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150 Kills/Arnaments for Ilum PVP weekly?


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If you think killing 150 players over the course of one week is too much, you ain't a big PVP player then are you? And if you aren't PVP player, why would you care about completing PVP quest?


lol, let me see you complete that when there are nowhere to find and kill 150 players... especially if you are imperial hehehehe

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Whether or not finding 150 players is easy/difficult because of your faction/server population this weekly is a ******* joke because a 150 kill weekly is the best they could come up with for an open world pvp mechanic. You must be ******* kidding me.
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If you think killing 150 players over the course of one week is too much, you ain't a big PVP player then are you? And if you aren't PVP player, why would you care about completing PVP quest?


Umm, last night I found one republic on Ilum. That was it. Collecting armaments is the only way to complete it.

Edited by Radiozo
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Ilum is a deadzone with Imperials desperately searching for repubs all over


you honestly think fighting over your own faction for 4-5 10 minute respawn nodes is fun? I'm unsubbing once I get my 0/14 battlemaster bag, this game all around is seriously a complete joke

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It should be 90.


Weekly PvP wins is 9, daily is 3.

Old weekly was 15 "help the war effort" when daily was 5.


If it's 30 and 150, that seems like a huge oversight or just someone who couldn't math.


And they really need to make the boxes have 2-3 armaments each.

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TBH, there shouldn't be any boxes that drop PvP objectives. They only did this because they knew that the underpopulated side would leave Ilum a ghost town and the stronger side would also be unable to complete their daily / weekly.
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If you think killing 150 players over the course of one week is too much, you ain't a big PVP player then are you? And if you aren't PVP player, why would you care about completing PVP quest?


Timeout. I think it's very server specific - not person specific. I'ma big PvPer. It's (literally) all I do. I sit in Ilum while queued for warzones. That's it.


Our server is lacking Repubs to the point to where after sitting in Ilum for 5 hours, I got 11 kills and 3 armaments.

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Timeout. I think it's very server specific - not person specific. I'ma big PvPer. It's (literally) all I do. I sit in Ilum while queued for warzones. That's it.


Our server is lacking Repubs to the point to where after sitting in Ilum for 5 hours, I got 11 kills and 3 armaments.



And... only you can fix the problem. Apparently all you zerg sitting around in your queues for hutt ball hoping that SOMEONE ELSE will roll republic isn't working.

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Where you get those armaments anyway?


Well, I had no problems with finishing weekly in like 30 mins and I play Republic side on ToFN. We have really nice fights on Ilum, maybe because community here realised that it is better to fight in the open with interesting terrain around than sit at base and wait for some noobs wanting to explore area.

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If you think getting 150 kills is hard as an imperial try doing it as a republic. The best odds I've seen are 3 against 1.


Not only that, I play as a healer. Last night I got a decent group going. I spent all night healing my teammates... that together managed to get about 6 kills. But none of those kills counted because I didn't do any damage to the imps because I was being a team player and healing.

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They shouldn't have the armaments as part of the quest at all and definitely shouldn't be increasing the number you get. As to the numbers required its not very casual friendly expecting people to be on 5 times a week and so I think they should really be reducing that down.
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