actually realtively recent developments in the MMO genre.


Customizable default UIs weren't really that big until recently with the launch of games within perhaps the last 2 years. Things like guildbanks and guild progression also are relatively new concepts. For years guilds had existed in MMOs with next to zero innovation . Of course WoW has had guild banks for a bit but even they didn't have guild progression until around a year ago. Dungeon finder is a tool that meets more controversy than any other feature I've ever seen and again is a relatively new feature to the MMO market.


In an MMO or any game for that matter, but especially in MMOs, there comes a point where you need to simply "cut off" the extra features you want to add and do them later. Because honestly if you were to try and keep up with the next latest innovation from X MMO you'd be in prelaunch development indefinitely.


As for issues like ability delay, which I honestly believe has been blown way out of proportion, as I personally don't experience as much as people let on that they do. These are slight oversights and issues that will be corrected over time as they are able to be corrected. Every MMO ever has had things like this and every MMO hereafter will have them as well. Perhaps not this specific issue but there will always be "the big bug staring at everyone" in every MMO.


MMOs are about time in development. Which is why I always find it amusing that people like yourself try to use other product as analogies. Your analogy for instance with a phone. Sure most people these days want a smart phone and any company would bee foolish to try and charge the same price on handset and plan for a standard mobile devicxe as they would a smart phone. But then again that's also a rapidly evolving industry and new phones are developed quickly over the course of months to keep up with the pace.


The analogy has zero relevance to the MMO industry in any way. This a relatively slow developing industry that has changed very little over the course of a couple of decades.


Don't feel bad though, I see other people use cars, tv's, computers, one guy even tried to use an electric shaver as an analogy. Again it's a matter of speed of evolution, MMOs simply do not have relevance with these types of products.

Edited by HavenAE
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I do realize the game just came out, but do you realize that in general beta most of these things BW is all of a sudden paying attention to like the UI customizations, were brought up in general beta by testers that knew these things would be wanted by the masses at release. We got no response from the devs. Now magically they are pretending "they are listening to the customer and giving us what we want"...BS they already knew the issues people had with the game in beta, they just chose to ignore those testers and keep listening to the bum kissing ones instead.


You think such things have only been in development since the launch? Much of what we're seeing in the first few months was in development before the beta even started, but it wasn't ready in time for the launch. The launch date of SWTOR was set in stone once the close date of SWG happened. The beta itself was very short. Bioware would have been focused primarily on fixing bugs to make the launch as smooth as possible, and feeback on new features they could start development on early to have it come out fast after launch.


The "customers" they are listening to are their customer who have been participating since the beta. I know I filed a few tickets about UI issues. You don't go from Idea to Live in 4 weeks in an MMO. The only thing post-launch UI feedback would have done would have been to show Bioware the scale of importance and push it up on their development cycle. From what I've seen in MMOs, it's usually a 6-month minimum delay from the time an idea is accepted to the time it goes live.

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But people also have to realize that it takes time to build. WoW wasnt established in months lmao it was established in years. If people expect for somebody to come out with an MMO and have it established within the first month its out well then your going to continue to get let down.


Simple marketting strategies are hard to comprehend.

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I kind of agree with what you're saying.


They ARE trying to fix the game, and they ARE trying to add content.


But you don't compare vanilla WoW to current SWTOR. You compare current WoW to current SWTOR.


"They ARE trying to fix the game, and they ARE trying to add content."


Which is why im staying with it.

Edited by Urko
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no you dont lol


You compare a new game to a new game, you cannot compare an established game to new game

Unless its the same company and same engine


its actually really funny when people do though so please continue


Yes you do compare NOW WoW to NOW SWTOR. If SWTOR sucks NOW people will go to the WoW that is good NOW.



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They showed ONE thing in that video that was what people are whining about, UI customization and it seemed way way to rudimentary.


Where is FPS Fix, Ilum fix, faction imbalance, fix to unlootable bosses in EV etc etc.


Those are bugs...they arent going to mention that stuff in the video LMAO they explained new features in the video lol

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They showed ONE thing in that video that was what people are whining about, UI customization and it seemed way way to rudimentary.


Where is FPS Fix, Ilum fix, faction imbalance, fix to unlootable bosses in EV etc etc.


See, this is what I don't understand. I have never once had a FPS issue. They fixed Ilum yesterday unless you're talking about something else, and Bioware can't force people to roll republic. but your last thing sounds legitimate.

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I don't consider the simple addition of cutscenes "story" when every cutscene has someone telling you to go kill "x" number of these, or collect "x" number of those.


It's the same formula as every other MMO, but now with cutscenes and linearity, which most folks probably don't like. It was an average single-player game with other people running around in it, stealing my objectives. That's basically all it was to me.


I cancelled 2 days ago, and do not regret my decision. At this point I'm more morbidly curious as to the fate of this game, which is why I still follow the boards.

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Yes you do compare NOW WoW to NOW SWTOR. If SWTOR sucks NOW people will go to the WoW that is good NOW.




People seem to lack enough sense to grasp that the market doesn't give two ****s about what happened in 2004, they aren't buying something in 2004. The thought never even crosses their mind. They are buying something that has to compete with todays creations.


You don't see people going to the store and buying those ****** rip off mp3 players that play music videos over an itouch do you? Because it isn't competitive, especially not for the price.


Now stop being stupid, its insulting to everyone around you.


(not person i quoted, you're a cool guy)

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There are folks out there that say comparing SWTOR to CURRENT WoW is an invalid comparison. Those people are foolish. Let me explain by analogy:


If you go out and buy a 2012 model sports car today, do you want one that is "as good" as one made in 2005? Hell no. You want one that was made to compete with current-year offerings, not 2005 crap!


