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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is the ability delay game breaking to YOU?


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nope... haven't experienced any delay... perhaps my old brain doesn't sense the nano-second that it may delay... I say... IF there is a delay, learn to play with it... ADAPT. A TRUE warrior ADAPTS to the conditions of the battle. sheesh. Edited by Docsis
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really? go play a rogue in wow for like 5 frigging minutes, then come back to SWTOR, and you will instantly see the difference.




Can I just punch myself repeatedly in the gut instead? I feel like that would be more constructive.



Note: I did not say there was no ability delay, I just implied that it might be greatly exaggerated.


I also understand that it is different for different classes.


That being said...it's still greatly exaggerated.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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really? go play a rogue in wow for like 5 frigging minutes, then come back to SWTOR, and you will instantly see the difference.


I have a 85 rogue in WoW and a 47 Jedi Shadow in TOR...the big difference is..you have auto attack in WoW and none in TOR. With so much haste affects in WoW and some skills not on the global cooldown..along with auto attack...yeah there is a difference. But I can tell you this...I enjoy playing my Jedi Shadow more than I do my rogue. Bioware has done a much better job handling stealth in a game than Blizz has. The so called delay in ToR combat has been no issue for me.

Edited by Valkirus
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The people that say they don't know what we are talking about in regards to the ability/animation delay must be really slow casual players that something like this would not be noticed. It really is awful and has gotten me killed on several occasions and made me rage quit more than once.


Not quitting though, I love this game, they are aware of it and will fix it soon I hope. I deleted a level 25 Marauder because of it.

Edited by Balashark
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No we see it as funny that some find it worth complaining about:)


Well considering i would love to see ranked type pvp in this game come along, the delay is a huge killer for this, some people are naturally non competitive and that is fine, for those of us who are however, having a delay is defo game breaking in every aspect.

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The people that say they don't know what we are talking about in regards to the ability/animation delay must be really slow casual players that something like this would not be noticed. It really is awful and has gotten me killed on several occasions and made me rage quit more than once.


Not quitting though I love this game, they are aware of it and will fix it soon I hope.


It can depend on what class you play and what level you are. It didn't start to show up on my BH until I got Tracer Missile, the cast of which repeats for some reason. On sorcerers it didn't really seem to pop up at all, but I didn't play it very far either.

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Seems that a huge portion of SWTOR is filled with people that don't know the difference between "to" and "too." 'Too' funny.


I don't see a delay. I see a longer Global Cooldown in this game and it took some time to adjust to it from WoW. On top of that, I see a combat system in a game that is different than what I'm used to ... and I treat it as such.


If I want it my way, right away ... I'll go to Burger King. Now put your money where your mouth is, and hit that "cancel" button. Because at the end of the day, that speaks louder than any pathetic attempt at an attention grab you seek on these forums.


Please close the door on the way out ... some of us are enjoying ourselves here.


I concur.

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its not bad enough for me to serious notice yet in most instances.only time i can think the delay has affected my game is when in huttball i go to grapple->electrodart the ballcarrier in a firepit and after i use the grapple it doesnt activate til person is out of my sight therefore cancels.its not game breaking tho imo.(lvl 42 PT tank tree maxed)as someone said earlier the delay is a server response time issue.thats also the same problem that is causing long loads.if the server isnt sending the data ur client wont load the map or make the next ability work lol.


Edit:btw originsucks props on the sig i loled :D

Edited by Vgyer
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3 time glad on a Warlock

1 time glad on a Rogue


I don't see an ability delay, I see a longer GCD in this game than that of WoW. Then again, I don't play this game to compare it to WoW. I play this game to compare it to itself.


You may go now ...


Good points. The game is different than WoW in many ways. And yeah..if it was'nt..I would'nt be playing it.

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