With this analogy in mind, SWTOR should not have been released in its current state and should have included:


1. Customizable UI (this is a standard feature in MMOs now)

2. Macro system (another standard feature)

3. Tuned user experience (referring to the character responsiveness issue)

4. An LFG tool (again, pretty much standard)


I am sure folks can come up with other things that should have been released out the door.


Now, let me point out a few good features SWTOR has to balance this post a little bit:


1. Companions. Love 'em! Makes questing easier (no duh), but being able to send other companions off to level crafting/gathering skills while you continue questing is really great. I give BW a major thumbs up for this feature.

2. Gear modifications. Being able to take level 15 orange gear that you like the looks of and just spend commendation badges to upgrade it all the way to 50 is just awesome.


Bottomline: Bioware shows its inexperience with MMOs and its inability to evaluate the competition and bring an overall better product to market. I, too, am going to give the game 1 more month before canceling my subscription.

Edited by WildBTK
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Okay well then you also need to consider when this particular game started development.


2006 was early planning stages? Which was about what time for WoW? Burning Crusade era, which much of the influence is shown in SWTOR. Many of these "features' that people are expecting in SWTOR at launch are actually realtively recent developments in the MMO genre.


Customizable default UIs weren't really that big until recently with the launch of games within perhaps the last 2 years. Things like guildbanks and guild progression also are relatively new concepts. For years guilds had existed in MMOs with next to zero innovation . Of course WoW has had guild banks for a bit but even they didn't have guild progression until around a year ago. Dungeon finder is a tool that meets more controversy than any other feature I've ever seen and again is a relatively new feature to the MMO market.


In an MMO or any game for that matter, but especially in MMOs, there comes a point where you need to simply "cut off" the extra features you want to add and do them later. Because honestly if you were to try and keep up with the next latest innovation from X MMO you'd be in prelaunch development indefinitely.


As for issues like ability delay, which I honestly believe has been blown way out of proportion, as I personally don't experience as much as people let on that they do. These are slight oversights and issues that will be corrected over time as they are able to be corrected. Every MMO ever has had things like this and every MMO hereafter will have them as well. Perhaps not this specific issue but there will always be "the big bug staring at everyone" in every MMO.


MMOs are about time in development. Which is why I always find it amusing that people like yourself try to use other product as analogies. Your analogy for instance with a phone. Sure most people these days want a smart phone and any company would bee foolish to try and charge the same price on handset and plan for a standard mobile devicxe as they would a smart phone. But then again that's also a rapidly evolving industry and new phones are developed quickly over the course of months to keep up with the pace.


The analogy has zero relevance to the MMO industry in any way. This a relatively slow developing industry that has changed very little over the course of a couple of decades.


Don't feel bad though, I see other people use cars, tv's, computers, one guy even tried to use an electric shaver as an analogy. Again it's a matter of speed of evolution, MMOs simply do not have relevance with these types of products.


Your right about alot of your points, but regards to my original point its the fact that the looked at all these features and were lazy or just did a poor job like as i used as my example the lfg feature is horrid and they spent money and time developing that instead of doing something like a lfg channel as it is a controversial feature.


Not to mention during 2 years of testing and beta and the game may have been in development since 2006 but has gone through massive changes and restructuring obviously months before launch these features could not have been implemented.


But whilst i played other mmos and followed swtor closely those mmos introduced features years ago and tor didnt even bother to look at them closely and during one of the restructuring or changes add or even lay the foundation for these features.


And regards to my analogy you missed the point i was talking about the development issues it was a point about how this market is bare and lacking in the market and you have "smart phones" as the competition. Now tor obviously cant have all the content of wow but it can definately match the features. Think they are adding numerous ammounts in months and months.


But they couldnt do that with 2 years development time or 1 year and bit beta time with people screaming for changes. So it isnt a problem of it being a technical or a development difficult its a problem of it not being a priority and thats what bothers me.

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Lol :D That made my day. There will be TORTANIC because EA/Bioware screw this up 120%. You want to know why ?


Well... in some way I followed your advice OP :) My brother ask me if he could get my copy of the game with the account. This or game would eat dirt while I would play something else.

I said - sure, why not!

- then can you keep subscription for another month ? (my brother is 14, he can't pay for that stuf yet)

- yeah - I said (acting cool) - i unsubscribed week ago, just let me make subscription again

- GREAT! - my brother said to me


I logged in into SWTOR.com, i went to subscription page, I setup subscrption and bought one month. Quick trip to paypal and paypal redirect me back to SWTOR.com.


Then I got error message telling me to try again later. Not only game is a pile of useless crap but subscription system don't work :p I put it on forum and they asked me to contact support. Support will handle this in a week or two so I just told my brother that game nad page is broken and I asked him to choose other game.


Anyway - point is - not only game is broken, not only people are quiting (TORTANIC) but also website don't allow you to subscribe. EPIC FAIL it is :-) So good luck Bioware - after today I'm out of the game and I'm out of the forum. And since my brother right now is trying Rift - you won't see him again. And my money :p And I won't buy him another copy of the game for 60$.


Goodbye and good luck.

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"But you don't compare vanilla WoW to current SWTOR. You compare current WoW to current SWTOR."



lol, totally disagree with this statement, you cant compare a product that has been out for over 5 years, to a product that has been out for only a month...and dont feel like educating this person on this as well, its kinda self explanatory.

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